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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

The Tree does not bother about flowers that fall.

It is always busy making new flowers blossom.

Life is not about what we lost so far. It's about what we can still grow.

Good night 😊


🤔 Did you know? The word 'data' can be singular or plural depending on context!

🔍 Examples:
📊 The data is accurate. (singular, casual use)
🧪 The data are being analyzed. (plural, formal/scientific use)

📌 Keep this in mind when writing!



👍 intelligent
❤️ dull
🥰 weak


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English Vocabulary - Supermarket 🇬🇧

Learn useful English vocabulary to talk about things in the supermarket. You will use these words every time you visit the supermarket! 🛒🛍️

❕ Vocabulary:
▫️ Supermarket
▫️ Basket
▫️ Aisle
▫️ Shelves
▫️ On offer
▫️ Discount
▫️ Produce
▫️ Self-checkout
▫️ Receipt


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Do you want a piece of me?

An informal and aggressive phrase used to challenge someone to a fight or confrontation. It suggests that the speaker is ready to argue or physically fight.



🔹 Adjectives with -ed and -ing 🤔
Use -ed for feelings (How you feel)
🟢 I am bored. (I feel bored.)
🟢 She was interested in the movie.
Use -ing for things (What causes the feeling)
🟢 The movie was boring. (It made me bored.)
🟢 That book is interesting.
💡 Tip:
If something makes you feel a certain way → Use -ing.
If you feel a certain way → Use -ed.
🔹 Challenge: Write a sentence using -ed or -ing adjectives in the comments!

❤️ In
👍 At
🥰 On

Understanding different word formations of a single word can help to improve your vocabulary and language skills in various ways:

1. Angrier (comparative adjective) She was angrier than I had ever seen her before.

2. Angriest (superlative adjective)
Out of all the siblings, he was the angriest when he found out the news.

3. Anger (noun)
His anger towards the situation was palpable.

4. Angered (verb)
She was angered by his thoughtless comments.

5. Angering (verb)
The constant noise from the construction site was angering the residents.

6. Angry (adjective)
The teacher's angry expression made the students quiet down immediately.

7. Angerless (adjective)
Despite the frustrating situation, she remained angerless and composed


The American and British dictionaries are very different, because they were compiled by two very different authors with two very different perspectives on language

🏖 Holiday — Vacation

🍟 Chips — Fries

🏢 Flat — Apartment

🚇 Underground — Subway

📬 Post — Mail

⚽️ Football — Soccer

📱Mobile phone — Cell phone

American English has become much more pervasive than British English according to a new study. ... However, British English has always been the norm there. In contrast, British English is still prevalent in Commonwealth countries.

Which one do you use?

Репост из: The Noble Quran

The word Ramadan (رمضان ) comes from the word Ramad (رمض) which literally means burning.

Imam Qurtubi said:

سمي رمضان لأنه يحرق ذنوب الناس بالحسنات

“It was named Ramadan because it burns the sins of people with good deeds.”

🔖Ref: Tafsir Al-Qurtubi (v. 2, p. 271).

very funny if you get it😂

Do you need the Speak Now collection? ⭐️📚

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English Usage ☝️

Some verbs can only be followed by "to + verb", not "-ing".

🔹 Want – I want to learn English.
🔹 Decide – She decided to travel abroad.
🔹 Hope – They hope to win the match.
🔹 Promise – He promised to call later.
🔹 Plan – We plan to visit our grandparents.

Use them correctly! ✅ #english_usage


☝️ In British English, singular words like family, teamgovernment, which refer to groups of people, can have either singular or plural verbs and pronouns.

🔹The team is/are going to lose.


🎯 Word Challenge: Synonyms for "Happy"
Can you think of other words that mean "happy"? 😊

Here are a few:
✨ Joyful
✨ Cheerful
✨ Thrilled
Now it's your turn! Comment your synonyms below! ⬇️


📚 Wake Up vs. Get Up

📋 Wake up and Get up have different meanings so they cannot be exchanged without a difference in meaning.

🔺 Wake up
📋 Wake up = to stop sleeping and open your eyes.

🔺 Example sentences of Wake up:

▪️ Why am I still tired when I wake up?
▪️ My alarm clock rang and I woke up immediately.
▪️ When she woke up, she no longer had a headache.

🔺 Get up
📋 Get up = to get out of bed (usually to start your day).

📋 Get up can also mean: To go from a lying position onto your feet.

🔺 Example sentences of Get up:

▪️ I first thing I do when I get up is go to the toilet.
▪️ This morning I got up earlier than normal.
▪️ I got up in the middle of the night to find myself another blanket because I was cold.


Could You pronounce?

1) Crisps
Potato chips are called crisps in England.

2) Thistle
Thistle is a wild plant with sharp leaves.

3) Should
You shouldn't pronounce the 'L' in should.

4) Would
Would and wood sound the same.

5) Murder
The man was charged with murder.

6) Ambulance
When you hear an ambulance, pull over to the side of the road.

7) Little
You'll learn English little by little.

8) Catastrophic
The catastrophic earthquake took many lives.

9) Unfortunate
An unfortunate accident happened.

10) Law/Low
Stealing is against the law.
If you bend down low, you'll see where the kids are hiding.

Try to pronounce these words

Time expessions: Present, Past, Future

- Now
- At the moment
- Currently
- Today
- This week/month/year
- Presently
- In this instant
- As we speak
- Nowadays
- In the contemporary era

Advanced Level (Present):
- In the here and now
- At the present juncture
- At this very point in time

- In the past
- Back in the day
- Long ago
- Once upon a time
- In bygone day
- Yesterday
- Last week/month/year
- Previously
- In the past
- When I was younger
Advanced Level (Past):
- In antiquity
- Erewhile
- In yesteryears

- Tomorrow
- Next week/month/year
- Eventually
- In the future
- Coming days/weeks/months/years
- Soon
- In the near future
- Shortly
- Imminently
- In the upcoming time

Advanced Level (Future):
- In time to come
- Shortly forthcoming
- In the fullness of time

❓ Spot the Mistake! ❓
Which sentence is correct? 🤔

❤️She has a long hair.
👍She has long hair.

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