Speaking Part 1/2/3

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Part One, Two and Three questions and sample ANSWERS
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Узбекистан, Английский
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Nargiz has always been a very hardworking student of mine, which has finally paid off with an impressive IELTS score, 7️⃣🔤5️⃣ 😎😎

I am proud of you sister ☺️ In shaa Alloh yaxshi kunlarizga ishlatish nasb qilsin 😇

🎧 LISTENING 8️⃣🔤5️⃣

Siz ham shunday ajoyib natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi? Yoki yana "keyinroq boshlayman" deb o‘ylab yuraverasizmi? 😏 Qaror sizdan, natija bizdan! 📚🔥

👉 IELTS/CEFR/General English kurslari uchun: @Ramazon_Safarov


Adiy aka, one of my close colleagues, has finally managed to nail an impressive IELTS 7️⃣🔤0️⃣ 😎

Hats off to you brother, especially for your persistency 😎

In shaa Alloh yaxshi kunlarizga ishlatish nasb qilsin ☺️

🎧 LISTENING 7️⃣🔤5️⃣

Siz ham shunday ajoyib natijalarga erishishni xohlaysizmi? Yoki yana "keyinroq boshlayman" deb o‘ylab yuraverasizmi? 😏 Qaror sizdan, natija bizdan! 📚🔥

👉 IELTS/CEFR/General English kurslari uchun: @Ramazon_Safarov

Репост из: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 8️⃣

Yeah, it is time to think about it 😁

As a person who got socks on January, I have a hard choice to make in the near future 🤪

What can be equal to a bundle of socks ??? 😂


Anyone with the same problem, I got your back 😎😎😎 I found what can be equal to a bundle of socks in this channel 🤪

Can you go and find which one I am talking about 😎

7.7k 0 149 1 31

6.6k 0 141 4 22

Репост из: Safarov English 🇺🇿🇬🇧
My offline lessons look like this 😎

Teacher: Me 😎
-> IELTS - 8.5
-> CEFR - 7.0

For contact: @Ramazon_Safarov

Topic: Happiness

1. How do people express happiness in your culture?
In my culture, people express happiness by smiling, laughing, and celebrating special occasions with family and friends. They often give gifts, host gatherings, or share traditional meals. For example, during festivals, people wear colorful clothes and enjoy music and dance.

2. Do you think happiness has any effect on people?
Yes, happiness has a significant impact on both mental and physical health. Happy people are usually more positive, productive, and have stronger relationships. For example, studies show that people who experience frequent happiness tend to live longer and have lower stress levels.

3. Why does buying new things make people happy?
Buying new things can bring excitement and satisfaction, especially when it fulfills a need or desire. It gives people a sense of reward and achievement. For instance, purchasing a new phone or clothes can boost confidence and improve mood.

4. Is it good to be unhappy?
Occasionally, being unhappy can be beneficial because it helps people reflect and grow. It can motivate individuals to change their situations and appreciate happiness more. For example, experiencing failure can encourage someone to work harder and achieve success.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 😃 Happiness - A feeling of joy and satisfaction.
Example: Happiness is often found in simple things like spending time with loved ones.

2. 🎉 Celebration - A joyful event to mark a special occasion.
Example: Birthdays and weddings are common celebrations.

3. 🎁 Gift-giving - The act of giving presents to others.
Example: In many cultures, gift-giving is a way to express happiness.

4. 🍽 Traditional meals - Food prepared according to cultural customs.
Example: Traditional meals are shared during festivals.

5. 😊 Positive attitude - A mindset that focuses on good outcomes.
Example: A positive attitude helps people deal with challenges.

6. 🏋️ Physical health - The condition of a person's body.
Example: Happiness can improve physical health by reducing stress.

7. 🧠 Mental well-being - The state of having a healthy mind.
Example: Meditation improves mental well-being.

8. 🛍 Retail therapy - Shopping to improve mood or relieve stress.
Example: Some people use retail therapy to feel better after a bad day.

9. 🎭 Emotions - Feelings like happiness, sadness, or anger.
Example: Music can influence people's emotions.

10. 🚀 Motivation - The desire to achieve something.
Example: Difficult times can provide motivation for self-improvement.

11. 🏆 Achievement - The act of accomplishing something.
Example: Graduating from university is a big achievement.

12. 📱 Material possessions - Physical items that people own.
Example: Some people find happiness in material possessions.

13. 🌍 Cultural traditions - Customs and practices passed through generations.
Example: Cultural traditions influence how people celebrate happiness.

14. 🧩 Self-reflection - The process of thinking about one’s experiences.
Example: Self-reflection helps people understand their emotions better.

15. 🎯 Success - The accomplishment of a goal.
Example: Overcoming failure often leads to greater success.

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8.5k 0 103 1 62

Topic: Losing things

1. What things do people often lose?
People often lose small everyday items like keys, wallets, mobile phones, and earphones. These objects are frequently misplaced because they are carried around all the time. For example, many people forget their phones in taxis or leave their wallets at restaurants.

2. What kind of people may lose things often?
People who are forgetful, distracted, or disorganized tend to lose things more often. Those who multitask or have a busy lifestyle might also misplace their belongings. For instance, students rushing to class may forget their notebooks at home.

3. How can we avoid losing things?
To avoid losing things, people can develop good habits like keeping items in the same place, using reminders, or attaching tracking devices. Organizing personal belongings and reducing distractions can also help. For example, using a key holder at home ensures that keys are always easy to find.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 🔑 Misplace - To put something in the wrong place and lose it.
Example: I often misplace my keys and spend time searching for them.

2. 🎧 Earphones - Small speakers worn in the ears.
Example: Many people lose their earphones because they are tiny.

3. 💼 Belongings - Personal items or possessions.
Example: Travelers should take care of their belongings at the airport.

4. 📚 Notebook - A book used for writing notes.
Example: Students sometimes forget their notebooks in classrooms.

5. 🏃‍♂️ Rushing - Moving quickly without paying attention.
Example: People rushing to work often forget important things.

6. 🎯 Forgetful - Frequently unable to remember things.
Example: My grandfather is quite forgetful and often misplaces his glasses.

7. 🧩 Disorganized - Not having things arranged properly.
Example: A disorganized person may lose important documents.

8. 🔄 Multitask - Doing multiple things at the same time.
Example: People who multitask sometimes forget where they put their items.

9. 📅 Reminder - A notification or sign to help remember something.
Example: Setting reminders on a phone can help prevent losing things.

10. 📌 Tracking device - A tool used to locate lost items.
Example: Many people use tracking devices to find lost keys.

11. 🏠 Key holder - A designated place for storing keys.
Example: A key holder near the door prevents key loss.

12. 📲 Mobile phone - A portable device used for communication.
Example: Losing a mobile phone can be very stressful.

13. 💰 Wallet - A small case for carrying money and cards.
Example: Many people lose their wallets while traveling.

14. 🤯 Distracted - Not paying full attention.
Example: Distracted people often forget where they placed their things.

15. 📦 Organize - To arrange things neatly and systematically.
Example: Organizing your desk can help avoid losing important documents.

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Topic: Technology

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of always being busy?
Being busy can be beneficial as it increases productivity and helps people achieve their goals. However, it can also lead to stress, exhaustion, and less time for personal life. For example, a hardworking professional may earn a good salary but struggle with maintaining a work-life balance.

2. What kind of pressure may people experience at work?
Employees often face pressure from deadlines, high expectations, and long working hours. Workplace stress can affect both mental and physical health. For example, a sales manager might feel pressure to meet monthly targets, leading to anxiety.

3. How does technology help with time management?
Technology helps people manage time efficiently through digital calendars, task management apps, and automation tools. These tools help organize schedules and reduce wasted time. For instance, apps like Google Calendar allow users to set reminders for important meetings.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. ⏳ Productivity - The ability to complete tasks efficiently.
Example: Staying organized improves productivity at work.

2. 💼 Work-life balance - Maintaining a healthy separation between work and personal life.
Example: Many professionals struggle with work-life balance.

3. 🏃‍♂️ Exhaustion - Extreme physical or mental tiredness.
Example: Working long hours can lead to exhaustion.

4. ⚠️ Stress - A state of mental or emotional strain.
Example: High expectations in the workplace cause stress.

5. 🎯 Deadlines - The latest time by which something should be completed.
Example: Meeting deadlines is a major source of pressure at work.

6. 📈 Expectations - The level of performance people anticipate.
Example: Employees must meet high expectations in competitive jobs.

7. ⏰ Time management - The ability to use time effectively.
Example: Good time management helps reduce work pressure.

8. 🗓 Digital calendar - An electronic tool for organizing schedules.
Example: A digital calendar helps people remember appointments.

9. 🏆 Achievements - Accomplishments resulting from effort.
Example: Staying busy leads to more achievements.

10. 📊 Task management - Organizing and prioritizing responsibilities.
Example: Task management apps help people plan their work.

11. 🔄 Automation - The use of technology to complete tasks automatically.
Example: Automation reduces the time needed for repetitive work.

12. 📌 Reminders - Notifications that help people remember important tasks.
Example: Setting reminders prevents missing deadlines.

13. 📱 Apps - Software programs for digital devices.
Example: Productivity apps help workers stay focused.

14. 🤯 Anxiety - A feeling of nervousness or worry.
Example: Workplace pressure can cause anxiety.

15. 🎡 Burnout - Extreme exhaustion due to overworking.
Example: Working nonstop without breaks leads to burnout.

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Surxondaryo ahli va yoshlari uchun muhim yangilik, azizlar! 🏔🚀

Hozirda, poytaxtimiz Toshkent shaxrining 21 nuqtasida faoliyat yuritayotgan EVEREST o'quv markazi endi Termiz shaxrida ham o'zining yangi, qulay va zamonaviy filialini ochish arafasida turibdi!

☝🏾EVEREST TERMIZ filiali jamoasi a'zosiga aylaning! Jamoaga IELTS instruktorlari, manzil manageri, administrativ hodimlar, mock exam jamoasi a'zolari va support teachers pozitsiyalariga xodimlar kerak bo'lmoqda!

🔥 Ishga joylashish va traininglar jarayonining dastlabki bosqichi uchun yagona talab kamida IELTS overall 6.0 yoki Multi-Level C1 natijasi hisoblanadi!

Yuqoriroq IELTS natijasiga ega, Termiz shaxri universitetlarining Ingliz tiliga ixtisoslashgan fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan hamda xozirning o'zida Termiz shaxrida IELTS instruktorlik yoki Ingliz tili ustozligi faoliyati bilan shug'ullanayotgan kandidatlarga ishga joylashish jarayonida ustunlik beramiz!

❗️Kandidatlar dastlab anketa, keyin esa suhbat bosqichidan o'tadilar! Suhbatlar natijasida ishga qabul qilingan bo'lajak xodimlarimizni Toshkentda yoki Termiz shaxrining o'zida kamida 2 oy mobaynida tashkil qilinadigan traininglarga jalb qilamiz! Toshkent shaxriga kelib trainingda qatnashish imkoniga ega kandidatlarni esa EVEREST parallel tarzida ish bilan band qiladi va ularga maosh to'lab boradi! Traininglar so'nggida barcha kandidatlar IELTS imtihonini topshiradilar va natijalariga mos Termiz manzilidagi ish pozitsiyalariga yo'naltiriladilar!

EVEREST Respublikamizdagi eng katta va 7.0+ IELTS natijalari miqdori nuqtai nazaridan birinchi raqamli o'quv markazi hisoblanadi, azizlar! Biz o'z hodimlarimizga har taraflama qulay sharoitlar, muntazam o'sish imkoniyati va eng yuqori oyliklarni ta'minlab beradigan o'quv markazimiz! Ishoning, ochilajak EVEREST TERMIZ manzilimiz jamoasi a'zosiga aylanish bo'lajak kadrlar uchun positive life-changing point bo'ladi, Xudo xohlasa!

P.S. Yangilikni Termiz shaxridagi IELTS 6.0 yoki CEFR C1 natijasiga ega barcha tanishlaringizga ulashing! Termizda xozirda faoliyat yuritayotgan barcha IELTS instruktorlariga va Ingliz tili fakultetlarida tahsil olayotgan talabalarga xabarni yetqazing! Termizda iloji boricha kuchli jamoani shakllantirishimizga ko'maklashing, dostoyniy kadrlar yangilikdan xabar topsin, xullas!

Kaminaga to'g'ridan-to'g'ri murojaat qilishsin va dastlabki anketani to'ldirishsin, ularga albatta aloqaga chiqib suhbatlar tashkil qilaman:

👉 @urokovkhurshid 🗻


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Topic: Popularity

1. What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?
Being popular at school can help a child develop confidence, social skills, and a strong support system. They are often included in group activities and have many friends. For example, popular students may find it easier to work in teams and participate in leadership roles.

2. Why do some people become famous but not successful?
Some people gain fame due to social media or viral trends, but they may lack the skills or knowledge to sustain success. Popularity alone does not guarantee long-term achievements. For example, internet influencers may become famous quickly but struggle to maintain relevance if they lack talent or a strong work ethic.

3. What kinds of people are popular at work?
At work, employees who are friendly, helpful, and effective communicators tend to be the most popular. Those who contribute ideas, support their colleagues, and maintain a positive attitude are well-liked. For example, a manager who listens to their team and encourages collaboration is usually respected.

4. Are knowledgeable people popular at work?
Yes, knowledgeable people can be popular if they use their expertise to help others rather than showing off. However, technical skills alone are not enough—good communication and teamwork also matter. For instance, an experienced IT specialist who assists coworkers with technology issues is often appreciated.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. ⭐️ Popularity - The state of being liked by many people.
Example: Popularity in school can boost a child’s confidence.

2. 🏆 Confidence - The feeling of self-assurance in one’s abilities.
Example: Popular students often develop strong confidence.

3. 🗣 Social skills - The ability to interact well with others.
Example: Good social skills help people build friendships.

4. 👥 Support system - A network of people who provide help and encouragement.
Example: Having a strong support system makes school life easier.

5. 🎬 Fame - The state of being widely known.
Example: Many people achieve fame through social media.

6. 🚀 Viral trends - Popular topics or content that spread quickly.
Example: Viral trends can make someone famous overnight.

7. 📉 Sustain - To maintain something over time.
Example: Some influencers struggle to sustain their popularity.

8. 🔥 Relevance - The quality of being important or connected to something.
Example: Celebrities work hard to maintain their relevance in the industry.

9. 📈 Work ethic - The belief in hard work and discipline.
Example: A strong work ethic leads to long-term success.

10. 🤝 Collaboration - Working together with others to achieve a goal.
Example: Collaboration in the workplace improves teamwork.

11. 🎯 Expertise - A high level of knowledge or skill in a particular area.
Example: Employees with expertise are often sought after for advice.

12. 💬 Effective communicator - Someone who expresses ideas clearly.
Example: Leaders should be effective communicators to inspire their teams.

13. 🖥 IT specialist - A person who works with technology and computer systems.
Example: IT specialists help companies solve technical problems.

14. 🔄 Teamwork - Working well with others to achieve common goals.
Example: Companies value employees who have strong teamwork skills.

15. 👂 Listening skills - The ability to understand and respond to others effectively.
Example: Good listening skills help managers build trust with employees.

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🏔Everest o'quv markazining 2024-yil uchun HISOBOT DAYJESTI

Everest uchun 2024-yil esda qolarli darajada muvaffaqiyat onlarini taqdim etdi!
O'quvchilarimiz yutuqlari, ustozlarimizning shaxsiy rivojlanishidagi yuqorilash - bizni katta jamoa sifatida yangi marralarni egallashimizga sabab bo'ldi!

2024-yilda o'quvchilarimiz qayd etgan IELTS 7+ natijalar:
759 ta - Overall 7.0
313 ta - Overall 7.5
108 ta - Overall 8.0
32 ta - Overall 8.5
4 ta - Overall 9.0
88 ta - CEFR C1 natijalari
Umumiy: 1304 ta IELTS 7+🔥

• Undan tashqari, 2024-yilda Everest yana 5 ta manzilga ko'paydi.

• Ta'lim sohasi bo'yicha 5-marotaba ketma-ket "YIL BRENDI" deya e'tirof etildi!….

Yaxshisi, to’liq videoni tomosha qilib batafsil ma’lumot olishingiz mumkin😊

📹👉YouTubeda yuqori sifatda ko’ring!

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5.8k 0 10 10 48

Topic: Encouraging people

1. Do you think people care about others’ comments about them?
Yes, most people care about others’ opinions because they want to be accepted and respected. However, some individuals are more confident and do not let negative comments affect them. For example, celebrities often receive both praise and criticism but learn to ignore unnecessary negativity.

2. Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback?
Both are important, but negative feedback helps people identify their weaknesses and improve. Constructive criticism can be useful for personal and professional growth. For instance, a student receiving feedback on mistakes in an essay can learn to avoid them in the future.

3. Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in studies?
Negative feedback is crucial for improvement, while positive feedback boosts confidence and motivation. A balance of both helps people grow. For example, an employee needs appreciation for achievements but also suggestions for better performance.

4. Which is more important for adults in the workplace, positive feedback or negative feedback?
Positive feedback encourages employees, but negative feedback helps them refine their skills. In a workplace, constructive criticism ensures continuous learning. For instance, a manager might praise a worker’s creativity but suggest ways to improve time management.

5. When should parents encourage their children?
Parents should encourage their children regularly, especially when they try new things or face challenges. Motivation helps build confidence and resilience. For example, praising a child for attempting a difficult task, even if they fail, encourages perseverance.

6. Should parents always encourage their children?
While encouragement is important, excessive praise can make children overconfident or less willing to accept criticism. Parents should balance encouragement with guidance. For example, they should recognize efforts but also teach children to learn from failures.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 🗣 Feedback - Information or opinions given to improve performance.
Example: Teachers give feedback to help students improve.

2. 📢 Criticism - The act of pointing out mistakes or weaknesses.
Example: Constructive criticism helps people develop their skills.

3. 🔄 Constructive - Useful and aimed at improvement.
Example: Constructive feedback helps employees perform better.

4. 🏆 Praise - Expressing approval or admiration.
Example: Parents praise their children for good behavior.

5. 💡 Motivation - The reason for doing something or feeling inspired.
Example: Encouragement from parents provides motivation to children.

6. 🏗 Improvement - The process of getting better at something.
Example: Regular feedback leads to improvement in work quality.

7. 🚀 Confidence - A feeling of self-assurance and belief in abilities.
Example: Positive feedback boosts a person’s confidence.

8. 🎭 Resilience - The ability to recover from difficulties.
Example: Encouragement builds resilience in children.

9. 📚 Learning process - The way people acquire knowledge or skills.
Example: Feedback is an essential part of the learning process.

10. ⏳ Perseverance - Continued effort despite difficulties.
Example: Encouragement helps children develop perseverance.

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Ethics and Morality Vocabulary: Common Words and Collocations

1. Moral principles: Fundamental guidelines that help individuals distinguish right from wrong.
Ex: Many moral principles, such as honesty and compassion, are shared across different cultures and religions.

2. Ethical standards: Agreed-upon rules or criteria for determining acceptable conduct.
Ex: Professionals are expected to adhere to ethical standards to maintain public trust.

3. Integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Ex: A leader’s integrity is often tested during difficult situations where ethical decisions must be made.

4. Virtue ethics: A philosophical approach that focuses on the character and virtues of a person rather than on rules or consequences.
Ex: Virtue ethics emphasizes qualities such as courage, humility, and kindness in guiding behavior.

5. Moral dilemma: A situation in which a person must choose between conflicting moral principles.
Ex: Moral dilemmas often arise in professional settings where ethical standards and personal beliefs may conflict.

6. Social responsibility: The obligation of individuals and organizations to act for the benefit of society at large.
Ex: Companies demonstrate social responsibility by adopting environmentally friendly practices and treating employees fairly.

7. Ethical relativism: The belief that morality is culturally dependent and that no single moral framework is universally valid.
Ex: Ethical relativism challenges the idea of absolute moral truths, suggesting that ethical norms vary across societies.

8. Code of conduct: A formal set of rules that outline acceptable behavior within a group or organization.
Ex: Many workplaces implement a code of conduct to guide employees in making ethical decisions.

9. Altruism: The selfless concern for the well-being of others.
Ex: Acts of altruism, such as volunteering and charitable giving, are often seen as morally commendable.

10. Moral accountability: The responsibility to answer for one’s ethical decisions and actions.
Ex: Moral accountability encourages people to consider the consequences of their actions and to uphold ethical values.

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Topic: Expressing opinions

1. What should a company do when receiving feedback about its products?
A company should carefully analyze customer feedback and use it to improve its products and services. Positive feedback helps maintain quality, while negative reviews highlight areas for improvement. For example, if customers complain about a slow app, the company should work on optimizing its speed.

2. Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?
Yes, many apps are designed for collecting customer feedback, such as Google Reviews, Trustpilot, and SurveyMonkey. These platforms allow users to rate services and share their experiences. For instance, businesses use Trustpilot to build trust by displaying customer testimonials.

3. Should teachers give advice to children?
Yes, teachers should give advice to children because they play a crucial role in their development. Apart from academic knowledge, children need guidance on social behavior and decision-making. For example, teachers can advise students on time management and career choices.

4. Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?
People share opinions online because social media provides a platform for easy communication and self-expression. They can discuss current events, review products, or share personal experiences. For instance, many users leave comments on YouTube or Twitter to express their thoughts.

5. What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the Internet?
One major disadvantage is the risk of online arguments, misunderstandings, and cyberbullying. Sometimes, people face backlash for expressing controversial opinions. For example, a celebrity's opinion on a sensitive issue may lead to criticism and negative comments.

6. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?
Some people avoid giving opinions because they fear judgment or conflict. They might lack confidence or prefer to stay neutral in discussions. For example, in a debate, an introverted person might stay silent to avoid confrontation.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 📝 Feedback - Opinions or suggestions about something.
Example: Customer feedback helps businesses improve their products.

2. 📊 Survey - A method of collecting opinions from people.
Example: Companies conduct surveys to understand customer preferences.

3. ⭐️ Reviews - Evaluations or ratings of a product or service.
Example: Online reviews influence people’s purchasing decisions.

4. 📱 Social media - Online platforms for communication and content sharing.
Example: Social media allows people to express their opinions freely.

5. 🗣 Self-expression - The ability to share thoughts and feelings.
Example: Writing blogs is a form of self-expression.

6. 🏆 Trustpilot - A website where customers review businesses.
Example: Many companies use Trustpilot to build trust with customers.

7. 🎓 Guidance - Advice or help given to someone.
Example: Teachers provide guidance on both academic and personal matters.

8. 🔍 Testimonials - Statements from customers about a product or service.
Example: Companies display testimonials to attract new buyers.

9. 💬 Comment section - A place where users share their thoughts online.
Example: The comment section on YouTube is filled with different opinions.

10. 🔄 Controversial - Something that causes disagreement or debate.
Example: Political topics are often controversial.

11. ⚠️ Backlash - Strong negative reactions from people.
Example: A company may face backlash for poor customer service.

12. 🤖 Cyberbullying - Harassment or bullying that happens online.
Example: Cyberbullying is a serious issue on social media platforms.

13. ⚖️ Neutral - Not taking sides in a discussion or argument.
Example: Some people prefer to remain neutral in debates.

14. 🎤 Debate - A formal discussion on a topic.
Example: Students participate in debates to improve communication skills.

Cultural Festivals Vocabulary: Common Words and Collocations

1. Traditional customs: Practices or rituals that are passed down through generations.
Ex: Traditional customs such as dancing, music, and dress are often central to cultural festivals.

2. Local heritage: The unique historical and cultural aspects of a specific community or region.
Ex: Cultural festivals provide a platform to celebrate and preserve local heritage.

3. Festive atmosphere: A joyful and celebratory mood often created by decorations, music, and food.
Ex: The lively performances and colorful lights contributed to the festive atmosphere of the event.

4. Rituals and ceremonies: Formal activities or events conducted as part of a festival’s tradition.
Ex: Many cultural festivals begin with rituals and ceremonies that mark the opening of the celebrations.

5. Ethnic diversity: The variety of cultural backgrounds and traditions within a community.
Ex: Cultural festivals highlight the ethnic diversity of a region and promote mutual understanding.

6. Handicrafts and art: Locally made items that reflect cultural and artistic traditions.
Ex: Stalls featuring handicrafts and art allow visitors to experience the creativity of local artisans.

7. Folk music and dance: Traditional forms of music and movement that convey a community’s history and identity.
Ex: Folk music and dance performances are a highlight of many cultural festivals, drawing large audiences.

8. Cultural exchange: The sharing of traditions, values, and practices between different communities.
Ex: Cultural festivals foster cultural exchange by bringing people together from diverse backgrounds.

9. Historical significance: The historical importance or origins of a festival.
Ex: Some cultural festivals have deep historical significance, often dating back centuries.

10. Traditional cuisine: Food that represents the culinary heritage of a particular culture.
Ex: Traditional cuisine is a central feature of cultural festivals, giving visitors a taste of authentic flavors.

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Topic: Opinions

1. When do children begin to have their own ideas and opinions?
Children start forming their own ideas and opinions at a young age, usually around 3 to 5 years old. As they grow, they develop critical thinking skills by observing and questioning the world. For example, a child may express preferences for certain foods or toys based on personal experiences.

2. Should parents require their kids to obey them?
Yes, but within reason. Parents should teach discipline while also encouraging independent thinking. Blind obedience can limit a child’s ability to make decisions. For instance, children should respect rules for safety but also be allowed to express their views.

3. Who are smart children likely to be influenced by?
Smart children are often influenced by parents, teachers, and inspiring role models. They tend to admire people who demonstrate knowledge, creativity, or leadership. For example, many young learners look up to scientists like Albert Einstein or inventors like Elon Musk.

4. What jobs need employees to be talkative?
Jobs in sales, teaching, and customer service require employees to be talkative. These professions involve constant interaction with people and strong communication skills. For instance, sales representatives must persuade customers to buy products.

5. In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Communication is essential in many industries, including business, healthcare, and media. Effective communication ensures smooth teamwork and customer satisfaction. For example, doctors need good communication skills to explain medical conditions to patients clearly.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. 🧠 Critical thinking - The ability to analyze and evaluate ideas logically.
Example: Critical thinking helps children form independent opinions.

2. 🎭 Role models - People who inspire and influence others positively.
Example: Teachers often become role models for young students.

3. 📢 Persuade - To convince someone to do or believe something.
Example: Salespeople must persuade customers to buy their products.

4. 💡 Independent thinking - The ability to form ideas without relying on others.
Example: Schools should encourage independent thinking in children.

5. 📊 Sales representatives - People who sell products or services.
Example: Sales representatives must be talkative and confident.

6. 🎤 Public speaking - The act of speaking in front of an audience.
Example: Public speaking is an important skill for teachers.

7. 👩‍🏫 Teachers - Educators who guide students in learning.
Example: Teachers play a key role in shaping children's opinions.

8. 💼 Customer service - Assisting customers with their needs and inquiries.
Example: Good communication is crucial in customer service jobs.

9. 🏥 Healthcare - The field related to medicine and patient care.
Example: Doctors and nurses need strong communication skills in healthcare.

10. 📰 Media - Industries related to journalism and broadcasting.
Example: Media professionals must communicate effectively with the public.

11. 🚀 Leadership - The ability to guide and inspire others.
Example: Great leaders influence people through effective communication.

12. 📚 Knowledge - Information and skills gained through experience.
Example: Children look up to people with vast knowledge.

13. ⚖️ Discipline - The practice of training people to follow rules.
Example: Parents must balance discipline and freedom in raising children.

14. 👩‍🔬 Scientists - People who study and research scientific topics.
Example: Many children are inspired by scientists like Marie Curie.

15. 🗣 Communication skills - The ability to express ideas clearly.
Example: Strong communication skills are essential in all professions.

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Environmental Pollution Vocabulary: Common Words and Collocations

1. Air pollution: Contamination of the atmosphere by harmful substances such as chemicals, particulate matter, or biological materials.
Ex: Air pollution from factories and vehicles is a major contributor to respiratory diseases.

2. Water contamination: The presence of harmful pollutants in rivers, lakes, oceans, or groundwater.
Ex: Industrial waste and agricultural runoff are leading causes of water contamination.

3. Plastic waste: Non-biodegradable plastics that accumulate in the environment, causing long-term damage.
Ex: Efforts to reduce plastic waste include banning single-use plastic bags and promoting reusable alternatives.

4. Industrial emissions: Pollutants released into the air, water, or soil from factories and manufacturing processes.
Ex: Stricter regulations on industrial emissions can help lower the levels of harmful chemicals in the environment.

5. Greenhouse gases: Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide that trap heat in the atmosphere.
Ex: Cutting greenhouse gas emissions is crucial to combating climate change.

6. Noise pollution: Excessive or harmful levels of sound that can negatively impact health and well-being.
Ex: Noise pollution from urban traffic and construction sites can cause stress and hearing problems.

7. Deforestation: The large-scale removal of trees, leading to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.
Ex: Deforestation contributes to soil erosion, climate change, and the displacement of wildlife.

8. E-waste: Discarded electronic devices that contain hazardous materials.
Ex: Proper disposal and recycling of e-waste help prevent toxic substances from leaching into the environment.

9. Toxic chemicals: Substances that pose a risk to health and the environment, often found in pesticides, industrial waste, or household products.
Ex: Regulations on toxic chemicals are essential for protecting both ecosystems and public health.

10. Renewable energy: Energy sources that do not pollute or deplete natural resources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower.
Ex: Transitioning to renewable energy helps reduce dependence on fossil fuels and lowers pollution levels.

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12. 🎮 Screen time - The time spent using electronic devices.
Example: Excessive screen time reduces physical activity.

13. 🌿 Hydrated - Having enough water in the body.
Example: Drinking water regularly keeps the body hydrated.

14. 🧘‍♂️ Meditation - A practice of focusing the mind for relaxation.
Example: Meditation helps reduce stress and improve well-being.

15. 🎭 Obstacle courses - Physical challenges involving movement and coordination.
Example: Obstacle courses in schools make exercise fun for children.

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Topic: Sport

1. Do you think it's a good way for governments to use the power of idols to help people build health awareness?
Yes, using celebrities and influencers to promote health awareness can be very effective. People are more likely to adopt healthy habits when they see their favorite idols endorsing them. For example, famous athletes often promote exercise and balanced diets, inspiring millions to stay fit.

2. What is the use of Tai Chi for the elderly?
Tai Chi is beneficial for elderly people as it improves flexibility, balance, and mental relaxation. It is a low-impact exercise that helps prevent falls and reduces stress. For instance, many seniors practice Tai Chi in parks to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

3. How can we make children exercise more?
Children can be encouraged to exercise by making physical activities fun and interactive. Schools should include more sports in their curriculum, and parents can motivate kids by joining them in outdoor activities. For example, organizing friendly competitions can make exercise more exciting.

4. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
In my country, elderly people stay fit by walking, doing yoga, and engaging in light exercises like stretching. Many also participate in group fitness classes or swimming. For instance, morning walks in parks are a common way for seniors to stay active.

5. What else can people do to keep fit apart from sports?
Apart from sports, people can stay fit by maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress. Activities like dancing, gardening, and meditation also contribute to overall well-being. For example, following a balanced diet and staying hydrated are essential for fitness.

6. Why is it that many people today don't do enough healthy activities?
Many people do not engage in healthy activities because of busy lifestyles, lack of motivation, or excessive screen time. Modern technology has made life more sedentary, reducing physical movement. For instance, long work hours and social media addiction discourage people from exercising.

7. What activities can schools organize for children to keep fit?
Schools can organize sports events, outdoor games, and fitness challenges to promote physical activity among children. Dance classes, obstacle courses, and group exercises can also be effective. For example, regular PE (Physical Education) lessons can help students develop lifelong healthy habits.

15 Selected Words with Definitions:

1. ⭐️ Idols - Celebrities or influencers admired by people.
Example: Many idols promote a healthy lifestyle through social media.

2. 🏋️ Endorsing - Publicly supporting or promoting something.
Example: Athletes endorsing healthy diets influence people’s eating habits.

3. 🧘 Tai Chi - A slow and controlled form of exercise, mainly for relaxation.
Example: Tai Chi helps elderly people improve flexibility and balance.

4. 🏃‍♂️ Physical activities - Movements that help improve fitness.
Example: Running, swimming, and dancing are great physical activities.

5. 🤾 Curriculum - The subjects and activities included in education.
Example: Schools should include more sports in the curriculum.

6. 🏆 Competitions - Events where people compete in physical or mental challenges.
Example: Friendly competitions can encourage children to exercise more.

7. 🏞 Stretching - Gentle movements that improve flexibility.
Example: Stretching daily prevents muscle stiffness and injuries.

8. 🏊 Swimming - A physical activity done in water.
Example: Swimming is a great way to improve fitness without straining joints.

9. 🥦 Balanced diet - Eating a variety of nutritious foods.
Example: A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health.

10. 😴 Sleep - A necessary rest period for the body.
Example: Getting enough sleep helps improve concentration and fitness.

11. 😓 Sedentary - A lifestyle with little physical activity.
Example: Sitting at a desk all day can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

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