Hello everyone. First thank you for joining this channel.
Secondly some just ask a question.
Please there is only one Hash Store the premium Hash Store is my main channel that has been for years it had an issue though it's still running.
I created New Hash Store channel as backup channel which is on restriction right now. So i created this channel to represent the New Hash Store channel.
Once the New Hash Store channel restriction is off I'll be taking this channel down.
But here is what you should watch out for this channel only has
@richnixonz122 and
@Walfree67 who are the admin if you don't see this usernames then you're talking to tge wrong person. Please be careful.
Am saying this because scammers will take the opportunity of the few channels I've created to create their and start getting people.
The good thing is you can't use one username twice on telegram.
So please you all be watchful Thank you 🙏🙏