Фильтр публикаций

Week 1. January 22 - January 28

Week 2. January 29 - February 4

Week 3. February 5 - February 11

Week 4. February 12 - February 18

Week 5. February 19 - February 25

Week 6. February 26 - March 4 (Mid-Term Exam)

They said the best motivation is the death. But in our case, it is mid-term exam.

“Nature + books + coffee + deep talk + You = Happiness”

111 0 0 13 11

Let's see all the personality types of the followers. According to the results, I will share articles to help them find out more about themselves

My personality type turned out to be - Commander (ENTJ-A)

Share yours in the comments, when you've done the test

In comparison with US 🫴🏻

These numbers are telling something good about uzbek personality

We make decisions based on our knowledge not the feelings

We are social creatures 😁

Your personality is the most important thing that people always firstly notice when forming some kind of relationship. Find about your personality by doing the test. Don't forget sharing in the comments section 😉👇🏻

Haven't played snow, but it is already the last month of winter. It sucks 👎

Already lived the first 10 minutes of February


He who has a why to live can handle almost every single how

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He now has a certificate) 🙂


Your family don't need presents, they want you to be present

Do you wanna be one of them?
  •   Yes ofcc🥹🥹
  •   Who doesn't 🤝🫠
  •   No
61 голосов

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⚡️Bu yoshlar bilan butun O'zbekiston faxrlansa arziydi!

Dunyoning eng nufuzli universitetlarida o'z bilimi, mehnati va harakati bilan tengdoshlariga o'rnak bo'layotgan bir guruh yoshlar bilan tanishing. Ularning rejalari va niyatlari olam-olam. Eng xayron qolarlisi, ular hamma ta'lim olishni orzu qiladigan oliygohlarga 100% grant asosida qabul qilinishgan, xususan Harvard, Stanford, Columbia, MIT va yana o'nlab nufuzli top universitetlar shu jumlasidandir.

Biz ular bilan yoshlar uchun yangi loyihalarni muhokama qildik, yangi rejalar tuzdik. Umid qilamanki, o'zbekistonlik yoshlar uchun global maydonda loyihalarimiz yana ko'payadi!

#uzbekpower #top100 #youth #uzbekistan

Is there anyone who can write poems in English?

My brother said hey, yesterday morning
And I said bro shut up you are annoying

- Someone

Показано 20 последних публикаций.