🆕Additional Practice Tests Coming February 2025 ❗️
— Students currently have access to 6 SAT practice tests in Bluebook. In February 2025, we're making some changes and releasing additional SAT practice tests to provide students with the most relevant practice resources. Here's what's to expect:
✅Students will be able to use the new Bluebook practice tests with our existing practice resources:
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🆕Additional Practice Tests Coming February 2025 ❗️
— Students currently have access to 6 SAT practice tests in Bluebook. In February 2025, we're making some changes and releasing additional SAT practice tests to provide students with the most relevant practice resources. Here's what's to expect:
1️⃣ Practice Tests 1–3 will be removed from Bluebook, though students will retain their practice scores and feedback if they complete those tests before Feb. 3, 2025.
2️⃣ In addition to current Practice Tests 4–6, students will also have access to four additional SAT practice tests: a brand-new Practice Test 7, and Practice Tests 8–10 which will include a mix of new questions and select questions from the former Practice Tests 1–3.
3️⃣PDF versions of Practice Tests 7–10 will be posted on College Board's website, and Practice Tests 1–3 will be removed.
✅Students will be able to use the new Bluebook practice tests with our existing practice resources:
🔹My Practice: Students can log into My Practice to access their practice test score results and details from ANY practice test.
🔺Student Question Bank (SQB): From their practice test results, students can click "Practice Specific Questions" to create a tailored set of questions from our Student Question Bank that targets the skills they need to review based on their performance on that practice test.
🔻Official Digital SAT Prep on Khan Academy: Students can go to Khan Academy® directly from My Practice and take advantage of free Official Digital SAT Prep that includes thousands of practice questions, videos, lessons, and hints to help build skills.
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