Dilmurod Nazarmatov | 9.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

✨The great aim of education is not knowledge but action ✨
✨ Instagram: @dilmurod_nazarmatov
✨ Contact: @dilmurod_davronovich

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Узбекистан, Английский
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18-fevralda ikkita yangi BEGINNER guruh boshlanadi.
Dars vaqtlari Sesh/Pay/Shan 14.30-16.30 va 18.30-20.30.

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Beginner guruh ochsammi dib oylavotgandim. Shunaqa essayla yozadigan bolla tayyorlashga 😁👀

Kopchilik bormi kutvotgan?

Some people think that success in life comes from hard work and determination, while other think that there are more important factors such as money and appearance.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Factors influencing life outcomes have long been debated and researched. To this day, some claim that hard work and determination make us successful, while others contend that there are other more significant influences. Personally, I support the latter view, as external advantages often open doors that even the most hardworking individuals may never access.

On the one hand, it is not difficult to see the clear link between one’s efforts and their achievements. In many domains ranging from academics to employment and entrepreneurship, some individuals can reach significant heights with their diligence and grit. They persevere through adversity and setbacks, persisting until they achieve their goals. Thomas Edison’s invention of the traditional light bulb is a good case in point. Edison reportedly created a thousand faulty prototypes before eventually developing his breakthrough product that cemented his name in history. If it were not for his exceptional demonstration of perseverance, he would have simply failed. This example illustrates how character and hard work indeed play a crucial role in shaping our success.

However, not everyone has a chance to apply such resilience, as external factors usually dictate what one can aspire to achieve in life. One such factor is wealth. Those born into an affluent family often receive high-quality education, gaining an edge over the less privileged. Attractive appearances can be yet another advantage, often guaranteeing people favorable treatment in virtually any domain, especially in areas such as fashion. Such individuals are not only more likely to become models but are also more likable, enjoying the admiration of fashion enthusiasts. Even more importantly, random chance can often mean the difference between a life spent in misery or unparalleled levels of success. Warren Buffett, the American investor and once the world’s richest person, repeatedly admitted how, under different circumstances, even his extraordinary skills and brilliance might not have yielded any substantial benefits. It is conceivable that a person with the same skills and character, if born into a war-torn area like Gaza in Palestine, could die without any worthwhile achievements, perhaps even before adulthood.

In conclusion, we must work hard and pursue our ambitions, without letting hardships make us hopeless. Nevertheless, we should also be aware that there are many factors outside our control that can influence our success or lack thereof. Factors such as affluence, looks and even pure chance often decide whether we succeed or not.

Javohir was one of my IELTS students who decided to take his test shortly after his course ended. Though he did not practice his productive skills much during his winter break, he nailed the Listening and Reading sections, pulling off an impressive Band 7.0 overall.


📚What do I get for Reading?
✅ 30 real exam passages
✅ 30 RECORDED video lessons
✅ 30 articles from publications used for IELTS Reading

📚How much?

🎧 What do I get for Listening?
✅ 10 full authentic practice tests
✅ Full script with parts containing the answers highlighted

📌How much?

If you buy both, you can pay just 200k.
To get access, write to @dilmurod_davronovich


Here are some videos to see how the test goes:
Listening Test
Reading Test
Writing Test

Try IELTS on a computer yourself:
Listening Practice
Reading Practice
Writing Practice

In the listening test, while doing completion tasks you can just press the "tab" key to move to the next question. No need to reach for the mouse after every question.

Also, the practice materials above do not have the "highlight" function as shown in the videos for some reason. In this case, just refer to the videos - they show how the things work more accurately.

3k 0 148 4 38

Free Listening and Reading Practice
(in the comments)

Tesha tegmagan Listening va Reading mock tashasam qando boladi?
P.S. Bo'lar bo'mas material emas. 99% 😉 real imtihon materiallaridaka.

3.1k 0 1 26 181

"If no one five years ahead of you at work inspires you, it’s a sign you should leave."
#thoughts #NotFinancialAdvice

Репост из: Ozodbek's IELTS
Something is brewing. 🤫

3.1k 0 114 2 13

Send this to your overconfident teachers.

The Illusion of Band 9.0
The other day, while searching for reliable IELTS speaking sample answers, I stumbled across a fellow instructor's Telegram channel. They boldly claimed Band 9.0 performances for their own responses. Intrigued, I started listening. While their responses had some value for the average student, I was shocked at how many inaccuracies and mistakes I could easily spot. This raises an important question: "How much trust should we place in a candidate’s self-assessment?" (yes, even when that candidate is your teacher?

Sadly, it has become common to celebrate a handful of our success stories (7.0 or above) while conveniently ignoring the less-than-stellar outcomes (anything short of 7.0). These days another worrying trend is emerging: teachers boldly proclaiming Band 9.0 scores for their essays/speaking answers to attract followers to their blogs and boost to their reputation.

Let's agree that most of these teachers have already proven their command of English, earning impressive Band 8.5 or 9.0 for different components of the IELTS exam. Their expertise is real, but such actions do little to set a good example for students. Claiming perfection in every response leads to many missed opportunities for learning, both for the instructors concerned and their students/followers.

True growth - whether in language or life - starts with humility. A willingness to admit that even your "best" work can be improved opens the door to meaningful insights. It encourages curiosity about the nuances of language and the broader world. Instead of projecting infallibility, teachers should model the mindset of continuous learning, showing students that excellence is a journey, not a final destination.

So, what’s the solution? Honesty and modesty. Instead of claiming that your work deserves a Band 9.0 (and betting your life on it), try something more grounded: "This is a Band 7.0+ or 8.0+ response" (based on your consistent exam results. This builds credibility but also sets an good example for students.


5k 0 28 3 47

The line graph illustrates how per capita carbon emissions in Portugal, Italy, Sweden and the UK changed from 1967 to 2007, with units provided in metric tonnes (MT).

Overall, the UK was the largest emitter throughout despite consistent drops, while Sweden also cut its emissions over time. In contrast, Italy and Portugal showed increasing trends, narrowing the initial gap in the CO2 emissions significantly.

In 1967, the British and Swedes stood out, with individuals producing about 11 and 9 MT of CO2, respectively. The former figure decreased noticeably over time, falling below 9 MT in 2007, yet the UK still remained the leading emitter. Emissions in Sweden also dropped despite a surge in the first decade, when they almost converged with those of the UK at over 10 MT. Nevertheless, this number had almost halved to a low of only around 5.5 MT by 2007.

Italy and Portugal bucked these downward trends. An average Italian, initially ranked third, saw their emissions rise from just over 4 MT to almost 8 in 1997, which leveled off thereafter. Portugal’s emissions rose more modestly, increasing to only about 5.5 MT, up from a mere 1.7 in 1967, converging with the figure for Sweden.

Yorvoreyshn essay on this task?

The graph below gives information about average carbon emissions in different countries between 1967 and 2007.

Did you know?
You can use words from your own language (food items, special clothing, etc.) in the exam, but it is often helpful if you translate the word or explain its meaning (Source)

It is great to see the return of do'ppi to everyday use. This is so good because ... [does not explain the meaning, so the examiner has no idea what you just said] ❌

It is great to see the return of do'ppi to everyday use. It is our traditional hat, typically black, with different patterns on all sides. This is so good because .... [now we understand that it is a kind of hat.] ✔️

- What are the benefits of replacing human workers with robots?
- Well, the first thing that comes to mind is productivity gains because machines can work very quickly without pauses, right? And as the old arguments go: they don't fall sick. Yes, there could be some maintenance work to do, but they are much more reliable than an average human. So these are certain factors, right? These are some things that many companies and owners of these companies should consider. But at the same time, workers can also really benefit from the implementation of different machines especially if a job involves a lot of risk, right? For example, miners I think could benefit a lot by using robots in different circumstances to make sure that robots take care of tasks that involve a lot of risk and save lives.

- How have robots and computers changed the way people work?
- Now, one clear shift in the last several decades has been the nature of job that people have. In the past, it was very typical for people to have jobs that involved a lot of physical movement. But these days most of us are stuck in our chairs behind our desks, staring at a computer, because many people have office jobs. That's one. And then the second change, I think we have seen happen, especially more after the Covid-19 lockdowns is a lot of people started working from home. And these days, many more have hybrid jobs. They'll be working from their homes for a couple of days a week and then maybe for a day or two, they'll be going to their offices.

- Why are so many processes controlled by robots instead of people?
- In one word I think that's reliability. Robots are infinitely more reliable than most humans especially when the stakes are high, right? Because sometimes our emotions can cloud our judgment and we might make some optimal decisions, sometimes we just freak out and don't really know what we're doing. So our judgment can be flawed. So in these cases, I think, if a robot is in charge, and if that's what is obviously reliable and can make right decisions, it's for the benefit of everyone, really.

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