Yuldoshev's Blog

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Блоги

University of Maine, USA 22'
🇺🇲 Global UGRAD 21-22 finalist🇺🇿
🇺🇸 YPIP winner
🇺🇸 HPAIR 2025
IELTS 8.5 (x4) | Speaking 8.5(x4)
| Writing 7.5 (x3)
TOEFL 101 | Speaking 28

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Access | Study in Korea
Koreyada o'qishni orzu qilasizmi? Bahor bilan birga yangi imkoniyatlar ham kelyapti! 🌸

🎓 Kuzgi semestrga qabul davom etmoqda! Endi faqat orzu qilish emas, harakat qilish va Koreyaga yo‘l olish vaqti keldi!

🔹 Grantlar yutish bo'yicha yordam;
🔹 Eng yaxshi universitet va yo‘nalishni tanlashda ko'maklashamiz;
🔹 Hujjatlarni tayyorlashda qo‘llab-quvvatlash.

💡Koreyada talaba bo'lish orzusini Access bilan amalga oshiring!

Shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan!

O’z joyingingizni band qilish uchun:
3️⃣Telefon raqamingizni
yozib qoldiring.

Batafsil ma’lumot va qabul shartlari uchun:
👉 Telegram kanalimizga qo‘shiling

today is the last day to register for the Mock Test

Mart oyida kimlar sizga tekinga dars o'tib berishga tayyor :

1. Ozodbek Botirlaiyev - Overall band 9.0
Writing Marathon✏️

2.Sherzodbek Matyoqubov - Multilevel Expert
CEFR Marathon + 🌟3 kishiga CEFR imtihoni puli to'lab beriladi

3. Khushnudbek - Overall 8.5
Listening Marathon

4. Muallim Said - Overall 8.5
Speaking Marathon with Niners

5. Mukhammad Rakhimov - Writing 8.5
Scholarship Guidilines + IELTS Writing - 9 March

6. Ulug'bek Umidjonov - Overall 9.0
30-day Article Marathon

i will update it when i find other posts as well

Women look for men because they think men created that problem😂

Men see a problem,
Men look for a solution.

Women see a problem,
Women look for men.

1.6k 0 22 25 148

Репост из: Mock IELTS Results
🗓When: 🔤🔤🔤🔤🔤 2️⃣, Sunday at 10:00 sharp
📱Where: at DATA LS, Urgench

🌟Computer Delivered Mock

📚 Paper Based IELTS Mock test

90 000 soums.

70 000 soums.

📱Register at: @gulomjonyuldoshev

16 February da CD topshirganlar

You can collect your certificates from DATA, 4th floor.

Репост из: Black Bears Results
Ladies and gentlemen,
Behold Yulduz!
She studied in D15 Standard group for 4 months and made it !

It is the student’s work and dedication that create results.
So, good job Yulduz
You made it
I am happy that i was a part of this journey and hopefully it is just a beginning of your many more accomplishments
Overall 8.0 🎉

1.5k 0 2 18 107

Репост из: Ozodbek Botiraliev
Bepul Writing Marathon ✍️

🌙 Ramazon munosabati bilan, IELTS 9.0 sohibi tomonidan kichik tuhfa!

Writingdan qiynalib yurgan o’quvchilar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

🚀 Start: Ramazonning birinchi kuni!

Marafon mutlaqo bepul va ochiq! Qo‘shilish uchun hoziroq linkni bosing:


1k 0 13 1 18

Ramadan #vocabulary

Fast (n/v) - ro’za/ ro’za tutish
We soon start fasting and experience such great days that come once a year.
I love breaking (my) fast with friends and family around the table.

- Hey, wanna have lunch?
- Oh, no thanks. I am fasting.

Sunrise = Dawn
you eat before Sunrise.

Sundown = Sunset = Dusk
you eat after Sundown

To break fast – to stop your restriction and start eating. (og’iz ochish, iftorlik qilish)
Try to break your fast with a date and/or some water.

• A date ( n ) - xurmo

nullify/ invalidate- no’lga tushirish. Bekor qilish.
Consuming anything when there is sunlight nullifies your fast. And it becomes invalid.
Swallowing your saliva does not invalidate your fast according to many sources, but you may wanna look more into it.
with respect

i am contacting some of my students to ask them what they recommend to the future students of mine having finished their own course.

here is what one of them had to say:

IELTS 7.5(L:9.0)

1. What is the one thing you are you learned in the course?

• Not paying attention to IELTS techniques but paying attention to General English itself;
• Enjoying the process instead of stressing out; love the language ITSELF.

2. What is the one thing you regret the most ?

• Not paying attention to my weak sides.
I used to focus mostly on my strong sides just to get satisfaction at the end of practice. HOWEVER I was afraid of facing with my weak side. FACE WITH YOUR WEAK SIDE AND WORK ON IT.

3. What do you recommend the students to do?

• Learning new thing from everything.
If you are working with reading, do not just end up with answering to the questions. Learn new vocabulary from the passage, analyze the grammatical structure and take useful phrases, linking words so that you could use in your writing. The same is with listening. When doing listening practice, try to analyze how native speakers are speaking without repetitions and redundancy. Learn how to show direction from map question type in listening.

4. extra words of wisdom
Do not learn ENGLISH for IELTS. IELTS is just one of big steps in your language journey. ENJOY THE PROCESS. Ask yourself: “ Can I talk to native speaker without difficulties? Can I name everything I use on a daily basis? Can I show directions in English?” Work on your General Language Skills. At the end of the day you need language for speaking and using not for IELTS!

i know most of you won't read or even understand.
but it does not matter, we did our part, we share a little bit of tips to help you,
if you do not want to be helped, this is on you.

3.1k 0 21 12 83

Daxshat Task 1 grammar

Palantir finished 2024 with revenue of $2.87 billion, an increase of 29% from the prior year.

2.8k 0 36 15 52

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
10 Ways to Improve Your Speaking Score
by Chris Pell from IELTS Advantage

2.9k 0 114 1 37

Not only… but also - this structure is quite popular among IELTS candidates. Many candidates, unfortunately, use it incorrectly.

Third option is the only correct answer.
Here is a good explanation why:


Just use Google📱

3k 0 35 5 18

Choose the correct sentence:
  •   Not only I submitted my homework on time, but also I got a very good result.
  •   Not only did I submit my homework on time, but also I got a very good result.
  •   Not only did I submit my homework on time, but I also got a very good result.

Репост из: 𝗘𝗻𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵️ 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹
#Writing #CoherenceCohesion

These are my favorite cohesive devices and some high-level sentence structures. ✔️
#BeSmart #SaveTime

simple stories:
* book

* another book
* articlelar to'plami

#vocabulary - use this hashtag to learn important and natural words

if your #IELTS Reading is not improving, stop IELTS Reading.

Instead, you should read some simple stories, news reports, and especially articles in a topic that you find intriguing. By doing so, you will adapt your mind to processing information in English more quickly and deeply,while also improving your vocabulary level - the one thing you need the most in any language test.

2.9k 0 35 18 86
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