Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Dedicated to linking, developing, and supporting ELT professionals & Educators. IATEFL Associate Teaching Association

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

A subsidy of 50 million soms will be allocated for foreign language teachers.

A one-time subsidy is provided for foreign language teachers working in vocational education organizations and centers for professional skills.

More info:


5th CLIL Program.pdf
📌 Urgench state university приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom.

✅ Тема: 5th International Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Conference

⏰ Время: 20 февр. 2025 09:30 Исламабад, Карачи, Ташкент

🔗 Подключиться к конференции Zoom


🔎 Идентификатор конференции: 738 913 5247

🔐 Код доступа: 2025

Репост из: Azamat Akbar | Lektorium
Гўзал олималар билан 5-чи халқаро CLIL конференциясини бошлаш арафасидамиз. Мадрид университетидан профессор Ана ва Ўзбекистон Республикаси Олий таълим, фан ва инновациялар вазирлиги Жамоатчилик Кенгаши раиси Феруза опа билан.

Урганч давлат университети.

Oriental universiteti va O‘zbekiston ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari uyushmasi o‘rtasida muhim memorandum imzolandi!

Bu shunchaki bitim emas – bu kelajak avlod ta’limida yangi sahifa, yangi umid, yangi imkoniyatlar demakdir!

🟢 Memorandumning oliy maqsadi nima?
Oriental universitetida xorijiy tillarni o‘qitishni yangi cho‘qqilarga ko‘tarish, zamonaviy va ilg‘or ta’lim usullarini joriy etish orqali yosh avlodga dunyoga ochilgan eshiklar kalitini berish!

✉️ Bu hamkorlik nimalarni o‘z ichiga oladi?

🟢 universitetda ingliz tilini o‘qitish amaliyotini yanada takomillashtirish;
🟢 Filologiya fakulteti ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari uchun xalqaro standartlarga (CEFR, CELTA) muvofiq zamonaviy ta’lim tizimini yaratish;
🟢 soha mutaxassislari o‘rtasida tajriba almashish va maslahat faoliyatini rivojlantirish;
🟢nufuzli xalqaro va milliy tilshunoslik konferensiyalarini tashkil etish;
🟢mazkur jarayonlarga yetakchi jahon universitetlari, xalqaro til ekspertlari va soha mutaxassislarini jalb qilish.
🟢 Oriental universiteti va O‘zbekiston ingliz tili o‘qituvchilari uyushmasi hamkorligi — bu kelajak avlod uchun qo‘yilgan mustahkam poydevor, ilm-fan va ta’lim sohasida yangi sahifa!

#Oriental #Hamkorlik #XalqaroStandartlar

👍 ORIENTAL Matbuot xizmati

🌐 Ijtimoiy tarmoq sahifalarimiz

Workshop by Afroza Akhter Tina

I’m honored to be presenting at the 2025 Teaching Festival organized by Webster University! Join me for the SpeedRound Presentation where I’ll be sharing insights on Using Interviews and AI to Teach Leadership, Social Annotation with, and Enhancing Listening & Writing Skills with Storytelling.

📅 Date: Tuesday, February 11
Time: 9:00 - 9:50 AM CST | 8:00 PM Tashkent Time
📍 Format: Online
🔗 Register & Learn More

I’d love to have your support—see you there!


✅ Zebo Isakova, Adjunct Professor, GCP, Tashkent

✅ Rena Rockwell, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education

✅ Afroza Akhter Tina, Adjunct Professor, CHSS, Tashkent

Webster community will share valuable ideas and techniques they've implemented in their classrooms.


Zamira opa Abdieva recently shared a thought-provoking post on the impact of education on a country's development through statistics.

A notable statistic highlights the graduates in STEM fields, where China leads in numbers. This may relate to China and India having the largest populations, but there's more to it. China's educational focus is so intense that internet and TV for kids are restricted, and gaming is limited to just one hour per week. The main goal is education, making it easier to cultivate a higher percentage of talented students compared to other countries.

🇺🇿 An Instagram reel from Sadullaev Alisher pointed out the low percentage of Uzbek students making it into top universities compared to the national population, illustrating the critical role of education in national growth.

Zamira opa urges parents to actively engage in their children's education, especially during vacation programs, to ensure it's not just about entertainment but also enriching academic and technological pursuits. For those interested in deeper insights into AI and China’s rise as a tech giant, Zamira recommends Kai-Fu Lee's book 'AI Superpowers.'

📌 Zamira opa promises more posts on education abroad, so stay tuned for more enriching discussions.

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Are you passionate about Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)?

Do you want to explore innovative ways to enhance your teaching and connect with like-minded professionals from around the world?

Join us at the 5th International CLIL Conference on February 20, 2025, in Urgench, Uzbekistan!

This year’s theme:
“Innovating Education: Advancing CLIL for Global Learning and Collaboration”

We are proud to feature a
stellar lineup of plenary speakers
, including
renowned experts from Uzbekistan, Spain, the Netherlands, and Iran

Whether you’re an experienced CLIL practitioner or just starting your journey, this conference will provide valuable insights, research, and networking opportunities.

📌 Want to contribute? We invite submissions on a wide range of topics related to CLIL!

📩 For inquiries and submissions, contact:

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🙌 ESL Teacher Training at OXUS University is back!

We are happy to have hosted an enriching ESL teacher training session at OXUS University, bringing together dedicated educators from the Tashkent region. A heartfelt thank you to our OXUS team representatives, Mrs. Nilufar and Azoda, for their exceptional guidance and support.

This event was a fantastic opportunity for teachers to hone their skills, learn innovative teaching methods, and connect with peers. The energy and enthusiasm were inspiring, and we are proud to support the professional growth of ESL teachers.

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🌍 15th International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics (FLTAL)
🗓 2-3 May 2025
📍 Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
💻 Hybrid Event: In-Person & Virtual

Theme: Innovative Pedagogies for Multilingual Classrooms: Fostering Cultural Competence in Language Education

🔎 The conference invites submissions addressing foreign language teaching and learning in the following areas:

▶️ Applied Linguistics
▶️Bilingualism & Multilingualism
▶️Cognitive Linguistics
▶️Education Management
▶️Language Acquisition & Learning
▶️Curriculum Development
▶️Language Teacher Education
▶️Teaching Methodology
▶️Language Testing & Assessment
▶️Linguistics & Literacy
▶️Translation Studies
▶️And other FLTAL-related topics

Plenary Speakers Include:
🎙 Ali Fuad Selvi – The University of Alabama, USA
🎙 Azamat Akbarov – FLTAL Chairperson, Uzbekistan
🎙 Bonny Norton – The University of British Columbia, Canada
🎙 Paul Kei Matsuda – Arizona State University, USA
🎙 Sarah Mercer – The University of Graz, Austria

Submit your paper, engage with experts, and be part of an inspiring conversation about the future of language education! 🌍📚

For more details, visit (will be updated soon)
📧 For inquiries:

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🌎 An incredible opportunity to connect, learn, and grow!

The 6th International Conference on Education and Linguistics (ICEL) and Exhibitions hosted by Westminster International University in Tashkent!

📅 Dates: 2-3 May 2025
📍 Location: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
🎓 Title: Innovations in Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future
🌐 Mode: Hybrid (in-person and virtual)

Don’t miss this chance to exchange ideas, showcase your research, and engage with educators worldwide.

For submissions and more details, visit the website:

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🔄 Collaboration in Education

It was a great honor to welcome H.E. Dr. Mohammad Monirul Islam, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of #Bangladesh to the Republic of Uzbekistan.

📥 Highlighted our fruitful collaboration with Mrs. Afroza Akhter Tina, a dedicated educator from Bangladesh, as we worked together last year to train ESL teachers in Uzbekistan. Through a series of impactful workshops held in Tashkent and across the country, we aimed to elevate English language teaching standards and support educators in delivering quality instruction.

🇺🇿🇧🇩 The discussion also emphasized the importance of cross-cultural partnerships in education, the shared goal of empowering teachers, and our vision to create meaningful opportunities for professional development in Uzbekistan.

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Показано 12 последних публикаций.