Qandaydir gaplar

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Книги

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

“Agar ikki inson bir-biriga haqiqatda kerak bo‘lsa, hayot ularni bir-biridan ajratadi, faqat ular qayta topishishlari uchun.”


Qaysi birini kanal rasmi sifatida qoʻyamiz
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7 голосов

You gave me shoulder when I
Needed it
You showed me love when I
Wasn't feeling it
You helped me fight when I
Was giving in
And you made me laugh when I was losing it
'Cause you are, you are the reason why I'm still
Hangin' on
'Cause you are, you are the reason why my head is still
'Bove water
And if I could I'd get you the moon and
Give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you
'Cause you are, you are the reason why I'm still
Hangin' on
'Cause you are, you are
The reason why my head is still
'Bove water
And if I could I'd get you the moon and
Give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you
'Cause you are, you are
Oh, you are
Oh, you are
You are
'Cause you are, you are the reason why I'm still
Hangin' on
'Cause you are, you are the reason why my head is still
'Bove water
And if I could I'd get you the moon and
Give it to you
And if death was coming for you
I'd give my life for you

It's never enough, is it? Time. We always think we have so much of it, but when it really counts, we don't have enough at all.

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🇬🇧:in Uzbekistan we don’t say «i love you»
we say:❤️‍🔥
🇺🇿:Хикмати бордирки айрилдик бизлар..

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мен хеч кимни сева олмадим шунчаки бир инсонга богланиб колдим у еса озгасига

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как говорит шохрух: илгаридек сенсиз чаракламас куёш

G'oyalar o'zgaraveradi, qalb o'zgarmaydi.

Ramadan Mubarak ✨

👀 Click on the sticker

🌙 Ramadan Mubarak! 🌙

Wishing you a blessed and peaceful Ramadan filled with joy, reflection, and spiritual growth. May this holy month bring you and your loved ones endless blessings, good health, and inner peace. ✨🌿

🌙 Ramazon muborak bo’lsin! 🌙

Ushbu muqaddas oy siz va yaqinlaringizga tinchlik, baraka va ezgulik olib kelsin. Qilgan ibodatlaringiz, tutgan ro‘zangiz va barcha ezgu niyatlaringiz qabul bo‘lsin! 🤲✨


🎹 Joytastic Sarah - Fly Me to the Moon

Har bir tanlov – aslida bir chora.
Qo’lingdan hech narsa kelmaganda
Qabul qilish oson.

Asl nochorlik –
O’zingdan “qo’limdan kelganini qildimmi?” deb so’rashdir.
Chunki haqiqiy nochorlik –
Chorani qo’lga kiritganingda,
Uni kaftlaringdan qo’ldan chiqarib yuborishdir.

Nochorlik –
Qidirayotgan chorang balki to’g’ringda turganidir,
Ammo uni topishga vaqting yo’q – ana shu nochorlik.

Nochorlik –
Javobsiz quruq bir sahro.

Ba’zan nochorlikdan qochish emas, uni tan olish kerak.
Chunki o’z ojizligini tan olgan kishi
Chora izlash uchun jasorat topa oladi.
Qochgan esa – umrini
O’zidan yashirish bilan o’tkazadi.

Kanalga ulanish uchun👇🏼

@filosof_kundaligi 🔭

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"The road to heaven feels like hell.
The road to hell feels like heaven."

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