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How to improve your IELTS speaking at home❕

Learn the difference between these phrasal verbs and try to use them in your speech ✅

Репост из: Only me :)

Yaxshi kelajak uchun garak bo'ladirg'an narsalani hazirqi yashimizda(17/18/19..) erishishimz garak yani o'qish , shaxsiy o'sish va rivojlanish.Hammamizda blara erishish uchun ko'p narsaladan(odamlardan) vos kechish(kechib turish vaxtincha)talab qilinadi. O'zimizni "ko'p narsaladan" cheklash erishishni xoxlagan narsalamiz uchun ko'proq vaxt,imkoniyat barib biladi dab o'yliman)

Specially for speaking

🟢Topic vocabulary - "School & Education ✅

1. Second/ final year high school student - currently in grade 11/12 🤵

2. Attending / studying at 🎒

3. Bachelor / Master's degree / PhD ✅

4. Compulsory subjects/ core subjects - majburiy, asosiy,muhim fanlar 📚

5.Theoretical knowledge 📝

6. Practical knowledge 📈

7. Well qualified teachers - teachers who are so knowledgeable and experienced 👩‍🏫

8. After school classes / intensive classes 📖

9. Homework / assignment 📝

🌷Happy Women's Day💗

Today I really missed my old school, teachers,classmates🥹I was young and happy, that period was so different...

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🇬🇧The Secret to English Fluency😎The IELTS Fluency Formula👌

Idioms with meanings 🔥

I need premium 🙃( for 8th of March)


https://t.me/Forspeakingwithme 🩵

Choose a correct answer
  •   The doctor suggested going for a walk
  •   The doctor suggested to go for a walk
11 голосов

Find a correct answer
  •   Could you tell me where is the bus station
  •   Could you tell me where the bus station is
12 голосов

Choose a correct answer
  •   He doesn't know nothing
  •   He doesn't know anything
12 голосов

Find a correct answer
  •   I work in a bank
  •   I work for a bank
12 голосов

Choose a correct answer
  •   There are fewer shops open today
  •   There are less shops open today
12 голосов

How many people are in your family ?
  •   We are five members in the family
  •   There are five members in my family
12 голосов

Muhit ta’limdan ustunroq

Instagramda “reels” ko’rib o’tirgan edingiz yoningizga kitob o’qib kelayotgan bola o’tirdi. Yana ozginadan so’ng boshqa tarafdan yana bir kitobxon oldingizga keldi. Keyin esa uchinchisi ham oldingizga kelib o’tirdi.

Bu holatda sizga “reels” ko’rish judayam jirkanch, vaqtni isrof qiluvchi narsadek ko’rinib, ularni ko’rayotganingizdan vijdoningiz qiynalib ketadi.

Lekin aksi bo’lsa, “reels” ko’rish o’ta normal holatdek tuyuladi.

Robert Chaldini kitobida 95% odamlar taqlid qiluvchi va 5% odamlar boshlovchi ekanligi haqida eslatgan edi.

Maktabdagi tadqiqotlarda a’lochi bola bilan bitta partada o’tirish sizni samadorligingizni 30% ga oshirishi isbotlangan.

Bu nimani anglatadi?

Faqat nima o’rganishga emas, kim bilan o’rganishga ham e’tibor qaratish kerak.

“Kishi do'stini dinida bo'ladi” yoki “Do’stlaringni ko’rsatsang, kelajagingni aytaman” degan gaplar bejizga emas.


I just wanted to share 🙂

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