💙at war - urushda
💙at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
💙at ease - erkin
💙at rest - dam olishda
💙at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
💙at lunch - tushlikda
🩷in danger - xatarda
🩷in need - muhtojlikda
🩷in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
🩷in reply - javoban
🩷in love - oshiqlikda
🩷in difficulty - qiyinchilikda
❤️on guard - himoyada
❤️on purpose - ataylab
❤️on fire - o‘t ichida
❤️on sale - sotuvda
❤️on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
❤️on time - vaqtida
❤️on duty - navbatchilikda
❤️on land - yerda
❤️on sea - dengizda
💛by accident - tasodifan
💛by design - qasddan
💚out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
💚out of danger - xatardan holi
💚out of date - eskirgan
💚out of door - tashqarida
💚out of order - buzilgan
💚out of stock - qolmagan
💚out of turn - navbatdan tashqari
Yaqinlaringizga ulashing ♻️
💙at war - urushda
💙at peace - tinchlik vaqtida
💙at ease - erkin
💙at rest - dam olishda
💙at sea - dengiz bo‘yida
💙at lunch - tushlikda
🩷in danger - xatarda
🩷in need - muhtojlikda
🩷in tears - ko‘z yosh to‘kib
🩷in reply - javoban
🩷in love - oshiqlikda
🩷in difficulty - qiyinchilikda
❤️on guard - himoyada
❤️on purpose - ataylab
❤️on fire - o‘t ichida
❤️on sale - sotuvda
❤️on vacation - o‘quv ta’tilida
❤️on time - vaqtida
❤️on duty - navbatchilikda
❤️on land - yerda
❤️on sea - dengizda
💛by accident - tasodifan
💛by design - qasddan
💚out of control - nazoratdan chiqqan
💚out of danger - xatardan holi
💚out of date - eskirgan
💚out of door - tashqarida
💚out of order - buzilgan
💚out of stock - qolmagan
💚out of turn - navbatdan tashqari
Yaqinlaringizga ulashing ♻️