Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Uyat ee. Sharmanda . 😱

Nimaga tepadagi postda reaksiya buncha kam. Qani tez bosilachi 👆

⚡⚡Vocabulary about food 🥘🌮🌯🥗🍗🍏

😋 overcooked - pishib ketgan

😋 fresh - svejiy

😋 raw - xom

😋 stale/rotten - achib qolgan

😋 bland - ta’msiz

😋 spicy - achchiq

😋 savoury - mazali

😋 scrumptious- judayam mazali

😋 a fussy eater - tanlab yeyuvchi

😋 unripe - pishmagan

😋 tasteless - ta’msiz, bemaza

😋 nutritious - foydali ozuqa

😋 guzzle - shoshib yemoq

😋 gulp - chaynamay yutmoq

😋 chew - chaynamoq

😋 swallow - yutmoq

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❤️ Channel:@vocabulary_c1_c2l

1.9k 0 122 2 92


Assalomu alaykum hurmatli ustozjonlar!!!

Attestatsiya yaʼni 70% lik ustama boʻyicha navbatdagi darslarimiz

1️⃣➖🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠🔠 DAN start oladi

💰150 ming soʻm❌ chegirma tugadi

✅160 ming soʻm✅
📆Dushanba, Chorshanba, Payshanba ,Juma

✅Dushanba ,Payshanba Jonli darslar
✅Chorshanba , Juma audio darslar

🖌Kursimiz barcha toifaga topshirmoqchi boʻlgan ustozlarimiz hamda General Englishni oshirmoqchi boʻlganlar uchun

🖋Grammatika va barcha mavzular chuqurlashtirilgan holda oʻtib beriladi

🖋Darslarimiz jonli chatda + quiz testlar orqali mustahkamlanib boriladi.

🖋Kurs davomida 6 + 15 tagacha Mock test izohi bilan beriladi

🖋Bu kurs doim oʻzingizda qoladi.Darsda qatnasha olmaydigan ustozlarimiz uchun audio tarzda ham tashlab boriladi.

➡️40 kun ingliz tili darslari
➡️ Attestatsiya boshlangunga qadar ped mahorat darslari.
➡️Umumiy hisobda 2,5 oy davom etadi.

🔔🔔🔔🔔Ped mahorat darslari ham shu kurs ichida oʻtib beriladi.Ped mahorat va kasb
standarti ham sizga 30 ball beradi

✅Kurs boʻyicha murojaatlar:

Fattoyeva G.
Mustafoyeva D.


👑 Yangi g'oyani ifodalayotganda gapni boshlash uchun birikmalar 📂

🤍Furthermore (shuningdek)

🤍 In addition to (qo’shimcha ravishda)

🤍 Additionally (qo’shimcha tarzda)

🤍 Moreover (bundan tashqari)

🤍 Another reason (boshqa sababi, …)

🤍 Along with (shu bilan birga)

🤍 Indeed (haqiqatan ham)

🤍 Likewise (shu bilan birga)

🤍 Similarly (shuningdek)

🤍 Whereas (modomiki, zotan)

IELTS va Multilevelchilar, faqat shu kanalda speed reading materiallarini topishi mumkin.


2️⃣🔤2️⃣5️⃣yilda IELTS va Multilevel uchun pullik darslar bepulga 👇

📌 Speaking va Writing uchun maxsus darslar⬇️

Speaking #1 Writing #1
Speaking #2 Writing #2
Speaking #3 Writing #3
Speaking #4 Writing #4
Speaking #5 Writing #5
Speaking #6 Writing #6
Speaking #7 Writing #7
Speaking #8 Writing #8
Speaking #9 Writing #9
Speaking #10 Writing #10

🇺🇿 Reading uchun maxsus materiallar⬇️

➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading
➡️ Speed Reading


🔖 Common Phrases to use in conversation

To ask how someone is

— Kimdandir hol-ahvol so'rash

➡️1.  What is up?
➡️2.  What is new?
➡️3.  How is it going?
➡️4.  How is everything?
➡️5.  How are things?
➡️6.  How is life?
➡️7.  How is life treating you?
➡️8.  What have you been up to recently?

Bugungi imtihonda tushgan Reading Listening materiallar yuklanyapti. 🌀

Tezda qoʻshilib oling 👇👇


Listening Reading balingizni haqiqiy imtihon materiallari bilan 6-7 ball dan 8-9 ball ga oshiring 🚀

Ushbu section lardan 9 olgan ustozdan bepul darslar olishingiz mumkin. Xullas hammasi fun 😁

Qo'shilib oling 👇👇



📋 Noto‘g‘ri ko‘pliklar

➡️Person — odam | People — odamlar
➡️Foot — oyoq | Feet — oyoqlar
➡️Tooth — tish | Teeth — tishlar
➡️Child — bola | children — bolalar
➡️Mouse — sichqon | Mice — sichqonlar
➡️Sheep — qo‘y | Sheep — qo‘ylar
➡️Fish — baliq | Fish — baliqlar
➡️Leaf — barg | Leaves — barglar
➡️Goose — g‘oz | Geese — g‘ozlar
➡️Woman — ayol | Women — ayollar

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6.1k 0 132 1 137

✔️Synonyms for "Very Big" or "Very Large"


🌿 enormous

🌿 huge


🌿 gigantic


🖋Siz qaysi Synonyms bilasiz commentga yozingchi qani!!!

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Insonlarga, xarakterlarga, yoshga, va xususiyatlarga nisbatan ishlatiladigan LUG'ATLAR 👇

Adolescence (C1)
- o’smirlik (18-22 yosh)

Adulthood (C1)
- o’smirlik davri

Bond (B1)
- insonlar o’rtasidagi 
aloqa, munosabat

Brotherhood (C1)
- Dostlik, brodarlik

Character (B1)
- xarakter

Childhood (B1)
- bolalik davri

Conflict (B2)
- nizo, kelishmovchilik

Connection (B2)
- odamlar yoki 
narsalar o’rtasidagi aloqa

Fatherhood (A1)
- otalik davri

Instinct (C2)
- instinkt, his tuygʻu


7.5k 0 241 6 123

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IELTS Speaking assistant App

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Islamic vocabulary for Muslims❤️

🕌 Make Dua - duo qilmoq

🕌 Recite Qu’ran - Quron tilovat qilmoq, Quronni qiroat bilan o’qimoq

🕌 Guide - hidoyat

🕌 Ador- sajda qilmoq

🕌 Piligrim- hoji, ziyoratchi

🕌 Religion-din

🕌 Prophet (ˈprɒf.ɪt) - payg’ambar

🕌 Insha’Allah - xudo xohlasa

🕌 Pray 5 times a day - 5 mahal nomoz o’qimoq

🕌 Attend Jumu’ah - juma namoziga qatnashmoq

🕌 Perform Hajj - haj vazifasini o’tamoq, haj qilmoq

🕌 Wear Hijab - hijob kiymoq

🕌 Avoid Haram - haromni oldini olmoq

🕌 Do good deeds - savobli ishlar qilmoq


9.1k 2 566 18 347



💙at war - urushda
💙at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
💙at ease - erkin
💙at rest - dam olishda
💙at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
💙at lunch - tushlikda


🤍in danger - xatarda
🤍in need - muhtojlikda
🤍in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
🤍in reply - javoban
🤍in love - oshiqlikda
🤍in difficulty - qiyinchilikda


❤️on guard - himoyada
❤️on purpose - ataylab
❤️on fire - o‘t ichida
❤️on sale - sotuvda
❤️on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
❤️on time - vaqtida
❤️on duty - navbatchilikda
❤️on land - yerda
❤️on sea - dengizda


♥️by accident - tasodifan
♥️by design - qasddan


💚out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
💚out of danger - xatardan holi
💚out of date - eskirgan
💚out of door - tashqarida
💚out of order - buzilgan
💚out of stock - qolmagan
💚out of turn - navbatdan tashqari.


7.7k 0 374 2 109

💥 C1 C2 Vocabulary☺️

👑 staycation
ta'tilni uyda o'tkazish

👑 liberating
erkinlik beradigan

👑 a contradiction in terms
bir biriga zid bo'lgan, to'gri kelmaydigan narsa

👑 same old, same old
o'sha-o'sha, eski hammom

👑 to underpin
quvvatlamoq (fikr yoki argumentni)

👑 peace of mind

👑 anticipation
oldindan sezish

👑 Groundhog Day
Sug'ur kuni, bir voqeani qayta-qayta sodir bo'lish.

👉Channel: @Vocabulary_c1_c2

9.6k 0 362 5 291

Money matters💸

💰 cash - naqd pul
💰 debit - kirim
💰 credit card - kredit kartochka
💰 cheque - chek
💰 in advance - avans
💰 annual fee - yillik to'lov
💰 interest rate - stavka foizi
💰 deposit - bankka qo'yilgan pul
💰 tuition fees - ta'lim to'lovlari
💰 poverty - kambag'allik
💰 bank statement - bank bayonoti
💰 monthly membership - bir oylik a'zolik
💰 current account - joriy hisob
💰student account - talaba hisob raqami
💰 withdraw - bank hisobidan pul olmoq
💰 low-risk investment - xavfsizroq pul qo'yish
💰 mortgage - garov
💰 grace period - imtiyozli davr
💰coupon - kupon

👉 Channel: @vocabulary_c1_c2

8.8k 0 333 1 69

Zo'r gap aytaymi..?

Har kunlik hayotda ishlatiladigan iboralar

🌳 No way - bo’lishi mumkin emas, imkonsiz

🌳 How is it going? - qale ketyapti? Qalesan?

🌳 Don’t be mad at me - mendan jahling chiqmasin

🌳 Take your time - bemalol, shoshilinch emas

🌳 Thank you in advance! - oldindan rahmat

🌳 It’s very kind of you - judayam mehribonsiz, yordamingiz uchun rahmat.

🌳 Enjoy your meal - yoqimli ishtaha

🌳 Only time will tell - buni faqat vaqt ko’rsatadi

🌳 Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today! - bugungi ishni ertanga qoldirma!

🔝 @Vocabulary_c1_c2 🔄

10.6k 0 532 1 349

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Mothers 🧕

Mothers are the people dearest to us. We all have a special relationship with our mother. We are naturally bonded to our mother. We spend nine months growing inside her and she is the person who looks after us when we are babies. Our mother does everything for us. She feeds us, cleans us, wipes away our tears, treats our cuts and bruises, supports us and loves us. And all of this never stops. Mothers still do motherly things even when we are old and she is really old. It is very sad to hear that someone’s mother has died. I remember this happening to some children in my class at school. I can’t imagine how children grow up without a mother. I hope my mother lives forever. She deserves to.

👉 @minute1_english 🎙

9.3k 0 118 1 130
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