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Узбекистан, Английский
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Репост из: Jasurbek Nematullaev
Biz xohlayotgan hayotimizga – o’zimiz xohlamagan ishlarni doimiy tarzda qilish orqali erishamiz

Hamma orzu qiladi. Kimdir muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lishni, kimdir boylik orttirishni, kimdir esa mashhur inson bo‘lishni xohlaydi.
Lekin ba’zilar ularning ro’yobga chiqishi uchun faqatgina orzu qilish bilan “shug’ullanib”, harakat qilmasdan, qulay vaqt kelishini kutadi.
Ular buni “sabr qilish” deb ataydi:)

Boshqa turdagi odamlar esa yoqimsiz, zerikarli, og‘ir bo‘lsa ham, qilish kerak bo‘lgan ishlarni qilishadi.
Ba’zan shu qilayotgan ishlari qilayotgan odatlari ham samara bermaydi, muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchrashadi, ammo, shunday yoqimsiz holatlarga qaramasdan, oxir-oqibat ular yana harakatni davom ettirish orqali o’z maqsadlariga erishishadi.

Pulni tejash yoqimli emas, chunki nafsimiz bizni bunga qarshi harakatlarni qilishga undaydi, lekin moliyaviy mustaqillikka erishish aynan shuning ortida.

Ertalab barvaqt turish qiyin, shirin uyqudan uyg’ongandan keyin o’zimiz uchun yoqimsiz ishlarni qilish undan ham qiyin, lekin orzular erta uyg‘onganlarni va doimiy harakat qilganlarni sevadi.

Kitob o‘qish ba’zan zerikarli, shunday bo’lishiga qaramay qunt bilan o’qib-izlanganlargina o’zlariga bilim yuqtira oladilar.

Mashg‘ulotlar charchatadi, tanangizni og’ritadi, lekin kuchli bo‘lish uchun aynan shunday vaqtinchalik og’riqlarga chidash kerak.

Mag’lubiyatga uchrash qiyin, alamli va juda katta stress olib keladigan holat. O’sha paytning o’zida taslim bo’lib, shu ishni qilishni to’xtatish o’rniga, ushbu holatdan xulosalar chiqarib, yana o’rnimizdan turib, har doimgidanda kuchli bo’lib qaytib, yo’limizda davom etishimiz - bizni irodali va kuchli xarakterli bo’lishimizga yordam beradi.

Orzuyimizdagi hayotni - yoqimsiz ko‘ringan harakatlarni qayta-qayta qilish orqali yaratamiz.
Oson yo‘l yo‘q.
Faqat ikkita tanlov bor:
Hozir qulaylikni tanlash va kelajakda afsuslanish yoki hozir qiyinchilikni tanlash va kelajakda o’zimiz xohlagan narsalarga ega bo’lish

Tanlov o’zingizda…

Liverpool, Angliya

Jasurbek Nematullaev

Is there anyone interested in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence?
  •   Yes, definitely
  •   Unfortunately, not
4 голосов

Hi, dears🤩

Due to starting my masters degree at one of the most prestigious universities in Great Britain, I had to take a long break in terms of actively writing useful posts for you.

However, there is great news for you:

I am about to start new projects in order to add value to all of you by sharing my experiences and knowledge that I have gained so far. I will announce them soon...

Happy Eid, dears!🌙🕌

Directors of large organizations earn much higher salaries than ordinary employees do. Some people think it is necessary, but others are of the opinion that it is unfair.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

The divergence in remuneration between top executives and regular staff has sparked debates regarding its necessity and fairness. While some argue that high executive salaries are essential for attracting and retaining top talent, others perceive them as unjust. This essay will explore both perspectives before presenting a balanced viewpoint.

Advocates of elevated executive salaries argue that they are crucial to incentivize capable individuals to undertake the immense responsibilities and pressures inherent in top leadership roles. Directors and CEOs are often tasked with making pivotal decisions that can profoundly influence the success or failure of the organization. Consequently, offering generous compensation packages serves as a means of enticing individuals possessing the requisite skills, experience, and vision to propel the company forward in a fiercely competitive market landscape. Furthermore, high salaries are frequently justified as a form of recognition for the years of dedication, hard work, and expertise that executives bring to their roles, particularly given the long hours and sacrifices demanded by such positions.

Conversely, critics assert that the widening gap between executive pay and that of ordinary employees exacerbates income inequality and undermines workplace morale. They argue that while executives play a vital role in organizational success, they are not solely responsible for it. The contributions of lower-level employees, such as frontline workers and middle managers, are equally indispensable to the functioning and prosperity of the company. Consequently, the disproportionate allocation of financial rewards to top executives at the expense of other employees fosters resentment and discontent within the workforce. Moreover, excessive executive compensation can be perceived as unjust, particularly in instances where it is not commensurate with performance or where it is inflated through bonuses and stock options even during periods of company underperformance or layoffs.

In my opinion, while it is imperative to offer competitive salaries to attract and retain top talent, the existing disparity in compensation between executives and ordinary employees often lacks justification and perpetuates societal inequality. Hence, I advocate for greater transparency and accountability in setting executive pay, with a heightened emphasis on aligning compensation with long-term performance, employee satisfaction, and societal responsibility. Measures such as salary caps, performance-based incentives, and employee profit-sharing schemes could facilitate bridging the gap and fostering a fairer distribution of rewards within large organizations.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding executive salaries in large organizations revolves around the competing notions of necessity and fairness. While high compensation packages may be indispensable to incentivize leadership excellence, the prevailing discrepancy between executive pay and that of ordinary employees raises pertinent questions about fairness and social responsibility. Achieving a harmonious balance between incentivizing leadership prowess and ensuring fairness and equality within the workforce is paramount for nurturing a sustainable and cohesive organizational culture.


The bar chart compares how much coffee and tea are imported by four specific countries, namely Canada, the United Kingdom, the USA and Germany.

Overall, it is evident that the United Kingdom takes a lead in terms of purchasing tea, while Canada is ranked last in this category. As far as coffee is concerned, Germany comes top of the list. Conversely, the figure for coffee imported to the UK is considerably lower than other countries.

In terms of tea imports, the United Kingdom heads the list with 160000 tonnes. The next best country importing tea is the USA at approximately 115000 tonnes, followed by Germany at 40000 tonnes. In contrast, Canada demonstrated the least interest in tea, with only 2000 tonnes imported.

Regarding coffee imports, Germany dominates the list, standing at around 45000 tonnes. The amount of coffee imported to Canada is as high as the figure for the USA, with 40000 tonnes each, following Germany. Surprisingly, the UK lags significantly behind, buying merely 20000 tonnes of coffee, placing at the bottom of the list in this category.

178 words
Estimated band score: At least 7.0



The chart has been selected.

The above chart is the real exam question used on April 6.

I’ll try to write my essay in the evening


Happy Ramadan! 🕌🕋

The map illustrates changes in the layout of the city between 1995 and 2024.

Overall, the city has undergone significant alterations, including the introduction of holiday homes, sports facilities like tennis and golf, and the construction of residential structures. However, certain features such as sea and coffee bars have remained unchanged.

In 1995, there were public park and farmland on the northeastern part of the city. While the public garden replaced with holiday homes, golf and tennis facilities have created at the place of the farmland by 2024. Additionally, the hotel situated in the vicinity of the public garden and the residential area on the west have expanded in size. However, the coffee shop in the southern part of the city and the sea to the south have not been subjected to change.

Another significant change is the introduction of a car park on the eastern side of the city and the construction of apartment blocks on the opposite side, replacing the fish market. Furthermore, the morning fish boat in the southwestern part of the city was removed, and a yacht was added in the sea.

188 words
21 minutes
Estimated band score: At least 7.0


Watching videos or podcasts of “high flyers” in order to find out the factors to attaining great results in life is just time consuming.
While they might count various reasons, they don’t know exactly what brought them to success.

Some factors leading to success are beyond people’s control.

The recent research is a prove of my notion.

Should you read the article above, you can know what I mean.


The pie charts give information about what modes of transportation were employed in the UK in 1965, 1985, 2005.

Overall, there were downward trends in using all means of transportation shown on the charts with the exception of private cars. Moreover, the use of private cars was the most common among British people, witnessing the most considerable rise throughout the time span.

Looking into details, the proportion of people using private cars was significantly higher than utilizing other kinds of vehicles in 1965, standing at 40%. After that, this figure grew significantly to 60% until the end of the period. In contrast, the least popular means of transportation was recreational vehicles over the timeframe. The percentage of people using recreational transport was 15% in 1965. After which, despite dropping to 5% in 1985, there was a gradual growth to 8% in 2005.

Similarly, while the figure for public transport fell gradually by 5% to 20% in 1985, using this kind of transportation, then, saw a marginal rise to 22% until the end of the time span. Meanwhile, having remained stable to 20% between 1965 and 1985, the proportion of people employing commercial vehicles plunged by 10% until 2005.

197 words



The three pie charts show the proportion of four kinds of vehicles used in the UK in 1965, 1985 and 2005.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The two maps illustrate the transformation of an industrial area into a residential one in the future.

Overall, considerable changes are expected to occur in the place shown on the maps, while main roads will not undergo any alterations.

One noteworthy transformation is the conversion of the entrance and reception, located in the north of the industrial area, into 2-bedroom houses and communal gardens. Additionally, it is projected that parking areas and apartments will replace the factory in the east part of the map. Another striking change involves the construction of parking garages, replacing the office and canteen, situated in the south of the area.

Moreover, there are parking and storage facilities on the western side, but these buildings will be demolished. Instead, three and four-bedroom houses are projected to construct in the future. In contrast, main roads located on all sides of the place will not be subjected to change.

152 words


The maps show how the industrial area will change into a housing area in the future.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

I am about to write an essay to the above mentioned real exam question in terms of Task1.

Репост из: Actual IELTS Speaking
4. Do you think colours influence you?

Yes, I believe colors can influence me. For example, bright and warm colors like yellow or orange make me feel more energetic and optimistic. On the other hand, cool colors like blue or green have a calming effect. I often choose colors based on my mood or the atmosphere I want to create in a particular setting. Colors can impact my emotions and overall well-being.

Actual IELTS Speaking

Репост из: Actual IELTS Speaking
3. What is the most popular colour in your country?

White is highly popular color in my country. It's often associated with purity, simplicity, and cleanliness. Many people prefer white for clothing, especially during warm seasons, and it's a common choice for home interiors. The neutral and timeless quality of white makes it a versatile and widely accepted color across various aspects of life and culture.

Actual IELTS Speaking

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