📌Advanced words related to feelings & emotions 📌
😖 1. Despair – Umidsizlik, tushkunlik (Отчаяние)
🌕 Example: After losing his job, he felt a deep sense of despair.
😤 2. Resentment – Xafagarchilik, ichki g‘azab (Обида, негодование)
🌕 Example: She still feels resentment toward her boss for not promoting her.
😕 3. Ambivalence – Ikki xil his-tuyg‘u, ikkilanib turish (Двойственность)
🌕 Example: He felt ambivalence about moving to another country for work.
😓 4. Remorse – Peshonasi tirishib pushaymon bo‘lish (Раскаяние)
🌕 Example: After yelling at his friend, he was filled with remorse.
😠 5. Indignation – G‘azab, adolatsizlikdan jahl chiqish (Возмущение)
🌕 Example: She expressed indignation when she saw unfair treatment.
😔 6. Melancholy – G‘amginlik, xafalik (Тоска, меланхолия)
🌕 Example: The rainy weather filled him with melancholy.
🤨 7. Contempt – Nafrat, mensimaslik (Презрение)
🌕 Example: He looked at the dishonest politician with contempt.
😟 8. Apprehension – Tashvish, noaniqlikdan qo‘rquv (Опасение, тревога)
🌕 Example: She felt apprehension before starting her new job.
😮 9. Awe – Hayrat va hurmat aralash qo‘rquv (Благоговейный трепет)
🌕 Example: The beauty of the mountains filled him with awe.
🤯 10. Disillusionment – Haqiqatni anglash natijasida umidsizlik (Разочарование)
🌕 Example: He felt disillusionment after realizing his hero was corrupt.
100 ta har xil reaksiya
😖 1. Despair – Umidsizlik, tushkunlik (Отчаяние)
🌕 Example: After losing his job, he felt a deep sense of despair.
😤 2. Resentment – Xafagarchilik, ichki g‘azab (Обида, негодование)
🌕 Example: She still feels resentment toward her boss for not promoting her.
😕 3. Ambivalence – Ikki xil his-tuyg‘u, ikkilanib turish (Двойственность)
🌕 Example: He felt ambivalence about moving to another country for work.
😓 4. Remorse – Peshonasi tirishib pushaymon bo‘lish (Раскаяние)
🌕 Example: After yelling at his friend, he was filled with remorse.
😠 5. Indignation – G‘azab, adolatsizlikdan jahl chiqish (Возмущение)
🌕 Example: She expressed indignation when she saw unfair treatment.
😔 6. Melancholy – G‘amginlik, xafalik (Тоска, меланхолия)
🌕 Example: The rainy weather filled him with melancholy.
🤨 7. Contempt – Nafrat, mensimaslik (Презрение)
🌕 Example: He looked at the dishonest politician with contempt.
😟 8. Apprehension – Tashvish, noaniqlikdan qo‘rquv (Опасение, тревога)
🌕 Example: She felt apprehension before starting her new job.
😮 9. Awe – Hayrat va hurmat aralash qo‘rquv (Благоговейный трепет)
🌕 Example: The beauty of the mountains filled him with awe.
🤯 10. Disillusionment – Haqiqatni anglash natijasida umidsizlik (Разочарование)
🌕 Example: He felt disillusionment after realizing his hero was corrupt.
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