🇺🇸 Mop
🇺🇿shvabra, polyuvgich
1. I need to mop the floor because it’s dirty.
Polni tozalashim kerak, chunki u iflos.
2. She used a wet mop to clean the kitchen tiles.
U oshxona plitalarini tozalash uchun nam pol artgich ishlatdi.
3. Don’t forget to rinse the mop after cleaning.
Tozalagandan keyin pol artgichni chayishni unutmang.
4. He grabbed the mop to clean up the spilled water.
U to‘kilgan suvni tozalash uchun pol artgichni oldi.
5. The janitor mopped the hallway every evening.
Farrosh har kechda yo‘lakni tozalardi.
🇺🇸 Mop
🇺🇿shvabra, polyuvgich
1. I need to mop the floor because it’s dirty.
Polni tozalashim kerak, chunki u iflos.
2. She used a wet mop to clean the kitchen tiles.
U oshxona plitalarini tozalash uchun nam pol artgich ishlatdi.
3. Don’t forget to rinse the mop after cleaning.
Tozalagandan keyin pol artgichni chayishni unutmang.
4. He grabbed the mop to clean up the spilled water.
U to‘kilgan suvni tozalash uchun pol artgichni oldi.
5. The janitor mopped the hallway every evening.
Farrosh har kechda yo‘lakni tozalardi.