1.🔻To daunt, to scare, to intimidate - hadiksiramoq, xavotirga tushmoq/solmoq, tahlikaga tushmoq, qo'rqitmoq, do'q-po'pisa qilmoq, cho'chitmoq
2.🔻To load, to put in, to fill, to pack - yuklamoq, to'ldirmoq, (narsalarini) joylamoq, tayyorlamoq, solmoq, yuklarini joylashtirmoq
3.🔻Decade, a period of ten years - o'n yil, o'n yillik
4.🔻To surpass, to excel, to exceed - oshib ketmoq, o'tib ketmoq, yaxshiroq bo'lmoq/bajarmoq, ortiq bo'lmoq, afzal bo'lmoq, ustun chiqmoq
5.🔻To assemble, to put together - yig'ilmoq, yig'moq, to'planmoq, to'plamoq, jamlamoq, jamlanmoq
6.🔻To render, to make, to cause to be - biror holatga tushmoq, biror holatga tushirmoq, sabab bo'lmoq
7.🔻To grow accustomed, to become used to - odatlanib qolish, odatlanish
8.🔻To advance, to move forward, to progress - olg'a yurmoq, olg'a siljimoq, olg'a bormoq, oldinga harakat qildirmoq, ildamlamoq, yaxshilanmoq, rivojlanmoq
9.🔻To dismiss, to set aside, to think no more of - ahamiyat bermaslik, e'tiborsiz qoldirmoq, miyasidan chiqarib tashlamoq, xayolidan chiqarib tashlamoq
10.🔻Software, program essential to the operation of computers - dastur, kompyuter dasturi, dasturiy ta'minot
11.🔻Pace, speed - shiddat, jadallik, sur'at, tezlik
12.🔻To rival, to compete, to vie - raqobatchi bo'lmoq, musobaqalashmoq, bellashmoq, bahs olib bormoq
13.🔻To alter, to change - o'zgarmoq, o'zgartirmoq, o'zgartirish kiritmoq
14.🔻Progenitors, ancestor - o'simlik yoki hayvonot turining ajdodi, ajdod, ota-bobo, bobo-kalon