Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Блоги

Samarkand , Uzbekistan
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
My linkedln
- No risk, No story
- at least, I tried

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

I love math. That's all.

After SAT , after everything It is all about problem solving and I like it so much.


As usual decided to play badminton 🏸 with my friends. But there was a cat inside the court.

My friends: let's not play today we may scare the cat (
Me: can't understand what is happening 😂

And coming to my dorm , but still trying to figure our why we canceled our today's match

Bilasizmi nima ,dunyo juda keng va har bir davlat o'zining ma'lum siyosatini yurgiziyapdi aynan iqlim o'zgarishi muammolariga ta'luqli.

Germaniyada uy xo‘jaliklari quyosh panellariga va energiyani tejovchi jihozlarga to‘liq o'tib, o‘z uylari uchun quyoshning kuchidan foydalanib, toza kelajak umidida yashashmoqda. Oilalar barqarorlikning umumiy maqsadidan ilhomlanib, kim ko‘proq energiyani tejay olishini aniqlash uchun o‘zaro do‘stona musobaqalar boshladi. Bu oddiy odatlar ko‘mirga bo‘lgan qaramlikdan voz kechish va kelajak avlodlar uchun sayyorani himoya qilish maqsadida birgalikdagi harakatga aylandi.

Yaponiya esa umuman boshqa planetaga o'xshaydi. Ular uchun tozalish bu boylik. Chiqindilarni 10 turdan ko'p xillarga bo"lib tashlashgan. Kamikatsu degan shahri esa dunyo bo'yicha o'zining zero- waste city nomi bilan tanilgan. U yerdagi aholi hattoki chiqindini ham yuvib , keyin tashlashadi. U tashlangan chiqindi esa , qayta ishlab chiqarishga tayyorlandi. Insonlar ko'chani o'z xohishlari bilan tozalashadi hech qanday hukumat bunga aralashmaydi. Axir bizga hamma narsani hukumat qilish kerak-ku). Biz volontyorlik haqida ko'p gapiramiz, Yaponiyada esa tozalik volanytorlari ham juda ko'p va ular butun dunyoga namuma bo'la olishyapdi. Xususan, Rashel va Jundan ilhomlangan boshqa medi vakillari masalan Mr Beast va Robert teamsees.org loyihasi ham yo'lga qo'yildi.

Niderlandiya, esa umuman boshqa yo'l bilan tabiatga zarar yetkazmaslikka qaror qilishdi va bu ularning madaniyatiga ham aylanib bo'ldi. Velosiped haydash- ha juda oddiy lekin eng ko'p foyda keltiradigan yo'l. Ular velosiped haydash uchun hattoki 35000km uzunlikdagi yo'ni faqat velosiped haydash uchun mo'ljallashgan. Eshitishimcha , Niderlandiyaliklar Amerikadai maktab o'quvchilarining maktab avtobusi borligiga hayrat bilan qarashadi va kulishadi , chunki Niderlandiyadag bolalar maktabga doimo velosipedda borishadi. Eng qiziq tomoni Bolalar 12 yoshga to'lgandan ularga shaxsiy velosiped sovg'a sifatida doim berilar ekan. ( Ajoyib-a?)

Shvetsariya va Costa Rica alohida katta mavzu.

Dear friends,

Each chapter is different, but the ending should be as you have expected.

Today marks the last day of my teenage years. The age I’ll be turning next year sounds a little too serious (even though it’s still September—just saying 😁).

With more responsibility and courage, see you next year!

One last thing: please be grateful for everything you have, both the good and the bad.

Happy New Year 🎉
Enjoy these days with your family ❤️

127 0 0 13 10

Tajribalarga to'la yil bo'ldi...

The last day of my teenage year..


I am creating my booklist for the next year, but couldn't find the e version of this book

I would appreciate your help

How things are going?

Still a few days left

Репост из: Jasmina Jamolova
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Having my country's name on this list feels different


1) Malaysia is an Islamic country, and I’ve started exploring its laws. One thing that surprised me is that Malaysians aren’t allowed to visit Israel—they can’t get a visa unless it’s for military purposes. Respect to Malaysia for standing by its principles! 🇲🇾

2) The people here are incredibly kind and helpful. At the airport, I sat next to a Malaysian woman during an 8-hour flight. We had such a great conversation, starting with her reason for visiting Uzbekistan and ending with my education and her daughter, who’s studying in the UK. Before we parted ways, she gave me her contact number in case I ever visit Kuala Lumpur.


The weather was so humid that I could barely breathe at first, but now I don’t feel anything about it. I think I’ve adapted!

After landing in Malaysia and stepping out of the airport, I noticed an unusual smell in the air. Later, I talked to some international friends, and they mentioned experiencing the same thing. Maybe every country has its own unique scent?

Cars here are fascinating! The steering wheels are on the right side, and people check the right side first before the left when the road. Interesting, isn’t it?

Good vibes ✨️

Tried calligraphy for the first time they tried to teach me but at the end of the day I teach them smth new 😂 ,my country.

Some of you mentioned there are not many photos. Enjoy the vibe

☃️ У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

if you achieved everything you’ve been striving for, had nothing left to prove, and faced no financial problems, how would you choose to spend your days?

I am not trying to prove anything to anyone, but if I achieve some of my goals I would help as many people as possible . That would give me happiness, joy

P.S more than 30 messages. Next time I will do my utmost to answer each.

Thank you all!

У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

У тебя фулл сколаршип?

Yes, full tuition and I won Max scholarship so they covered my accommodation and flight ticket

❄️ У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

5 words that can describe

From my own perspective, I am Industrious, responsible, perfectionist, open minded, so curious person

But would be better to ask somebody else to describe me

So what do u think ( can u describe me)

🎄 У тебя новое анонимное сообщение!

Hay o'qishlar qalay qiyinmasmi?

Hozircha qiyin emas. Keyin ham qiyin bo'lmasin🤲😂

P.S please don't ask personal questions ( most questions are personal)

Показано 17 последних публикаций.