Shohjahon | IELTS 📔📈

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

IELTS 6,5 [L7 R 7,5] 🟠
IELTS will be updated soon 🟠
SAT Math 770/800 🟠

For contact: @Shakhjahon2505

Связанные каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Half of this troubles of this life is can be traced to saying yes quickly and not saying no soon enough

© Josh Billings

Happy Ramadan 🩸

Is this phenomenon good or bad?

You opinion?

Репост из: Ulugbek Davlatov | IELTS |
Speed Reading with Ulugbek Davlatov.pdf
⭐️ Speed Reading Challenge

📝 Topic: What is Speed Reading

➡️ Reading nega muhim?
➡️ Speed Reading Marathon nima?
➡️ Speed Reading qanday qilinadi?

🔵Join: Ulugbek Davlatov's

🩸 Given the chance (C1) - imkoniyat berilganda

💠— Given the chance, I would take a photo with Ronaldo (also with Messi 👌)

Kommentda bittadan gap tuzib qoldiring!🚩


Agree 💯

Fact 💯💠

2025-yil boshidan beri Map/Process ketma-ket tushyaptiyu🤯

Faqat Trend/Comparative graphlarga tayyorlanib qotib qolmaslik kerak ekan💯

Boylar ⭐ tashab ketibdimi😁

Is it right?

For example: Your first attempt to take the IELTS certificate...

Any others?



"Watch your language"

🇺🇲 Be careful about the words you use
🇺🇿 Foydalanyotgan so'zlarizga ehtiyot bo'ling (so'kinma degani qisqasi🌚😶)

Example: Haters just watch your mouth⚠️

City 14 minutda nimalar qib tashladiyey🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Being the smartest in the room is not important. Being the one who's willing to ask for help is the most important💯🩸

Is this phenomenon worth to eat into our precious time❓


Hard truth ⚠️

Показано 20 последних публикаций.