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Репост из: Palette🍄
Maybe today is not as good as I thought(

ChatGPT is just the tip of the iceberg.
2,000+ AI tools were released in March.

Your 'ChatGPT' in application process - @grants_hunter

Discipline vs. Motivation

Motivation feels good, but it’s unreliable. It comes and goes, like a flame in the wind.

Discipline, on the other hand, doesn’t care how you feel. It doesn’t wait for the right mood, the perfect timing, or an easy path. It just does the work.

The most successful people aren’t the most motivated—they’re the most consistent. They show up when it’s hard. They push through when they don’t feel like it. And that’s why they win.

So, next time you feel unmotivated, remember: You don’t need motivation. You need discipline.

The Cost of Not Trying

Many people fear failure, but few consider the cost of not trying at all.

Every goal you ignore, every risk you avoid, every opportunity you let pass—it all adds up. Not in the form of mistakes, but in regret.

Success isn’t about never failing. It’s about failing, learning, and growing faster than others give up. The real danger isn’t making mistakes—it’s staying the same while the world moves forward.

So ask yourself: Are you more afraid of failing, or of staying exactly where you are?

A motivational gap is the space between where you are now and where you want to be. It’s the difference between your current reality and your potential, and it exists for a reason—to push you forward.

The bigger the gap, the greater the opportunity. But most people see this gap and feel discouraged. Winners, however, see it and feel energized. They recognize that this space is not emptiness—it’s room for growth.

So, don’t fear the gap. Fill it with effort. Fill it with learning, discipline, and relentless action. Because once you bridge it, a new, bigger gap will appear—leading you to even greater heights.

The question is: Will you close the gap, or let it define you?

You are your only limit.

Life isn’t about luck or talent alone—it’s about the effort you put in when no one is watching. The late nights, the early mornings, the moments of doubt—all of it builds the foundation for your success.

🔑 Here’s the secret: Success doesn’t come in a single moment. It’s the small, consistent steps you take every day that create the life you dream of. Whether you’re studying, working, or chasing a personal goal, remind yourself:

Every step matters. Every effort counts. Every failure is a lesson.


Here’s another set of brain-twisting questions to keep you thinking:
1. If time is money, is an ATM technically a time machine?
2. If you try to fail and succeed, did you fail or succeed?
3. If an orange is orange, why isn’t a lime called a green?

Is there anyone who can answer this questions? 😅

Unusual questions from CHATGPT 🫡 😅

“Your future is shaped by what you do today, not tomorrow. Stay committed, stay consistent, and success will follow!”

Bog’i eram onamning guliga yetolmaydi
Sochlarimni silagan qo’liga yetolmaydi
Agar, agar dunyo boyliklarini boshimdan sochsalar ham
Otamni topgan 3-4 so’m puliga yetolmaydi
Agar dunyo shoirlari nomimga sher yozsa ham
Onamni bir og’iz keldingmi bolam degan, tiliga yetolmaydi
Siz, siz baxtim yo’liga nur sochgan onamsiz
Men uchun uyqusi qochgan onamsiz
Siz asli bosiq, sokin ayolsiz
Lekin meni desa tog’dan ham oshganam ayolsiz
Dunyoda hech narsadan qo’rqmagan biroq
Farzandlarining baxtsizligidan qo’rqqan ayolsiz
Biroq men baxtli, baxtiyor inson
Chunki men baxtli qilib tuqqan onamsiz…

“The difference between dreams and reality is action. Stay disciplined, stay determined, and watch yourself achieve greatness!”

🌟 O’z maqsadlaringiz sari qat’iyat bilan harakat qiling 🌟

Ko’pchilik muvaffaqiyatga erishishni xohlaydi, lekin ozgina qismi bu yo’lda haqiqatan ham sabr va qat’iyat bilan harakat qiladi. Muvaffaqiyatning siri — har kuni bir qadam oldinga qadam tashlash va orzuingizdan chekinmaslikda. Har qanday katta natija kichik yutuqlar yig’indisidir.

Sizda xatolar va muvaffaqiyatsizliklar bo’lishi tabiiy, lekin bu yomon emas. Chunki har bir qiyinchilik — bu o’z-o’zini rivojlantirish imkoniyati. O’rganing, kuch to’plang va yana bir bor harakat qiling. Bugun qilayotgan kichik qadamlaringiz kelajakda sizni katta yutuqlarga olib boradi.

🚀 Bugun bir qadam tashlang — ertangi kuningizga yo’l oching!

Yoooo what’s up

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Hayotda hech bir narsa tasavvurdagidek bo'lmaydi,
Tasavvurdagilar esa hayotdagidek .....

ФАХР!!! 🇺🇿

P.s/Мен ёшлигимдан City муҳлиси эдим билсангиз биларсиз!

Real bir afsona ❤️ 🇪🇸

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