🌀 Work on – ustida ishlamoq
🌀 Bulk up – vazn oshirmoq
🌀 Lift up – yuqoriga ko’tarmoq
🌀 Tire out – charchamoq
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🌀 Work on – ustida ishlamoq
We need to work on these different skills.
Ushbu turli xil ko'nikmalar ustida ishlashimiz kerak.
🌀 Bulk up – vazn oshirmoq
I’ve been drinking this special shake to help me bulk up.
Men bu ichimlikni menga vazn oshirishga yordam berishi uchun ichyapman.
🌀 Lift up – yuqoriga ko’tarmoq
I’m exhausted after work out. I can’t even lift my arms up.
Mashg’ulotlardan keyin charchadim, hatto qo’llarimni yuqoriga ko’tara olmayapman.
🌀 Tire out – charchamoq
The team lost because they tired out during the first half of the match.
Jamoa yutqazdi, chunki ular o’yinning birinchi bo’limida charchagan edi.
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