Assalomu alaykum,
Qadrli kuzatuvchilar,
Buyuk Britaniyadagi ta'lim jarayonlari ham 25 maydan so'ng oxirgi imtihonlarimni topshirib olganimdan so'ng o'z nihoyasiga yetdi. Keyingi 3 oy davomida esa dissertatsiyamni ustida ish olib borishim lozim.
Bugungi xabarni yozishimdan maqsad esa Chevening granti 2021-2022 kandidatlarini e'lon qilishga ham oz qolganligini bilgan xolda, agar yangiliklar bo'lsa va javoblari e'lon qilinsa shu kanalning izohlar qismiga qoldirishingizni xohlayman, agar bu kanal qaysidir jihatdan sizning muvaffaqiyatingizga sabab bo'lgan bo'lsa maqsadimizga erishdik
Dear followers,
Recently, after my never-ending final exams, I have unofficially graduated the university. I have got 3 months to submit my master's thesis and have already started working on that to accomplish the whole requirements to become the master in Finance and Investment. The journey was challenging and at the same time transformed my knowledge capacity into the new level. I confidently say that I have become the master in my field and can be competitive candidate in the work sphere in Investment banking, Hedge fund and Asset management firms.
But, my message is not about my studies, rather it is concerned with upcoming results of Chevening scholarship finalists. If you become the Chevening scholar this year, please kindly share your success with us in the comments section below.
Qadrli kuzatuvchilar,
Buyuk Britaniyadagi ta'lim jarayonlari ham 25 maydan so'ng oxirgi imtihonlarimni topshirib olganimdan so'ng o'z nihoyasiga yetdi. Keyingi 3 oy davomida esa dissertatsiyamni ustida ish olib borishim lozim.
Bugungi xabarni yozishimdan maqsad esa Chevening granti 2021-2022 kandidatlarini e'lon qilishga ham oz qolganligini bilgan xolda, agar yangiliklar bo'lsa va javoblari e'lon qilinsa shu kanalning izohlar qismiga qoldirishingizni xohlayman, agar bu kanal qaysidir jihatdan sizning muvaffaqiyatingizga sabab bo'lgan bo'lsa maqsadimizga erishdik
Dear followers,
Recently, after my never-ending final exams, I have unofficially graduated the university. I have got 3 months to submit my master's thesis and have already started working on that to accomplish the whole requirements to become the master in Finance and Investment. The journey was challenging and at the same time transformed my knowledge capacity into the new level. I confidently say that I have become the master in my field and can be competitive candidate in the work sphere in Investment banking, Hedge fund and Asset management firms.
But, my message is not about my studies, rather it is concerned with upcoming results of Chevening scholarship finalists. If you become the Chevening scholar this year, please kindly share your success with us in the comments section below.