Mirjalol Olimboyev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

Personal band score: IELTS 8.5
L: 9.0 | R: 9.0 | W:7.5 | S: 7.5
IELTS Instructor
CELTA-certified EFL teacher
To contact me: @Olimboyev_Mirjalol

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Shok xabar 😱😱😱😱

Taniqli bo'lmagan Ingliz tili o'qituvchisi Olimboyev Mirjalol bor haqiqatlarni ochib tashladi 😱

5 minutdan keyin o'chib ketadi, ulgurib qoling😨

Bugun bitta narsani tushunib yetdim: boshqalar qobiliyatlarimga shubha bilan qarashi eng yomon ko'rgan narsalarimdan biri ekan.

clarity and precision ✅

tone and flow ✅

word choice ✅

I felt an irresistible urge to share these paragraphs with you even at this unsocial hour:

my version:

Furthermore, as every parent naturally wants the best for their children, placing pressure on them might be seen as a means to ensure children’s prosperous future. This is because without parental supervision and pressure, children might go astray or even develop bad habits due to their curious nature and lack of life experience.

refined version by ChatGPT:

Furthermore, since parents naturally want the best for their children, they may view pressure as a way to secure a prosperous future for them. Without parental guidance and expectations, children might stray off course or develop harmful habits due to their curiosity and lack of life experience.

below are all weak areas of the original paragraph in terms of precision and clarity 👇

2023-yilda ham juda aqlli bo'lgan ekanman qarasam 😄.


Iphone - mostly seen as a sign of one's status - isn't worth it in most cases. Investing well over a thousand dollars in a device whose practical uses are confined to making calls, taking pictures and accessing to the internet is nothing short of ridiculous. Personally, I hardly ever take pictures, a feature Iphones are best known for. So, I don't think I will ever buy an Iphone of any make whatsoever even though my salary exceeds the price of even the latest sorts, meaning I don't have to put aside any money - I can just buy one.

''above all, don't be a chicken who cannot voice his objections''

Bixelkoven, 1223 y.

Showering before bed improves sleep quality?

Gotta experiment this.

It has always been one of my parents' wildest dreams to visit Turkey. Istanbul, to be more specific.

The other day, I downloaded an app (aviasales) to have a rough idea of how much this travel would probably cost and when I found out the approximate amount, I was like ''man, this is feasible. Freaking doable''

The greatest Uzbek musical band of all time, hands downnn!

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The phrase I am using the most these days: ''come on, you shouldn't give a damn about this''

Mirjalol, If these don't motivate you, nothing ever will.

O'tgan yili ko'p o'ylardim stand up ga chiqishim kerak, o'zimni sinab ko'rishim kerak deb.

Hozir anglab yetyapmanki allaqachon ba'zi guruhlarimga stand up chiqishlarimni ko'rsatayotgan ekanman.

Ayniqsa har bitta speaking practice dan keyin - whole class feedback jarayonlarida butun sinf bilan mazza qilib kulamiz (ba'zan o'quvchilarni ustidan😁, albatta xafa qilmagan holda)

The very reason I love teaching. Oh no. Let's say love teaching open-minded students with a good sense of humor.

"Loneliness is the price that you pay when you start to improve yourself"

I, for the first time since August, applied methods I learnt in the CELTA course to teach IELTS Reading.

The outcome is so promising!

I am carrying out this experiment with my none other than 216 group!


you might be a good gardener with a broken spade.

yet you are still a decent gardener.

don't you have to fix the spade? oftentimes you can't. Some spades are broken so much so they are irreparable

I have two groups - 116 and 216 - which I will take as examples to make a point now.

When I taught 116, I felt like I wasn't enough - in other words, students were passive and I attributed this inactiveness to my teaching skills, underestimating myself as a result.

HOWEVER, on even days, I conducted lessons for 216 when I used the same ppt and materials. The lessons were virutally always fucking awesome. Engaging. Student-centred. Fun. Informative.

This goes to underline the influence that the audince has to dictate how the lesson will be.

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