Essential Words | VOCABULARY

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

📘 4000 Essential English Words:
Essential vocabulary for English learners!
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

📘 Book 3 | Unit 21

📑 Word list

🟦 hollow [hɒlou] adj. — kavak, g'ovak
🔻>> When something is hollow, it has an empty space inside. >> Qachonki biror narsa hollow bo'lsa, uning ichida bo'sh joy bo'ladi.

— Straws are hollow, so liquid can flow through them.
— Somonlar ichi bo'sh, shuning uchun ular orqali suyuqlik oqishi mumkin.

🟦 instinct [ɪnstɪŋkt] n. — instinkt
🔻>> Instinct is the natural way that people behave without thinking about it. >> Instinct odamlar u haqida o'ylamasdan tabiiy ravishda o'zini tutishi.

— Cats hunt mice because of instinct.
— Mushuklar instinkt sabab sichqonlarni ovlaydi.

🟦 joint [dʒɔɪnt] n. — bo'g'im
🔻>> A joint is a place of the body where the bones meet, such as the knee. >> A joint tanadagi suyaklar to'qnashadigan joy, masalan, tizza.

— Two important bones in your leg meet at a joint in your knee.
— Oyog'ingizdagi ikkita muhim suyak tizzangizdagi bo'g'imda uchrashadi.

🟦 leak [liːk] v. — sizib chiqmoq, oqmoq
🔻>> To leak is to let a liquid or gas pass through a flaw. >> To leak bu suyuqlik yoki gazni biror narsadan o‘tkazib yuborishdir.

— The pipe leaks from many places.
— Quvur koʻp joydan oqadi.

🟦 physician [fɪzɪʃən] n. — doktor
🔻>> A physician is a doctor. >> A physician bu doktor degani.

— The physician said I would feel better if I took my medicine.
— Shifokor dori ichsam, o‘zimni yaxshi his qilishimni aytdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.


Siz izlab yurgan beg'ubor maskan🌼
Xolis tavsiyam, telegram tarmog'idagi eng sara kanal..☺️

@moychechak_ifori 🌼 - qalblar orom oladigan maskan!

Aʼzo bo‘ling!👇

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📘 Book 3 | Unit 21

📑 Word list

🟦 dim [dɪm] adj. — nursiz, xira
🔻>> When something is dim, it does not give out much light. >> Qachonki biror narsa dim bo'lsa, u ortiq yorug'lik bermaydi.

— Working in a dim room is bad for your eyes.
— Nursiz xonada ishlash ko'zingiz uchun yomon.

🟦 emphasis [emfəsis] n. — alohida e'tibor
🔻>> Emphasis is special attention or importance. >> Emphasis alohida e'tibor yoki muhimlik.

— The students put special emphasis on chapter 4 because it will be on the test.
— Talabalar 4-bobga alohida e'tibor berishdi, chunki u testda bo'ladi.

🟦 fable [feibəl] n. — masal
🔻>> A fable is a short story that teaches a lesson. >> A fable dars o'qitadigan qisqa hikoya.

— In the fable about the tortoise and the hare, the lesson is consistency.
— Toshbaqa va quyon haqidagi masalda saboq izchillikdir.

🟦 feast [fiːst] n. — ziyofat, bazm
🔻>> A feast is a large meal for many people. >> A feast ko'p odamga katta ovqat.

— At Thanksgiving, I enjoy a wonderful feast with my family.
— Shukrona kunida men oilam bilan ajoyib ziyofatdan zavqlanaman.

🟦 glow [glou] v. — nur sochmoq
🔻>> To glow is to make a soft light. >> To glow biroz nur chiqarmoq degani.

— The small flame glowed softly.
— Kichkina alanga ohista porladi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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#Diqqat_savol ❓:
Tug'ilmagan lekin o'lgan?
O'lmagan lekin tug'ilgan?

Javobni bilmasligingiz aniq
Chunki men topa olmadim😔👇

📘 Book 3 | Unit 21

📑 Word list

🟦 accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] adj. — odatlangan, o'rgangan
🔻>> When you become accustomed to something, you are in the habit of it. >> Qachonki siz biror narsaga accustomed bo'lsangiz, siz unga odatlangansiz.

— Grandfather is accustomed to reading the newspaper every morning.
— Bobom har kuni ertalab gazeta o'qishga o'rgangan.

🟦 affirm [əˈfəːrm] v. — tasdiqlamoq
🔻>> To affirm is to say that something is true. >> To affirm biror narsa to'g'riligini aytish degani.

— Using a graph, Malcolm affirmed the success o f the company.
— Chizmadan foydalanib Malkolm kompaniyaning muvaffaqiyatini tasdiqladi.

🟦 astonished [əstɒnɪʃt] adj. — hayratda qolgan, lol qolgan
🔻>> If someone is astonished, they are very surprised or shocked. >> Agar birortasi astonished bo'lsa, u juda hayratda qolgan bo'ladi.

— I was astonished when he pulled the live rabbit out of his hat.
— U shlyapadan quyonni chiqarganda juda hayratlandim.

🟦 bang [æŋ] v. — dang'illatmoq
🔻>> To bang is to hit something to make a noise. >> To bang shovqin qilish uchun biror narsani urish degani.

— The drummer banged on his drum as he marched in the parade.
— Barabanchi paradda yurganida barabanini chaldi.

🟦 clan [klæn] n. — urug'-aymoq
🔻>> A clan is a group of relatives or friends. >> A clan qarindoshlar yoki do'stlar guruhi.

— The Lee clan meets every year to celebrate the New Year.
— Li oilasi har yili Yangi yilni nishonlash uchun yig‘iladi.

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📘 Book 3 | Unit 20

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

🔻beneath - ostida
🔻cub - ayiq bolasi
🔻dawn - tong
🔻dissatisfied - qoniqmagan
🔻ease - yengillik
🔻evident - aniq
🔻hail - do'l
🔻howl - uvullamoq
🔻leap - sakrash
🔻magnificent - ajoyib
🔻necessity - majburiyat
🔻outcome - natija
🔻pile - uyum
🔻profound - aqilli
🔻seize - changallamoq
🔻squeeze - siqmoq
🔻supreme - oliy
🔻terrific - ajoyib
🔻trait - fazilat
🔻vital - hayotiy

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 20

📑 Word list

🟦 squeeze [skwiːz] v. — siqmoq, qismoq
🔻>> To squeeze something means to press it together and hold it tightly. >> Biror narsani squeeze qilish uni bosish va mahkam ushlash degani.

— When Clara saw her cat, she gave it a big squeeze.
— Klara mushukini ko'rgach, uni qattiq siqib qo'ydi.

🟦 supreme [suˈpriːm] adj. — oliy, yuqori
🔻>> When something is supreme, it is the highest or best. >> Qachonki biror narsa supreme bo'lsa, u eng balandi yoki yaxshisi.

— The supreme officer was in charge of keeping the citizens calm.
— Oliy amaldor fuqarolarni tinchlantirishga mas'ul edi.

🟦 terrific [təˈrɪfɪk] adj. — juda yaxshi
🔻>> When something is terrific, it is very good. >> Qachonki biror narsa terrific bo'lsa, u juda yaxshi bo'ladi.

— My youngest daughter is a terrific painter.
— Mening kenja qizim ajoyib rassom.

🟦 trait [treɪt] n. — o'ziga xoslik
🔻>> A trait is part of someone’s personality. >> A trait birortasi shaxsiyatining bir qismi.

— One trait of Salvador’s personality is his cheerfulness.
— Salvador shaxsiyatining bir o'ziga xosligi bu quvnoqlik.

🟦 vital [vaɪtl] adj. — muhim, zarur, kerakli
🔻>> When something is vital, it is necessary for life. >> Qachonki biror narsa vital bo'lsa, u hayot uchun zarur bo'ladi.

— The heart is a vital organ.
— Yurak muhim organ.

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📘 Book 3 | Unit 20

📑 Word list

🟦 necessity [nɪˈsesətɪ] n. — zaruriyat, ehtiyoj
🔻>> A necessity is something that is needed. >> A necessity kerak bo'ladigan biror narsa.

— Fresh water is a necessity for life.
— Yangi suv hayot uchun birinchi zarurat hisoblanadi.

🟦 outcome [autkʌm] n. — natija, samara
🔻>> An outcome is the end of an action or event. >> An outcome biror harakat yoki voqeaning so'ngi.

— The outcome of his latest business plan was a complete failure.
— Uning so'nggi biznes-rejasining natijasi butunlay muvaffaqiyatsiz bo'ldi.

🟦 pile [paɪl] n. — uyum, g'aram
🔻>> A pile is a large group of things on top of one another. >> A pile bir birining ustiga chiqqan narsalarning katta guruhi.

— The pile of cups was beginning to tilt.
— Kosalar uyumi qiyshaya boshladi.

🟦 profound [prəˈfaund] adj. — teran
🔻>> When something is profound, it is very intelligent. >> Qachonki biror narsa profound bo'lsa, u juda aqlli bo'ladi.

— For a little boy, Jeremy has some profound thoughts.
— Kichkina bola uchun Jeremi juda teran fikrlarga ega.

🟦 seize [siːz] v. — changallamoq
🔻>> To seize something means to grab it quickly or strongly. >> Biror narsani seize qilish uni tez yoki qattiq ushlash degani.

— The man seized as much money as he could before anyone could see him.
— Erkak uni hech kim ko‘rmaguncha imkoni boricha pulni changallab oldi.

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📘 Book 3 | Unit 20

📑 Word list

🟦 evident [evɪdənt] adj. — ayon, ma'lum
🔻>> When something is evident, it is easy to see or understand. >> Qachonki biror narsa evident bo'lsa, u ko'rish yoki tushunishga oson bo'ladi.

— It was evident from the look on his face that he was unhappy.
— Uning yuzidagi qarashdan hursand emasligi ma'lum edi.

🟦 hail [heɪl] n. — do'l
🔻>> Hail is ice that falls from the sky when rain freezes. >> Hail osmondan yomg'ir muzlaganda tushadigan muz.

— The hail from the storm was the size of golf balls.
— Bo'rondagi do'lning kattaligi golf ko'ptogichalik edi.

🟦 howl [haul] v. — uvillamoq
🔻>> To howl means to make a long, loud sound like a wolf or a dog. >> To howl it yoki bo'riga o'xshab uzun, baland ovoz chiqarish degani.

— The wolf howled at the moon.
— Bo'ri oyga qarab uvilladi.

🟦 leap [liːp] v. — sakrab o'tmoq, saqlamoq
🔻>> To leap means to jump a long distance. >> To leap uzoq masofaga sakrash degani.

— He had to leap over the gap to reach the other side of the hill.
— U tepalikning narigi tomoniga yetib borish uchun boʻshliqdan sakrab oʻtishi kerak edi.

🟦 magnificent [mægˈnɪfəsənt] adj. — ajoyib, zo'r
🔻>> When something is magnificent, it is beautiful and grand. >> Qachonki biror narsa magnificent bo'lsa, u chiroyli va zo'r.

— The man gave his wife a pair of magnificent diamond earrings.
— Erkak xotiniga bir juft ajoyib olmos sirg'alarini sovg'a qildi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 20

📑 Word list

🟦 beneath [bɪˈniːθ] prep. — ostida, tagida
🔻>> If something is beneath something else, it is under it. >> Agar biror narsa boshqa biror narsaning beneath qismida bo'lsa, u uning ostida bo'ladi.

— The largest part of an iceberg lies beneath the waterline.
— Aysbergning eng katta qismi suv satxidan pastda yotadi.

🟦 cub [kʌb] n. — hayvon bolasi
🔻>> A cub is a baby animal, such as a bear or lion. >> A cub ayiq yoki sher kabi hayvonlarning bolasi.

— The lion cub was crying for its mother.
— Arslon bolasi onasi uchun yig‘lardi.

🟦 dawn [dɔːn] n. — tong, sahar
🔻>> Dawn is the time of day when the sun rises. >> Dawn quyosh chiqadigan kunning vaqti.

— At dawn, the sun gently rose over the farm.
— Tongda quyosh ferma ustidan ohista ko‘tarildi.

🟦 dissatisfied [dɪsˈsætɪsfaɪd] adj. — qoniqmagan, norozi
🔻>> If you are dissatisfied, you are not happy with something. >> Agar siz dissatisfied bo'lsangiz, siz biror narsadan hursand emassiz.

— I was dissatisfied with their decision to work on Sunday.
— Men ularning yakshanba kuni ishlash haqidagi qaroridan norozi bo'ldim.

🟦 ease [iːz] n. — osonlik, yengillik
🔻>> When something is done with ease, it is not hard to do. >> Qachonki biror narsa ease bilan qilingan bo'lsa, u qiyin emas.

— The monkey climbed the tree with ease.
— Maymun daraxtda osonlik bilan sakradi.

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♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📘 Book 3 | Unit 19

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

🔻bench - o'rindiq
🔻confront - qarshi turmoq
🔻daisy - moychechak
🔻dispute - kelishmovchilik
🔻horror - dahshat
🔻incident - hodisa
🔻mist - tuman
🔻object - ob'ekt
🔻orphan - yetim
🔻plot - reja
🔻pregnant - homilador
🔻rage - g'azab
🔻revenge - intiqom
🔻shame - sharmandalik
🔻sigh - xo'rsinmoq
🔻sneak - sezdirmasdan yurmoq
🔻spare - ortiqcha
🔻stem - tana
🔻supper - kechki ovqat
🔻tender - yumshoq

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📘 Book 3 | Unit 19

📑 Word list

🟦 sneak [sniːk] v. — sezdirmay ketmoq
🔻>> To sneak is to move quietly so that no one hears or sees you. >> To sneak hech kim ko'rmasligi yoki eshitmasligi uchun asta harakatlanish.

— The thief snuck out of the house without anyone noticing him.
— O‘g‘ri hech kimga sezdirmay, uydan yashirinib chiqib ketdi.

🟦 spare [spɛə:r] v. — berib yubormoq
🔻>> To spare something is to give it because you have more than you need. >> Biror narsani spare qilish sizda undan keragidan ortiqcha borligi uchun birortasiga berish degani.

— I wanted to help him but I couldn’t spare a tire.
— Men unga yordam bermoqchi edim, lekin shinamni berib yubora olmadim.

🟦 stem [stem] n. — poya
🔻>> The stem of a plant is the stick that grows leaves or flowers. >> O'simlikning stem'i undan barg yoki gul o'sadigan tayoq.

— The rose had a long thin stem.
— Atirgulda uzun ingichka poya bor.

🟦 supper [sʌpər] n. — kechki taom
🔻>> Supper is a meal that is eaten in the evening. >> Supper kechki payt yeyiladigan taom.

— We usually have supper around 6 o’clock at my house.
— Biz odatda soat 6 atrofida kechki ovqatni yeymiz.

🟦 tender [tendə:r] adj. — yumshoq, barra
🔻>> When something is tender, it is soft and easy to chew. >> Qachonki biror narsa tender bo'lsa, u yumshoq va chaynashga oson bo'ladi.

— The meat was so tender they didn’t need knives to cut it with.
— Go'sht shunchalik yumshoq ediki, ularni kesish uchun pichoq kerak emas edi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 19

📑 Word list

🟦 pregnant [pregnənt] adj. — homilador
🔻>> When a female is pregnant, she is going to have a baby. >> Qachonki biror ayol yoki urg'ochi pregnant bo'lsa, u bola ko'rish arafasida bo'ladi.

— The pregnant woman was shopping for baby clothes.
— Homilador ayol bola uchun xarid qilayotgan edi.

🟦 rage [reɪdʒ] n. — g'azab, qahr
🔻>> Rage is a very angry feeling. >> Rage juda ham darg'azablik tuyg'usi.

— The chef was filled with rage when his helpers ruined the meal.
— Oshpazning yordamchilari ovqatni buzib tashlashganda, uning g'azabiga to'lib ketdi.

🟦 revenge [rɪˈvendʒ] n. — qasos, o'ch
🔻>> Revenge is what you do to hurt or punish someone who hurts you. >> Revenge bu sizni xafa qilgan odamni xafa qilish yoki jazolash uchun qiladigan narsadir.

— He broke his sister’s doll as revenge after she lost his favorite book.
— U o'zining sevimli kitobini yo'qotib qo'yganidan keyin qasos sifatida singlisining qo'g'irchog'ini sindirib tashladi.

🟦 shame [ʃeɪm] n. — uyat, sharmandalik
🔻>> Shame is a bad feeling about things you have done wrong. >> Shame bu notoʻgʻri qilgan ishlaringizdan yomon tuygʻu.

— The boy felt shame about misplacing his clothes.
— Bola kiyimini noto'g'ri joylashtirganidan uyaldi.

🟦 sigh [saɪ] v. — xo'rsinmoq
🔻>> To sigh is to breathe out loudly and show that you are tired or sad. >> To sign baland ovoz bilan nafas olish va charchagan yoki xafa ekanligini ko'rsatishdir.

— Molly sighed when she looked at all the information she had to research.
— Molli tadqiqot qilishi kerak boʻlgan barcha maʼlumotlarni koʻrib chiqib, xoʻrsinib qoʻydi.

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