Kamoliddinʼs blog | Ilm House⚡️📚

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

• Kamoliddin Siddiqov
• 17 y.o.
• Student of FERPS🔥🚀
• IELTS and SAT Tutor🔥💯
• IELTS -> Writing 6.5 , Speaking 7❤️🔥
• Business and economics⚡️
• International Business📚👨‍💻
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Owner: @Kamoliddin_Siddiqov

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Iftar with that beautiful look❤️

Good photos with good people❤️

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When you start enjoying life...😁❤️

428 0 0 46 37

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451 0 0 13 25

Magic City ga borishdagi birinchi qoida. Hech qachon jiyanlar bilan bormang, narxlar qimmat...😅💸

499 0 0 32 54

Qachonki IELTS guruhingga berilib dars o'tsang. Bugun Listening sectiondan 40/40 urishni o'rgandik✅🔥

Репост из: D7's Life Updates
SAT Repetitive Reading questions with answers.pdf
WARNING: This might be the most sensitive document you ever open...

And let this be my one of the biggest gifts, or a set of prediction questions, in Ramadan for upcoming SAT test takers! It's the product of my dedicated hours of effort and includes only tough reading questions.

Sharing is caring!❤️‍🔥

470 0 25 2 26

Kanalimizdagi barcha ayollar va qizlar, bayramingiz muborak boʻlsin. Inshaallah niyat qilgan barcha rejalaringizga erishish nasib qilsin 😊❤️🎉

8-martga onam uchun sovgʻa❤️🎁

633 0 5 22 76

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Absolute Marketing...🔥✊

Kanalda asosan qanday postlar bo'lishini xohlaysiz?✅
  •   SAT
  •   IELTS
  •   College Application
  •   Turli xil loyihalar
  •   Blogging
42 голосов

664 0 1 13 13

Oramizda Farg'onaliklar bormi? Nechi kishimiz? Bir Book Exchange Event tashkillaylikmi? Nima deysizlar...😉📚

575 0 2 20 25

Turon yolbarslari musobaqasida Fargʻona shahridagi Prezident maktabi jamoasi sardori...🔥❤️

715 0 1 41 57

500_IDIOMS_Sound Like Native Speaker.pdf
500 Idioms that Native Speakers use. Use it wisely🔥

Sharing is caring ❤️


714 0 28 1 23

Alhamdulillah, I made it to the Final stage. So itʼs time crush interview❤️

947 0 1 27 48

- Do you know where the most valuable piece of Real Estate is?
- It is in Graveyards. Because there is billion dollars ideas sitting in the ground with people that never took an action...😶‍🌫️

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As beautiful as always❤️❄️

1k 0 1 11 34

Alhamdulillah, ramazon oyi ham kirib keldi. Bir yil davomida yig'ilgan gunohlarimizni yuvish, qalbimizni yana poklay olish, Allohga yanada yaqinroq bo'lish imkoniga Alhamdulillah yana bir bor sazovor bo'ldik. Do'stlar, kimnidir hafa qilgan bo'lsam meni Alloh uchun kechirasiz degan umiddaman. Barchangizga Happy Ramadan😊🌙

Показано 20 последних публикаций.