Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

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🎥 Learn English with THE LION KING — Be Prepared

👍 Defenition : The Lion King is the title given to the male ruler of Pride Rock and to his lion pride, meaning he is the alpha male. The most recent Lion King is Simba, but once he dies, the title would belong to Kiara, making her the Lion "Queen." The creators of The Lion King film have not revealed their official vision on how many and who were the great kings of the past about whom Mufasa told to Simba.

📆 Release date
June 15, 1994 (United States)
⏰ Running time 88 minutes[1]
🇬🇧 Country United States
✅ Language English
💵Budget $45 million[2]
💵Box office $978.8 million[2]

🍿 English movies | 📺 @Eng_moviesss

Репост из: Murphy by Mr.English
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👉 107 ta O'zbek tilidagi professional grammatik audio darslar mundarijasi:

• UNITS 1-30

• UNITS 31-60

• UNITS 61-90

• UNITS 91-107

Mr. English tomonidan yozilgan audio darslarni o'zlashtirishingizda omad tilaymiz!😊


[@Amazing_Ielts] Ways of the IELTS Winners.pdf
📘 Ways of the IELTS Winners


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🔘 How to use my, your, his, her, our, their
🔘 How to use 'Of' to show ownership
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Grammar view

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[@Amazing_Ielts] IELTS Speaking Strategies for Success.pdf
📘 IELTS Speaking Strategies for Success


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✴️Vocabulary Time✴️


✳️ DIFFERENT Ways OF Walking🚶

1⃣ Stroll 👉 Dam olib rohatlanib yurish

2⃣ Wander 👉 Biror bir aniq yo'nalish yoki maqsadsiz sayr qilish

3⃣ Stride 👉 Katta qadamlar bilan tez-tez yurish

4⃣ March 👉 Xarbiy sohadagilar tashaydigan qadam

5⃣ Hike 👉 Uzoq yo'nalishlararo sayr qilish (misol uchun shaharcha yoki tog'ga)

6⃣ Tiptoe 👉 Oyoq uchida sekin yurish

7⃣ Wade 👉 Suvda yurmoq

8⃣ Stagger 👉 Notekis yurish asosan jarohatlanganda yoki ichib olganda

9⃣ Limp 👉 Qiyinchilik bilan oqsoqlanish asosan jarohat yoki kuchli og'riq payti

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Foydali grammatika

⚡️ Before, after, during, while

✅Before - oldin, avval.

Before the examination everybody was very nervous - Imtixondan avval hamma juda hayajonda edi.

✅After - keyin, so'ng.

We were tired after our visit to the cinema - Biz kinoxonaga tashrif buyurganimizdan keyin charchagan edik.

✅During - bo'layotgan vaqti (ot so'z turkumi uchun ishlatiladi).

I went to sleep during the film - Men film vaqtida uxlab qoldim.

✅While - bo'layotgan vaqti (fe'l so'z turkumi uchun ishlatiladi).

I went to sleep while I was watching television - Men televizor ko'rayotganimda uxlab qoldim.

👉During va while so'zlari qatnashgan ikkala gapga e'tibor beramiz. Birinchisida "the film" ot bo'lgani uchun during so'zi ishlatildi. Ikkinchisida "watching" (ko'rayotgan) fe'l - harakatni ifodalovchi so'z bo'lgani uchun while so'zi ishlatildi.

👉Before va after so'zlaridan keyin kelgan fe'llarga "ing" qo'shimchasini qo'ysa ham, qo'ymasa ham bo'laveradi.

👉Bizningcha, aksar holatda "ing" qo'yish odat hisoblanadi:
I always have breakfast before going to work - Men doim ishga ketishdan oldin nonushta qilib olaman.

I stopped work after reading the newspaper - Men ishni to'xtatganimdan so'ng gazeta o'qiyman.

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✅Writing time
Some useful phrases 🇬🇧 🇺🇿
📝 Fikrlarni birma bir ifodlash uchun:

🔸 In the first place – Birinchi o’rinda
🔸 To start/begin with – Boshlashga/Boshlanishiga
🔸 Firstly - Birinchidan
🔸 Secondly – Ikkinchidan
🔸 Thirdly - Uchinchidan
🔸 Finally – Nihoyat
🔸 In addition (to this) – Qo’shimchasiga
🔸 Furthermore – Qo’shimcha qilib
🔸 Moreover – Qo’shimchasiga
🔸 Besides – Bundan tashqari

📝 Foydali tamonlarini sanab o’tganda:

🔸 The main/ first/ most important advantage of … - Biror narsaning asosiy/ ilk/ eng muhim foydasi …
🔸 One/Another/ An additional advantage of … - Biror narsaning bir/ boshqa/ qo’shimcha foydasi …

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✅ Useful

O‘zaro muloqotdagi kundalik so‘zlar

That's the truth. - Bu haqiqat.
That's the gospel truth. - Bu haqiqat
That's the honest truth. - Bu to'ppa-to'g'ri
That's the honest-to-goodness truth. - Bu haqiqat
Honest. - To'grisi
Honestly. - Rosti
True. - Haqiqat
Truly. - Chindan
I swear. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to you. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to God. - Xudo haqqi
Would I lie? - Aldaymanmi?
Would I lie to you? - Sizni aldaymanmi?
Why would I lie? - Nahotki men aldasam?
I'm not kidding. - Hazillashganim yo'q.
Believe it or not. - Xoh ishon xoh ishonma.
Frankly speaking,… - Xullas gapni qisqasi....
Speaking candidly,… - Gapning dangali....

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✅ Useful

O‘zaro muloqotdagi kundalik so‘zlar

That's the truth. - Bu haqiqat.
That's the gospel truth. - Bu haqiqat
That's the honest truth. - Bu to'ppa-to'g'ri
That's the honest-to-goodness truth. - Bu haqiqat
Honest. - To'grisi
Honestly. - Rosti
True. - Haqiqat
Truly. - Chindan
I swear. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to you. - Qasam ichaman
I swear to God. - Xudo haqqi
Would I lie? - Aldaymanmi?
Would I lie to you? - Sizni aldaymanmi?
Why would I lie? - Nahotki men aldasam?
I'm not kidding. - Hazillashganim yo'q.
Believe it or not. - Xoh ishon xoh ishonma.
Frankly speaking,… - Xullas gapni qisqasi....
Speaking candidly,… - Gapning dangali....

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✳️Yurakdan gapirish uchun iboralar✅

🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi.

▪️I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall.
▫️Menga basketbol o'ynash rostan yoqasi balkim bo'yim uzunligi uchundir

🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadur) yoqadi.

▪️I especially like Creating posts in order to help you 😊
▫️Menga ayniqsa postlar yaratish yoqadi sizga yordam berish maqsadida

🔹 I love - Men (nimadur bajarishni) sevaman.

▪️Most of people love listening to music in their leisure time 🎧
▫️Ko'p odamlar ularning bo'sh vaqtida musiqa eshtishni yoqtiradi(sevadi)

🔹 I quite enjoy - Men (nimadurdan) biroz rohatlanaman.(lekin ko'p emas)

▪️We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather.
▪️Ob-havoga qaramay, dam olish kunimiz juda mamnun bo'ldi.

🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimadur)qilishga ishqibozman.

▪️Nancy is a big fan of Chatting.Whenever you look she's "Typing..."
▫️Nansi chat qilishnj ishqibozi, qachonki qarasang "Typing" qilayotgan bo'ladi

🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni buyuk( zo'r,yaxshi )deb topaman

▪️I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays
▫️Yakshanba kunlari soat 17.00 dan keyin ota-onam bilan sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman

🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyğotadi.

▪️Historic places usually leave me a deep impression.
▫️Tarixiy joylar doimmo menda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi

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⚠️Yodlab oling
▪️art of -da mahorat
▪️astonishment at -dan hayratga tushish
▪️apology for - uchun uzr
▪️choice of tanlangan narsa
▪️disappointment at hafsalasi pir bo‘lish
▪️excuse for -dan bahona
▪️experience in -da tajriba
▪️fear of -dan qo‘rquv
▪️habit of -da ko‘nikma
▪️hope of -dan umid
▪️idea of fikr, g‘oya
▪️importance of muhimlik
▪️intention of -ga qasd qilish
▪️interest in -ga qiziqish
▪️means of -ning vositasi
▪️method for (method of) uchun uslub
▪️necessity of -da zarurat
▪️objection to -ga e’tiroz
▪️opportunity of -ga qulay imkoniyat
▪️plan for uchun reja
▪️pleasure of -dan rohatlanish
▪️possibility of -ga imkoniyat
▪️preparation for uchun tayyorgarlik
▪️problem of -ning muammosi
▪️process of -ning jarayoni
▪️reason for uchun sabab
▪️right of huquqi
▪️skill in -da mahorat
▪️surprise at -dan ajablanish
▪️way of -ning yo‘li (vositasi)

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❇️VERY VA TOO❇️so'zlarining farqi

🔻Quyidagi ikkita gapga qarang. Ularning ma’nosida qanday farq bor, deb o’ylaysiz?

🔹A: It is very hot.
🔸B: It is too hot.

A oddiy darak gap hisoblanadi. Bunda shunchaki issiq ekanligi aytilgan.
Ammo B gapda esa qiyinchilik, noqulaylik, yomon sharoit ma’nosi bor. Balki bu gapdagi holatda kimdir o’zini yomon his qilayotgandir, yoki kimgadir bu issiqlik yoqmayotgandir.
Yana boshqa misollarni ko’ramiz…

🔸C: Lisa is very tall.
🔹D: Lisa is too tall.

C oddiy darak gap: Oho, qaranglar, Lisa juda uzun bo’yli qiz! Bu shunchaki uning bo’yiga nisbatan ta’rif.
Ammo D gapda salbiylik kayfiyati bor. Balki Lisaning bo’yi shunchalik uzunki, u har doim eshikdan kirishda boshini urib olar. Balki uning bo’yi shunchalik uzunligidan u boshqalar bilan teng holatda o’zini yomon his qilar.
Demak, yodingizda saqlashingiz kerakki, TOO so’zi har doim nimaningdir salbiy tarzda ortiqcha ekanligini bildiradi va har doim gapga salbiy ma’no beradi.

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✅Vocabulary to show result
🗯As a result... Natijada..
🗯Consequently... Binobarin ..
🗯As a result of... Natijada...
🗯As a consequent... Natijada ..

✅Vocabulary to show an example:
🗯As an example... Misol sifatida ...
🗯For instance... Masalan...
🗯For example... Masalan...
🗯Like... Shunga o'xshash
🗯As... ... sifatida
🗯Such as... Kabi...
🗯Particularly... Xususan ..
🗯Regarding... Haqiqatan ...
🗯In particular... Jumladan...

🗯Namely... Aynan ...

🗯To show an example... Misol ko'rsatish uchun

🗯To give an example... Misol keltiring ...

🗯To cite an example... Misol keltiring ...

🗯A As an evidence... Dalil sifatida ...

🗯To illustrate... Tasavvur qilish uchun

🗯An example is... Bunga misol ...
🗯..could be a good/ideal example here ... bu yerda yaxshi / ideal misol bo'lishi mumkin

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🇬🇧Love idioms-sevgi iboralari🇺🇿

❗️Yodlab oling

♻️I think I’m falling in love with my best friend
▪️LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT – bir ko'rishda sevib qolmoq
♻️My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight.
▪️BE AN ITEM – kuchli sevoshmoq( bir jonu bir tan)
♻️ I didn’t know Chris and Sue were an item. They didn’t even look at each other at dinner.
▪️BE HEAD OVER HEELS(In love) – Juda qattiq sevmoq
♻️Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other.
▪️BE LOVEY-DOVEY– sevgisini ko'chada odamlar oldida o'pishib isxor qilish
♻️I don’t want to go out with Jenny and David. They’re so lovey-dovey, I just can’t stand it.
▪️PUPPY LOVE – o'smirlikdagi qisqa vaqtli sevgi
♻️My son is only twelve, but he’s already in love. Isn’t it a bit too early?
Don’t worry, it’s only puppy love. It won’t last
▪️ON THE ROCKS– munosabatda qanaqadir muommo bo'lsa ishlatamiz
♻️I think they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks.
▪️POP THE QUESTION– turmushga chiqshni so'rash
♻️ So, did Ben pop the question last night?
No, he didn’t. He just took me out for dinner and that’s all.
▪️THOSE THREE LITTLE WORDS– men seni sevaman
♻️ I think he loves me, but he hasn’t said those three little words yet.

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