Izzat Abdullaev | IELTS 8.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

🧠 IELTS Instructor (IELTS 8.5 2x)
🗣️ Speaking 8.5
✍🏻 Writing 7.5
⚡️ 3 years of experience
- Run by: @IzzatAbdu

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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✅ New video is coming soon. Guess the topic?

⚠️ Sit down and study.

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  •   Let’s keep going! 🤓
  •   Akuna matata ;)
116 голосов

1) Yes

2) Vocab yodla. 9 ga kutarib bilasan. Do not do practice tests every day. Once a week is enough.

3) Of course, read articles massively + analyze your mistakes in Grammar.

1) I will make a different post about movies and documentaries.

2) Read them three times: for vocabulary, for grammar, for ideas

3) I didn’t say that. You said it 😁

4) Thank you too.

Va alaykum assalom. Look, nothing on this God’s green Earth is guaranteed. That said, hard work increases your chances of success, which is why I make my students study at least 5 hours a day.

1) Whaaaat?

2) Contact my brother at @dadakhon_abdullaev. He is a senior graphic designer. Text him in Uzbek though; he will help you.

3) I’m a social media addict. I practically live on Telegram due to my work responsibilities.

1) Ajal strategiyalar free bo’lmidi 😁

2) Va alaykum assalom. Hamma narsani chopib 1 oy gunina 10 soat bosib o’qishing garak. Hard work is the only way.

3) You become more extroverted as you grow older. Don’t worry too much.

1) Va alaykum assalom. Your question is so broad and generic. If you study 3 hours a day every day, 3 months must be enough at your level.

2) Prove me you’re hard-working and it is yours.

1) I flicked through its pages recently. A good read, yeah.

2) Be full of energy. Study until you get at least 8.5 - an expert level.

3) On a different post, yes

4) Watch movies + Watch celebrity interviews.

Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.pdf
Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday.

Here is the book you guys are asking about. Thank me later 😉


416 0 33 1 19

1) Va alaykum assalom. Prosti tak practice test ishlagan bilan level o’sib qolmidi. Testing yourself is not the same as studying and learning something. Work on your general English. Do practice tests once a week. Believe you me, that’s enough.

2) Put in 8-10 hours a day 7 days a week. Study like a madman. Use the right materials and read articles massively.

3) No, I’m young and fresh. What are you talking about?

1) If you study the right materials 6 hours a day, I believe it is quite possible.

2) You have to become more natural in language usage. 6.5 ko’p students stuck bo’lib qoladi because so’zlani ishlatganda context ga qaramin ishlatadila. Learn to use collocation in their right contexts.

3) I would use ‘Quit dragging your feet’.

1) Expand your vocabulary (15 + 20 words a day) + Read 2 digestable articles daily.

2) Delete your social media apps. Before sitting down to study, consume a teaspoon of coffee itself in the form of powder.

3) Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

4) Good communication skills with deep knowledge of the subject.

1) I guess I usually do push-ups when I feel down.

2) History.com + TheAtlantic.com

3) Oh, don’t get me started.

4) Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday

You have a long way to go, young man. I’m up for competition though.

I believe with obession, you can beat a man of any calibre.

1) Getting complacent when things are good.

2) Personal ambitions

3) I’m sure, to be honest. My parents took me to my first English classes; then, I fell in love with the language.

4) Read articles massively. Listen to podcasts (2 hours a day) + Work on your common mistakes in Grammar and Accuracy.

Forget about speed reading. Rather, focus on understanding every bit of an article. Read like a poet; read like an author.

1) Try online teaching if you have a good command of the English language. Also, you can learn video editing or graphic design. Most of my friends do one of these.

2) Appreciate that a lot. I cannot say the balance is ideal for me right now. A couple more years, then I will focus more on personal relationships.

3) Write one report and essay daily. Analyze one model essay and report daily. Put yourself under exam pressure.

✅ My DMs are full of questions. Telegram will block my account if this persists.

So ask your questions here: t.me/questianonbot?start=428619012v



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