### 1. A Piece of Cake
Meaning: Something very easy to do.
Uzbek: Juda oson ish.
- The Spanish exam was a piece of cake.
Imtihon juda oson bo‘ldi.
### 2. A Breath of Fresh Air
Meaning: Someone or something that brings a welcome and positive change.
Uzbek: Yoqimli o‘zgarish, yangi va foydali narsa yoki inson.
- The new teacher is such a breath of fresh air. Her lessons are so much fun!
Yangi o‘qituvchi haqiqatan ham yoqimli o‘zgarish. Darslari juda qiziqarli!
### 3. Run of the Mill
Meaning: Ordinary or average in quality.
Uzbek: Oddiy yoki o‘rtacha sifatga ega.
- His performance was run of the mill.
Uning chiqishi oddiy edi.
### 4. The Tip of the Iceberg
Meaning: A small visible part of a much larger problem.
Uzbek: Katta muammoning faqat kichik bir qismi.
- The official crime figures are just the tip of the iceberg.
Rasmiy jinoyat statistikasi muammoning faqat kichik qismi, xolos.
### 5. The Luck of the Draw
Meaning: Pure chance or fate, whether good or bad.
Uzbek: Tasodifiy omad yoki omad yo‘qligi.
- It’s the luck of the draw whether the weather will be good.
Ob-havo yaxshi bo‘lishi yoki bo‘lmasligi faqat tasodifga bog‘liq.
### 6. A Different Kettle of Fish
Meaning: Something completely different, often more difficult.
Uzbek: Mutlaqo boshqa va ko‘pincha qiyinroq narsa.
- Doing a marathon is a different kettle of fish!
Marafonda qatnashish – bu butunlay boshqacha va qiyinroq narsa!
### 7. A Drop in the Ocean
Meaning: A very small or insignificant amount compared to what is needed.
Uzbek: Juda kichik miqdor, kerakli narsaga qaraganda hech narsa emas.
- Their donation was just a drop in the ocean.
Ularning xayriyasi kerakli narsaga nisbatan juda kichik miqdor edi.
### 8. Pie in the Sky
Meaning: Something that sounds good but is impractical or unrealistic.
Uzbek: Yaxshi tuyuladigan, lekin amalga oshmaydigan yoki haqiqiy bo‘lmagan fikr.
- His business idea is pie in the sky.
Uning biznes g‘oyasi amalga oshmaydigan bir fikr.
### 9. A Pain in the Neck
Meaning: Someone or something that is very annoying.
Uzbek: Juda asabga tegadigan yoki bezovta qiladigan narsa yoki odam.
- My noisy neighbors are a pain in the neck.
Shovqin qiladigan qo‘shnilarim juda asabga tegadi.
### 10. A Storm in a Teacup
Meaning: A lot of fuss about a minor issue.
Uzbek: Kichik narsani katta muammoga aylantirish.
- The argument was just a storm in a teacup.
Janjal shunchaki bekorchi g‘avg‘o edi.
### 11. A Shot in the Dark
Meaning: A wild guess without knowing if it’s right.
Uzbek: Taxmin, aniq ma'lumotlarsiz aytilgan fikr.
- His guess about the answer was a shot in the dark.
Uning javob haqidagi taxmini xomxayol edi.
### 12. A Blot on the Landscape
Meaning: Something ugly that spoils the view or area.
Uzbek: Chiroyli manzarani buzadigan narsa.
- That old factory is a blot on the landscape.
Eski zavod manzarani buzib turibdi.
### 13. The Writing on the Wall
Meaning: A warning of bad things to come.
Uzbek: Yomon narsalarning yaqinlashayotganidan darak beradigan ogohlantirish.
- When the company started losing money, the writing was on the wall.
Kompaniya pul yo‘qota boshlaganda, xavf yaqin ekanligini tushunish mumkin edi.
### 14. Food for Thought
Meaning: Something that makes you think seriously and carefully.
Uzbek: Jiddiy o‘ylab ko‘rishga arziydigan narsa.
- His presentation gave us food for thought.
Uning taqdimoti bizni jiddiy o‘ylashga undadi.
### 15. Money for Old Rope
Meaning: Easy money earned with little effort (UK).
Uzbek: Juda oson va kam harakat bilan topilgan pul.
- His job was money for old rope.
Uning ishi juda oson edi.
### 1. A Piece of Cake
Meaning: Something very easy to do.
Uzbek: Juda oson ish.
- The Spanish exam was a piece of cake.
Imtihon juda oson bo‘ldi.
### 2. A Breath of Fresh Air
Meaning: Someone or something that brings a welcome and positive change.
Uzbek: Yoqimli o‘zgarish, yangi va foydali narsa yoki inson.
- The new teacher is such a breath of fresh air. Her lessons are so much fun!
Yangi o‘qituvchi haqiqatan ham yoqimli o‘zgarish. Darslari juda qiziqarli!
### 3. Run of the Mill
Meaning: Ordinary or average in quality.
Uzbek: Oddiy yoki o‘rtacha sifatga ega.
- His performance was run of the mill.
Uning chiqishi oddiy edi.
### 4. The Tip of the Iceberg
Meaning: A small visible part of a much larger problem.
Uzbek: Katta muammoning faqat kichik bir qismi.
- The official crime figures are just the tip of the iceberg.
Rasmiy jinoyat statistikasi muammoning faqat kichik qismi, xolos.
### 5. The Luck of the Draw
Meaning: Pure chance or fate, whether good or bad.
Uzbek: Tasodifiy omad yoki omad yo‘qligi.
- It’s the luck of the draw whether the weather will be good.
Ob-havo yaxshi bo‘lishi yoki bo‘lmasligi faqat tasodifga bog‘liq.
### 6. A Different Kettle of Fish
Meaning: Something completely different, often more difficult.
Uzbek: Mutlaqo boshqa va ko‘pincha qiyinroq narsa.
- Doing a marathon is a different kettle of fish!
Marafonda qatnashish – bu butunlay boshqacha va qiyinroq narsa!
### 7. A Drop in the Ocean
Meaning: A very small or insignificant amount compared to what is needed.
Uzbek: Juda kichik miqdor, kerakli narsaga qaraganda hech narsa emas.
- Their donation was just a drop in the ocean.
Ularning xayriyasi kerakli narsaga nisbatan juda kichik miqdor edi.
### 8. Pie in the Sky
Meaning: Something that sounds good but is impractical or unrealistic.
Uzbek: Yaxshi tuyuladigan, lekin amalga oshmaydigan yoki haqiqiy bo‘lmagan fikr.
- His business idea is pie in the sky.
Uning biznes g‘oyasi amalga oshmaydigan bir fikr.
### 9. A Pain in the Neck
Meaning: Someone or something that is very annoying.
Uzbek: Juda asabga tegadigan yoki bezovta qiladigan narsa yoki odam.
- My noisy neighbors are a pain in the neck.
Shovqin qiladigan qo‘shnilarim juda asabga tegadi.
### 10. A Storm in a Teacup
Meaning: A lot of fuss about a minor issue.
Uzbek: Kichik narsani katta muammoga aylantirish.
- The argument was just a storm in a teacup.
Janjal shunchaki bekorchi g‘avg‘o edi.
### 11. A Shot in the Dark
Meaning: A wild guess without knowing if it’s right.
Uzbek: Taxmin, aniq ma'lumotlarsiz aytilgan fikr.
- His guess about the answer was a shot in the dark.
Uning javob haqidagi taxmini xomxayol edi.
### 12. A Blot on the Landscape
Meaning: Something ugly that spoils the view or area.
Uzbek: Chiroyli manzarani buzadigan narsa.
- That old factory is a blot on the landscape.
Eski zavod manzarani buzib turibdi.
### 13. The Writing on the Wall
Meaning: A warning of bad things to come.
Uzbek: Yomon narsalarning yaqinlashayotganidan darak beradigan ogohlantirish.
- When the company started losing money, the writing was on the wall.
Kompaniya pul yo‘qota boshlaganda, xavf yaqin ekanligini tushunish mumkin edi.
### 14. Food for Thought
Meaning: Something that makes you think seriously and carefully.
Uzbek: Jiddiy o‘ylab ko‘rishga arziydigan narsa.
- His presentation gave us food for thought.
Uning taqdimoti bizni jiddiy o‘ylashga undadi.
### 15. Money for Old Rope
Meaning: Easy money earned with little effort (UK).
Uzbek: Juda oson va kam harakat bilan topilgan pul.
- His job was money for old rope.
Uning ishi juda oson edi.