🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤
⭐️ To be honest - Rostini aytsam
⭐️ In my opinion - Mening fikrimcha
⭐️ It seems to me that - Menga shunday tuyuladi
⭐️ To put it simply - Oddiy qilib aytganda
⭐️ There is no doubt that - Shubhasiz
⭐️ On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
⭐️ In contrast to - Taqqoslaganda
⭐️ To a certain extent - Ma'lum darajada
⭐️ For instance - Masalan
⭐️ In addition to - Qo‘shimcha ravishda
⭐️ It is widely believed that - Keng tarqalgan fikrga ko‘ra
⭐️ As a matter of fact - Haqiqatan ham
⭐️ To address the issue - Masalani hal qilish
⭐️ A growing number of people - Ko‘payib borayotgan odamlar soni
⭐️ It is essential to note that - Ta'kidlash muhimdir
⭐️ From a broader perspective - Kengroq nuqtai nazardan
⭐️ There is a tendency towards - ...ga moyillik bor
⭐️ To highlight the importance of - ...ning ahamiyatini ta'kidlash
⭐️ In light of recent developments - So‘nggi rivojlanishlarni hisobga olgan holda
⭐️ It is worth mentioning that - Ta'kidlashga arziydi
Shu postga delfin bosganlar 🐳🐳 ILOHIM C1/C2 olish nasib qilsin
⭐️ To be honest - Rostini aytsam
⭐️ In my opinion - Mening fikrimcha
⭐️ It seems to me that - Menga shunday tuyuladi
⭐️ To put it simply - Oddiy qilib aytganda
⭐️ There is no doubt that - Shubhasiz
⭐️ On the other hand - Boshqa tomondan
⭐️ In contrast to - Taqqoslaganda
⭐️ To a certain extent - Ma'lum darajada
⭐️ For instance - Masalan
⭐️ In addition to - Qo‘shimcha ravishda
⭐️ It is widely believed that - Keng tarqalgan fikrga ko‘ra
⭐️ As a matter of fact - Haqiqatan ham
⭐️ To address the issue - Masalani hal qilish
⭐️ A growing number of people - Ko‘payib borayotgan odamlar soni
⭐️ It is essential to note that - Ta'kidlash muhimdir
⭐️ From a broader perspective - Kengroq nuqtai nazardan
⭐️ There is a tendency towards - ...ga moyillik bor
⭐️ To highlight the importance of - ...ning ahamiyatini ta'kidlash
⭐️ In light of recent developments - So‘nggi rivojlanishlarni hisobga olgan holda
⭐️ It is worth mentioning that - Ta'kidlashga arziydi
🔝 Gapga qarab to'g'ri holatda ishlating ( bo'lmasam ma'no o'zgarib ketishi mumkin) 🔄
Shu postga delfin bosganlar 🐳🐳 ILOHIM C1/C2 olish nasib qilsin