Mukhammad Abrayev | English

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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The table compares how much money was donated to developing countries by the USA, EU and other countries from 2006 to 2010. Overall, the financial aid provided by USA, EU and other countries saw a consistent upward trend, contributing to an exponential rise in the overall donation to the developing countries. While the donation by EU and other unspecified countries saw a rise, it yet remained marginal over the year, the aid provided by the USA experienced a substantial rise.

The charts give information about the outcomes of the survey held by a university regarding to what extent full-time and part-time students are content with the university’s IT support. Overall, there is a noticeable distinction in the level of satisfaction between the two given groups. Although the majority of full-time students are satisfied with the university’s IT support, most of the part-time students claimed their dissatisfaction with the service provided.

As for the full-time students, the vast majority of them expressed how satisfied they are with the IT service of the university claiming that they are either “very happy” or “quite happy”. Those who are very happy - 54% and quite happy - 31%. Only, 15% of the full-time students who took part in the survey expressed their dissatisfaction.

The response from the part-time students shows rather negativity towards the university’s IT support. 45% of the part-time students regarded the university’s service as rather poor. However, 35% of the part-time students reported that it is on average level. Finally, the remaining one fifth of part-time students are content with the service supplied.

182 words


A sophisticated language is utilized!

Fasting for 13 hours and being full after 10 minutes is an example of how temporary the pleasure of this world is.

The bar chart gives information about American men and women of different ages according to how much salt they consumed in 2000. Overall, more than a recommended salt intake was consumed by the vast majority of the population, with the exception of the youngest age group as they showed less salt consumed than recommended amount for adults. It is also worth mentioning that men consumed more salt than their female counterparts.

Репост из: A'zambek | Manager
Exxx, bu yog’ayotgan yomg’ir emas, Jahon tillarida oʻqiydigan yigitlarning ko’z yoshlari🥲

Small Victories

Great victories are born from the accumulation of small triumphs.

If you aim to run a 100 km marathon, whether you like it or not, you will first achieve smaller milestones along the way—conquering 10 km, then 21 km, until you ultimately reach the grand victory. In language learning, every word mastered is a victory. Daily life is filled with small triumphs—even waking up on time each morning or maintaining a healthy diet is a success in itself.

The most intriguing aspect is that people often fail to appreciate small victories, rarely even recognizing them as achievements. If they truly understood that minor, consistent results lead to the most significant transformations, their entire perspective on everyday life would shift.

Those who learn to savor the taste of small victories come to realize that they are also capable of experiencing the triumph of great success.

Have a look at the channel run by my brother

Репост из: IELTS with Azodboyev|8.0
"Blood is thicker than water" 🤝


said to emphasize that you believe that family connections are always more important than other types of relationship💯


Examiner: Do you think family is more important than friends?

Answer: "Yes, I believe family comes first because, at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water. Friends may come and go, but family is always there to support you no matter what."

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Halal Madrid 😂


📍How to use this word in your IELTS Writing Task 1

Correct usage of "distinction" in Task 1:

There is a clear distinction between urban and rural employment rates, with the former being significantly higher.

A distinction can be observed between the two age groups, as younger individuals tend to spend more on entertainment.

Incorrect or unnatural usage:

There is a distinction in the percentage of car users in 1990 and 2020. ( "Difference" is better here: There is a difference in the percentage...

📍Both "difference" and "distinction" refer to ways in which things are not the same, but they have slightly different connotations and usage:

Difference – a general term used to indicate that two or more things are not identical. It refers to any kind of variation between things.

Example: There is a big difference between British and American English.
(This means they are not the same in various aspects.)

Distinction – often implies a notable or significant difference, usually highlighting something important, special, or superior. It can also mean a formal recognition of excellence.

Example (notable difference): There is a subtle distinction between "effective" and "efficient."
Example (recognition): He graduated with distinction.

In short:
Use "difference" for general contrasts.
Use "distinction" when emphasizing an important or subtle contrast, or when referring to excellence.

Важные вещи требуют времени.

Быстрая потеря веса приводит к нездоровым последствиям.
Знания, полученные быстро, также быстро забываются. Легко заработанные деньги легко тратятся.

Мы живем в эпоху, когда пропагандируется стремительное достижение результатов. Скорость важна, но золотое правило жизни гласит: действительно значимые вещи требуют времени. Однако это не означает, что нужно действовать медленно. Напротив, действия должны быть быстрыми, но не стоит ожидать мгновенного результата. Быстро полученный результат, как правило, оказывается низкого качества.

В сообществе целеустремленных людей мы называем это «обоснованным терпением». Это значит, что вы делаете все возможное максимально быстро и качественно, а затем проявляете терпение. Причем терпение должно быть активным, целеустремленным

P.S. Hard-working + Consistency 🔥

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