_Sevgi, ayb ko‘radigan ko‘zni yumib, go‘zallik ko‘radigan ko‘zni ochadi.
Sevadigan bo‘lsang, mana shunday sev!
Na aybsiz inson qidir, na insonda ayb..._
✍Jaloliddin Rumiy
Love closes the eyes that see guilt and opens the eyes that see beauty.
If you love, love like that!
Don't look for an innocent person, don't blame a person ...
✍Jaloliddin Rumi
📲 Яқинларингизга ҳам улашинг... 💌
📚 Jaloliddin Rumiy Aforizmlari kanaliga obuna bo’ling👇
Sevadigan bo‘lsang, mana shunday sev!
Na aybsiz inson qidir, na insonda ayb..._
✍Jaloliddin Rumiy
Love closes the eyes that see guilt and opens the eyes that see beauty.
If you love, love like that!
Don't look for an innocent person, don't blame a person ...
✍Jaloliddin Rumi
📲 Яқинларингизга ҳам улашинг... 💌
📚 Jaloliddin Rumiy Aforizmlari kanaliga obuna bo’ling👇