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⚡️Chet tillarini bilish darajasini baholashning ko‘p darajali(multilevel) tizimida gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholashning yangi formati bo‘yicha videoyo‘riqnoma.

❗️Do'stlar, Speaking Yangi Formati haqida ham ma'lumot bor ekan.

✔️Eng asosiysi: Speaking Part 1 da Rasm tasvirlashda 10 soniya o'ylashga, 45 soniya gapirishga berilar ekan.

Videoni ko'ramiz, va maksimal tarqatamiiiiz, hamma xabar topsin!

Sentyabr imtihonida tushishi mumkin boʻlgan taxminiy essay topiclari.

1. Global warming and its impact on our future - Global isish va uning kelajakdagi ta'siri.

2. The importance of education in today's world - Bugungi kunda ta'limning ahamiyati.

3. The influence of social media on relationships - Ijtimoiy tarmoqning munosabatlarga ta'siri.

5. Traveling and its benefits for personal growth - Sayohatning shaxsiy o'sishga foydalari.

6. The role of technology in education - Ta'limda texnologiyaning roli.

Bu mavzularni o'rganib, o'z fikrlaringizni shakllantiring. Balki, shu mavzulardan birortasi sizga tushib qolishi mumkin

Репост из: Bekhruzbek's IELTS
In recent years, juvenile crime is thought to have increased mainly due to violence in the media. Although some people believe that media violence can be attributed to juvenile criminal acts, I believe that others equally, if not more significant, factors contribute to criminality among children.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why the rate of juvenile crime is rising. Firstly, promoting violence through media platforms can lead to desensitization among children. Being exposed to repeated violent videos, games, and movies on the internet makes impressionable young minds vulnerable to confusion, and they may begin to accept such behavior as a societal norm. Over time, they are likely to become less empathetic and more prone to aggression. This negative shift in behavior can lead children to engage in criminal activities. However, the idea that media violence is the sole cause of rising juvenile crime rates is not always acceptable.

On the other hand, a more significant reason why juvenile crime rates are rising involves the child's environment. For example, children raised in unstable homes without proper parental guidance may struggle to differentiate acceptable from unacceptable behavior. As a consequence, children exposed to abuse and aggression from their parents may develop antisocial attitudes. This built-up anger can eventually drive them to seek revenge for their suffering by committing crimes, damaging societal structures, and causing chaos.

Another major cause behind the rise in juvenile crime is poverty. Children who grow up in impoverished neighborhoods, living in substandard conditions, may see crime as a way to escape their poverty. Consequently, they join gangs and commit petty crimes to survive, seeking healthcare, shelter, and relative safety. In contrast, children born into stable families with proper parental supervision are less likely to commit crimes, highlighting the importance of socio-economic factors over the influence of the media.

In conclusion, while the effect of the media on children's behavior should not be ignored, it is not the most important driver of juvenile crime. In my view, family settings and economic conditions play a greater role in shaping children's behavior. Therefore, I believe the government should focus more on addressing these factors rather than prioritizing the impact of media violence.



Yana essay yozdim, it is about juvenile crime

Bu guruh barcha guruhdan boshqacha boʻladi.
Davomiyligi — 4 Oy.
Xudo xohlasa, 💯 foizlik natija boʻladi

Sarvar Sogʻlomov Yangi Special CEFR/MULTILEVEL Group ochishini xohlaysizmi? Oʻquvchilar soni MAXIMUM 30 ta. Faqat Test va Savol Javob orqali qabul qilinadi. Kommentga + belgisini qoldiring.
  •   Ha,
  •   Yoʻq,
  •   Grammatika guruh ochilsin.
142 голосов

Репост из: CEFR/Multilevel MOCK Tests

New sample answers about riding a bicycle

IELTS Speaking Part 1

Did you ride a bicycle when you were a child?

Yes, I did ride a bicycle as a child. It was one of my favorite activities. I remember spending hours riding around the neighborhood, feeling free and happy.

Do you like riding a bicycle?

Absolutely! I still enjoy riding a bicycle. It's a great way to explore new places and enjoy the outdoors.

What do you like about riding a bicycle

I love the feeling of the wind on my face and the sense of freedom it brings. Riding a bike allows me to see things from a different perspective and helps me clear my mind.

What are the benefits of riding a bicycle?

There are many benefits to riding a bicycle. It's good for physical health, as it strengthens muscles and improves cardiovascular fitness. It's also environmentally friendly and can be a fun way to commute or spend time with friends.

Where did you feel relaxed?

I feel relaxed when I ride in the park near my home. It’s peaceful, with beautiful trees and a nice path along the river.

With whom did you go there?

I often go there with my friends or sometimes by myself. Riding with friends makes it even more enjoyable, as we can chat and laugh together.

Do you feel yourself relaxed when doing exercise?

Yes, I definitely feel relaxed when I exercise. It helps me release stress and boosts my mood. After a good workout, I always feel refreshed and ready to take on the day.



High vocabularies

Propose - taklif qilmoq
Plausible - ishonarli
Conflict - ziddiyat
Tension - taranglik
Setback- kamchilik
Render - oʻzgartirmoq
Compelling - oʻziga jalb qiladigan
Diversify - oʻzgartirmoq
Economic recession-iqtisodiy inqiroz
Financial literacy -moliyaviy savodxonlik
Enhancement - yaxshilanish
Instability - beqarorlik
Ponder - yaxshilab oʻylab koʻrmoq



In recent years, there has been a job market which has become relatively stable and that the same employment is not an optimal choice for many people anymore. In this essay. I will attempt to explain some of the causes and also propose some counter arguments for future employees.

On the one hand, there are two factors why the nature of the job market is rapidly changing. The most plausible and initial one is advances in technology. technological improvements radically changed employment patterns because of helping improve productivity in the workplace. As a result, an increasing number of manual jobs are being replaced by machines, which reduced job opportunities in the industrial and agricultural sectors. Moreover, knowledge-based industries such as information technologies, banking, and law also experienced swift changes in terms of employment options. For example, with the advent of Al systems such as chatGPT, companies declared huge staff layoffs as tasks such as writing, coding, accounting, and legal work can be done by AI programs at a minimum cost. Another crucial factor is the global economic crisis caused by international conflicts and global pandemics. To illustrate, growing tension between Russia and the west countries has resulted in major setbacks in many industries while the global spread of COVID-19 rendered many people jobless.

On the other hand, there are several and compelling ways to deal with the issues of employees’ stability for the future. One of the most practical solutions would be creating the number of streams of income. This can require employees to abandon the traditional concept of lifetime employment and consider simultaneous employment in various spheres as a way to diversify their sources of income. Consequently, many employees are able to create a safety net for potential and future economic recessions. Along with accepting multiple jobs, employees should develop their financial literacy. Learning effectively how to manage one’s finances such as by creating a savings account and investing in the financial market could prove useful as financial security is important for one’s future success.

In conclusion, although enhancements in modern technologies and rising global instability are two key drives behind the changing economics for the job market, to counter these, employees should ponder building several incomes streams and financial skills

WORDS: 371



Essay yozdim, my fellows






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