Репост из: Uz-Ru-En Tarjimon / Переводчик
Today’s falls make us stronger tomorrow. We can’t rise without falls, victory won’t be delicious unless we fall. But the most important thing in life is the right choice. Especially in this path of science we cannot imagine without a good teacher. This is a real success if your teacher is versatile. I would like to recommend you such a teacher. With 8 years of ielts teaching experience, I would recommend Atabek Shamshetovich, the director of the Lepos SCHOOL training center and the owner of the Lepos business brand, who is a cheerful and successful person with his own strategy in business.
Today’s falls make us stronger tomorrow. We can’t rise without falls, victory won’t be delicious unless we fall. But the most important thing in life is the right choice. Especially in this path of science we cannot imagine without a good teacher. This is a real success if your teacher is versatile. I would like to recommend you such a teacher. With 8 years of ielts teaching experience, I would recommend Atabek Shamshetovich, the director of the Lepos SCHOOL training center and the owner of the Lepos business brand, who is a cheerful and successful person with his own strategy in business.