Examiner: I can't remember his name but he was an old british man with white beards
Test type: IDP, face to face
Place: Farg’ona, Unity Language Academy
Date: 30.01.2025
Part 1
Where u live?
Is this place good for young children?
What things do u want to change in your city?
Carrying things:
What things do u usually carry on your pocket or bag?
How do u carry your things when u do shopping?
How u carry heavy things?
Part 2
Describe a time you met again with your old friend
One follow up question but didn't listen to until the end, skipped it
Part 3
Related to part 2:
Where people usually meet their friends by a chance?
When people usually meet their friends by a chance?
How they feel when they met their friends suddenly?
In Uzbekistan do friends visit their friends home by informing in an advance or surprisingly?
P.S. examiner biron martda sal daje tabassum ham qilmadi o'ta jiddiy edi va past ovozda British accentda gapirdi. Qoshimchasiga vaqtga juda qattiq qarar ekan part3 dagi oxirgi savolga daje javobimni ohirigacha eshitmadi gapimni shunde toxtatib speaking tugadi dedi.
Test type: IDP, face to face
Place: Farg’ona, Unity Language Academy
Date: 30.01.2025
Part 1
Where u live?
Is this place good for young children?
What things do u want to change in your city?
Carrying things:
What things do u usually carry on your pocket or bag?
How do u carry your things when u do shopping?
How u carry heavy things?
Part 2
Describe a time you met again with your old friend
One follow up question but didn't listen to until the end, skipped it
Part 3
Related to part 2:
Where people usually meet their friends by a chance?
When people usually meet their friends by a chance?
How they feel when they met their friends suddenly?
In Uzbekistan do friends visit their friends home by informing in an advance or surprisingly?
P.S. examiner biron martda sal daje tabassum ham qilmadi o'ta jiddiy edi va past ovozda British accentda gapirdi. Qoshimchasiga vaqtga juda qattiq qarar ekan part3 dagi oxirgi savolga daje javobimni ohirigacha eshitmadi gapimni shunde toxtatib speaking tugadi dedi.