Dilshod Ismatov | 9.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

-Founder&CEO of ELITES LC(since 2020).
-A lifelong learner!
My IELTS records:
16 exams
Listening 9x12 times
Reading 9x9 times back-to-back
Speaking 9.0x1
Writing 8.0x2
Writing 7.5x6
Speaking 8.5x2
Overall 8.5x6
Overall 9.0x1=10.12.2024

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

Tomorrow, our office will not be working for technical issues. Lessons will start from Tuesday!

Today’s task 1.

The maps compare a small park in 1980 and its current arrangements. Overall, the park used to be enclosed by a wall on all four sides, and there were only some seats around the pond. However, nowadays, the types of activities in the park have increased as it has become an open space with far more walking paths.

In 1980, the park was surrounded by walls, with two gates located on the south and west sides of the area. These gates were connected by the only walking track within the park. There were trees to the northeast, while the southern part of the park was occupied by two flower beds. The pond, closer to the western gate, had some benches around it.

Today, the walls have been removed, and the park is now accessible from all four sides because of the extension of the path. One of the most notable changes has been the thinning of trees to the northeast part of the park, where picnic facilities, such as tables and barbecue have been installed. The two gardens have disappeared, with the right-hand side one being replaced by a playground, and the left-hand side one being turned into a bushland. The pond with its benches continues to be a feature of the park.

217 words, solo, 18 minutes, Dilshod Ismatov.


Bu safargi mock examda, mock examdan oldin kichkina training va mockdan keyin writing va speakingdan feedback beriladi!

‼️Mock exam registration post‼️
February 9th, Sunday. at 1pm

🟢Ushbu mock exam 2 xil tartibda o'tkaziladi:

🗓date: 9th February

MOCK exam matriallari real exam da tushgan va 100% authentic matriallardan foydalaniladi📌✅

●Mock examda listeningda imtihon naushniklaridan foydaliniladi
●Exam natijalari 3 kunda beriladi
●Haqiqiy real exam atmosphere
MOCK EXAM narxlari quyidagicha:

🔴FULL MOCK narxi:120.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:80.000)
🔴MINI MOCK narxi:70.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:40.000)

To`lovlar faqat karta orqali qabul qilinadi:



⚠️Joyingizni band qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz ushbu akkauntga "mock" deb yozib qoldiring:


2nd February Mock exam results!

Assalomu alaykum.
Mani quyidagi offline IELTS guruhlarimda joylar mavjud. Sinov darslariga qatnashib ko`rishingiz mumkin:

1. Tue/Thu/Sat 10-12 morning
2. Tue/Thu/Sat 4-6 afternoon
3. Tue/Thu/Sat 6-8 evening

Bu guruhlarning hammasi intensive guruhlar. IELTS imtihonidan ozgina xabari bor studentlar uchun. Darslar asosan Ingliz tilida olib boriladi.

Quyidagi havola orqali ma`lumotlaringizni qoldirsangiz, o`zim aloqaga chiqaman:

Kurslarga ro`yxatdan o`tish

Beginner kurslarimiz uchun qabul davom etadi. Ushbu havola orqali ma`lumotlaringizni qoldiring, va biz siz bilan aloqaga chiqamiz.


If you want to sign in for the 2nd February Mock exam, you can do so by writing to me:

But, before that, make sure you read the post carefully.

26th January Mock exam results.


🔵 Teacher: Muxlisa Rahmatullayeva
Yangi ochilayotgan BEGINNER darajadagi kursi toq kunlari (Dushanba/Chorshanba/Juma)

🕒soat: 16:00-18:00
💳narxi: 300.000 UZS

Kurs davomiyligi: 3 oy

Birinchi dars: 5-fevral (CHORSHANBA)

✅ Kursga yozilish uchun: @muxlisa0607

‼️Mock exam registration post‼️
2nd February, Sunday. at 1pm

🟢Ushbu mock exam 2 xil tartibda o'tkaziladi:

🗓date: February 2

MOCK exam matriallari real exam da tushgan va 100% authentic matriallardan foydalaniladi📌✅

●Mock examda listeningda imtihon naushniklaridan foydaliniladi
●Exam natijalari 3 kunda beriladi
●Haqiqiy real exam atmosphere
MOCK EXAM narxlari quyidagicha:

🔴FULL MOCK narxi:120.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:80.000)
🔴MINI MOCK narxi:70.000
(markazimizda o'qiyotgan o'quvchilar uchun:40.000)

To`lovlar faqat karta orqali qabul qilinadi:



⚠️Joyingizni band qilmoqchi bo'lsangiz ushbu akkauntga "mock" deb yozib qoldiring:


Azimbek Juraev took part in my 4-6 intensivie group and updated his score from 7.0 to 7.5! Congratulations!


2k 0 3 19 45

Do you know where the best computer program service in Termez is? I need to have my laptop fixed!

We have covered Writing task 1 maps and process tasks. The next task 1 graph we will deal with will be table charts.

The main language you need to know in such charts is comparative structures. We will cover some comparison rules in grammar including complex ones and learn how to approach a table chart.

The lesson will start as soon as 100 people leave 'go' message on the chat.

The history of cakes at weddings.pdf
Passage 1. The history of cakes at weddings


#cefr 25.01.2025

Mission accomplished: 58 | B2
Reading - 66 | C1
Writing - 61 ⚡️

Teacher: MrSamandar

Congratulations 👏


Показано 20 последних публикаций.