🌐 𝗕𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴
🐦 Tushunarsiz
🇺🇸 It’s truly baffling how my girlfriend can be freezing cold but refuses to wear a jacket just because it "doesn’t match the outfit".
🇺🇿 Haqiqatan ham tushunarsiz, qanday qilib qizcham sovqotib tursa ham, “kiyimimga mos kelmaydi” deb kurtka kiyishdan bosh tortishi.
✊ t.me/Best_Vocabulary1 ✅
🐦 Tushunarsiz
🇺🇸 It’s truly baffling how my girlfriend can be freezing cold but refuses to wear a jacket just because it "doesn’t match the outfit".
🇺🇿 Haqiqatan ham tushunarsiz, qanday qilib qizcham sovqotib tursa ham, “kiyimimga mos kelmaydi” deb kurtka kiyishdan bosh tortishi.
✊ t.me/Best_Vocabulary1 ✅