Zikirillo's Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Образование

Foydali sourcesga to'la foydali kanal💯✍️
IELTS : overall 6.5 Sefr : overall 64 (B2)
🎧Listening : 6.5 🎧Listening : 67
📕Reading : 6 📕Reading : 64
📝Writing : 6 📝Writing : 61
🗣Speaking : 6.5 🗣Speaking : 64

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Speaking part 1
Topic : Hats and Caps

Q1 : Do you like to wear hats❓

Yes definitely I do love wearing seasonal and fashionable hats because not only can hats make me more attractive in front of others but also help me feel more confident and free. And that's why I like them.

Q2 : Is wearing hats popular in your country❓

Yes wearing hats nowadays compared to the past is hyper-popular in my country Uzbekistan, particularly among those who are young and love fashion. They usually tend to buy the latest kinds of hats to look more attractive and fashionable.

Q3 : Why do people wear hats and caps❓

I guess, there are only two reasons why people wear hats and caps. The first reason is that people wear them to look more stylish and fashionable which is usually popular among youngsters. Secondly, people might use them as protection usually from extreme weather.

Q4 : Did you use to wear a hat when you were a child❓

Years ago when I was a kid, I used to wear a beanie only in winter to protect my head from the freezing weather. Because, winter in my county Uzbekistan tends to be so cold that I or others might get sick by not wearing hats. That is why whether I liked it or not I was forced to wear beanie to stay health.


Bu grammar "Of" so'zi bilan bog'liq.
Yani ko'pchiligimiz bilamiz "of" ning degan manoni beradi.Lekin bu so'z gapning boshida birinchi so'z bo'lib kelsa "among" so'ziga sinonim bo'lib keladi yani orasida degan manoni bildiradi.Va Listening Readingga ham kelish ehtimoli yuqori (ayniqsa Readingda)

Examples :
1) Of all the teachers, my teacher Sherzodbek is the best

Uzb version : Barcha o'qituvchilar orasida teacher im Sherzodbek eng zo'ri

Bu yerda :
Of all the teachers=among all the teachers ga sinonim sifatida kelyapti

2) Of all the people I have met this year, you are the best one.

Uzb version : Men bu yil uchratgan odamlarim orasida sen eng yaxshisisan.

No matter how beautiful the future is, it can't still be like history.

Kelajak qanchalik chiroyli bo'lmasin, u baribir tarixdek bo'lolmaydi.

Just liked

One of the most asab buzar narsalardan😐😐

Speaking part 1
Topic : Stories

Q1 : Do you like listening to stories or reading them❓

Actually nowadays, I neither like listening to stories nor reading them, since I find them tedious. But when I was a kid, I used to love listening to them and everyday before going to bed, my mother used to tell me different kinds of stories and that was really amazing for me.

Q2 : Did you love stories in your childhood❓

Yes I partially did. But I wasn't obsessed with them. I mean, stories were an ordinary part of my life when I was a kid and as I mentioned previously, I used to listen to different kinds of stories at night by my mother particularly advanturous ones and that was really interesting for me.


Biror narsani bo'lishi muqarrar extimoli yuqori degan maʼno beradi.

Examples :
1) You are bound to fail the exam, if you waste your time.

Uzb version : Siz imtixondan yiqilishing muqarrar (extimoli yuqori) agar vaqtingizni isrof qilsangiz.

2) You were bound not to get IELTS band 7, because  you didn't use to do your homework by heart.

Uzb version : IELTS dan 7 olmasliging deyarli aniq edi, chunki sen dardlaringni yurakdan qilmasding.

Speaking part 1
Topic : Colours

Q1 : What is the colour you dislike❓

Actually, there are two colours that I don't like at all and these are pink and red. The reason why I don't like these colours is that you know these are kind of girlish colours and girls use them all the time. That's why I don't like them so much and I try to avoid using them all the time.

Q2 : What is your favourite colour❓

When I was a kid, my favourite colour was blue, since it was kind of attractive to me but nowadays I am a person whose favourite colour is black.I don't know the exact reason for this but whenever I need to buy something, let's clothes I choose ones that are black.

Q3 : Have your ever bough something beause of its colour❓

Yes I have. For example I purchased my phone - Mi Note 5+ not only because of its quality and price but also because of its colour. As you can see that it is grey which is another one of my favourite colours. Additionally I have bought lots of my clothes due to their colours.

Q4 : What colours do your friends like most❓

When it comes to my friends' tastes in colours, honestly I've never asked them about this but I suppose their favourite colours can be black and white, because not only my friends but also many people in my country express that these are their favourite colours. And whenever you go out you can see many people wearing something in these colours.


Gone are the days+when+ Past sentnece

Description : Bu grammatika "inversion" ni bir ko'rinishi hisoblanadi va ma'nosi qisqacha unaqa kunlar o'tdi tugadi, shunday qilinishi kerek bo'lgan kunlar o'tdi degan manoda keladi.

1)  Gone are the days when you had to study so hard to get into the university.

Uzb version : Sen universitetga kirishing uchun qattiq o'qishing kerak bo'lgan kunlar o'tib ketti.

2) Gone are the days when people used Nokia

Uzb version : Odamlar Nokia ishlatadigan kunlar o'tib ketdi, tugadi.

Speaking part 1
Topic : Borrowing and Lending

Q1 : Have you ever borrowed books from others❓

No I have never borrowed books from others, because I am not a bookworm and I find reading difficult and tedious even though I know that reading is a beneficial habit and that I should read at least a chapter on a daily basis, I tend to become kind of lazy when it comes to reading a book. But I hope that in the foreseeable future I will start reading as a habit.

Q2 : Have you ever borrowed money from others❓

I can't remember actually, but It is likely that I have borrowed some money from my friends in the past.But you know what it is very rare situation because of my personality. I mean I don't like it so much and almost all the time I try to avoid borrowing money from others.

Q3 : Do you like to lend things to others❓

Well, it really depends on what I need to give. Let's say someone asks me for my books, clothes or maybe for some money, yes in this situation I can easily lend them to others. But provided that it is my mobile phone for example, no I don't like it and would never give them to others. You know what, this is my personal and private device and on my phone, there are some videos and pictures that I want no one to see. That's why it really depends on the item.

#7GrammarTime :

Covered "Inversion"
Formula :

Examples :
1) "So usuful was the lesson that I learned a new grammar structure".

Uzb version : dars shunaqangi foydali ediki men yangi grammatik structure o'rgandim.

2) "So lovely was the song that I listened to it all day.

Uzb version : Qo'shiq shunaqangi yoqmili ediki men uni kun bo"yi eshitib yurdim.

I highly felt the importance of "spelling" in listening

This is the breakdown of my exam🙂.
Exx listening💔.



Description :
Bu structure bitta sentence ni noun ga aylantirish uchun ishlatiladi.Ya'ni masalan "I bough a new car"--men yangi moshina sotib oldim bu bitta to'liq gap lekin biz buni "That I bough a new car" desek men sotib olgan yangi moshina degan ma'no beradi va noun format ga o'zgarib ketadi

Examples :
1) That I downloaded a song was amazing--Men yuklab olgan qo'shiq ajoyib edi.

2) That I have such a dynamic personality atrracts many people--
Menda shundey dinamik personality bo'lishi ko'pchilikni jalb qiladi

My eyes and brain are hurting me together in this amazing day😕.

🪝"To be one step ahead of someone"
Meaning : Kimdandir bir qadan oldinda bo'lish

Examples :
🚀 : That I am more intelligent than you means that I am at least one step ahead of you.

🇺🇿 : Sendan aqilliroqligim shuni anglatadiki, men sendan kamida bir qadam oldinroqdaman

Speaking part 1
Topic : Home and decoration

Q1 : What kind of housing accomodation do you live in❓

Well, the place I live in now is a big home. I've been living there with my family since I was born. I love this home as I've been going through so many good and bad things there but in the upcoming future I am going to buy a new large house.

Q2 : What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room❓

Given the chance, to paint the walls of my room, I would go for a combination of black and white, because first of all they are the colours that make my room as attractive as I want and also they are the colours that most people like as well as me. That's why I prefer them.

Q3 : What can you see from the windows where you live❓

As soon as I open the windows, I can see the beautiful nature which includes a small river and plenty or trees and plants. It is also possible to see some gigantic mountains but they are a bit far from my home.

Q4 : Do you prefer living in a house or a flat❓

I am more of a person who likes living in a house. I think it is mainly because I've been living in a house since I was born and whenever I am in a house I can feel so confident and free.That's why I prefer this .


"So as not to"+V=not to+verb
(Nimadir qilmaslik uchun)

Examples :
1) I carried a paper map so as not to get lost in the forest--O'rmonda adashib qolmaslik uchun qogʻoz harita olib oldim.

2) I left my phone at home so as not to let my friends read the messages on it--Phone imni uyda qoldirdim, do'stlarimga undagi habarlarni o'qishga yo'l qo'ymaslik uchun.

One of the sweetest problems comes when you are obsessed with choosing a university based on your expertise🙂🙃.

I want to give up saying giving up.

No shortcuts, no excuses and laziness. Only determined to goals

But laziness😬

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