Turli sun’iy idrok modellarining barcha ijodiy sohalarga integratsiyasi haqida bir narsani aytmoqchiman. AI modellarining xususan arxitektura va dizayn sohasida yararatayotgan ishlari tahlil qilar ekanman darxaqiqat imkoniyatlari hayratlanarli ammo eng muhumi uning ishlari ilohiy ilhom asosida yaratilmaganligi uchun kishida qayta qayta tomosho qilish qilish istagini uyg’otmaydi.
Xulosam shu bo’ldiki — Ilhom idrok mahsuli emas balki qalb mahsuli. Demak sun’iy idrok modellari haqiqiy ijod ahlini to qachondir sun’iy qalb yaratilmaguncha havotirga sololmaydi.
I want to say something about the integration of various AI models into all creative fields. As I analyze the works of AI models, particularly in the fields of architecture and design, their capabilities are indeed astonishing. However, the most important point is that their works are not created based on divine inspiration, so they do not evoke the desire to view them repeatedly.
My conclusion is this: Inspiration is not a product of intellect but of the heart. Therefore, AI models cannot truly alarm genuine creators unless an artificial heart is ever created.
Xulosam shu bo’ldiki — Ilhom idrok mahsuli emas balki qalb mahsuli. Demak sun’iy idrok modellari haqiqiy ijod ahlini to qachondir sun’iy qalb yaratilmaguncha havotirga sololmaydi.
I want to say something about the integration of various AI models into all creative fields. As I analyze the works of AI models, particularly in the fields of architecture and design, their capabilities are indeed astonishing. However, the most important point is that their works are not created based on divine inspiration, so they do not evoke the desire to view them repeatedly.
My conclusion is this: Inspiration is not a product of intellect but of the heart. Therefore, AI models cannot truly alarm genuine creators unless an artificial heart is ever created.