Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Курсы и гайды

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👤Murojaat uchun: @tarixchi_otabek ✉️
@AMIRXON_1163 ✉️
@orifjonalimqulov ✉️

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Курсы и гайды
Фильтр публикаций

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📌 O'qituvchimiz Mr.Amirullokhon ning 3 ta guruhlariga qabul ochilmoqda:

1. Elementary
- Davomiyligi: 3.5 oy
- Haftada: 3 kun
- Soat: 14:00 - 16:00

2. Pre-Intermediate
- Davomiyligi: 3.5 oy
- Haftada: 3 kun
- Soat: 14:00 - 16:00

2. Intermediate (PRE-IELTS)
- Davomiyligi: 3 oy
- Haftada: 3 kun
- Soat: 16:15 - 19:15 (darslar 3 soatdan bo'ladi❗️)

📍 Location: UNIVERSE LC Oydin branch

IELTS olib o'z maqsadlaringizga erishmoqchi bo'lsangiz, bu imkoniyatni qo'ldan boy bermang. 💯

Joylar soni chegaralangan, hoziroq quyidagi havola orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting. 👇

🔗 Kurslariga ro'yxatdan o'tish

📞Tel: 94-526-00-60

👉 @univers_uz

Some IELTS terms:

PBI - Paper-Based IELTS 📑
CDI - Computer-Delivered IELTS 💻
VCS - Video Call Speaking 💻👨‍🦱
F2F - Face-to-Face 👨‍🦱

👉 @univers_uz

1.Every once in a while, we come across people saying "in order to improve your listening you should listen more and for boosting your reading comprehension, you need read more". Well, this message actually applies for everyone who is trying to take their English to the next level.

Don't underestimate the importance of pronunciation and grammar, while learning a language as you might make a minor grammar or pronunciation mistake!

2. Many people assume that by learning fancy vocabulary, especially "idioms" you can get a high band score in the exams. Moreover, some even try to make "complex" sentences to show the examiner what they're capable of. You don't have to make complex sentences as long as you're making yourself clear.

3. There is a common belief among students that if you try different teachers, there's a chance of you gaining more knowledge. Personally, I don't really subscribe to this idea as you should have a teacher or mentor who guides you and supports you all the way to success.

4. Try to spend as much time as possible for English if you want to get most of it. However, if you spend a number of hours every day, (not skipping a single day) you're likely going to succeed as you're putting the effort into work💪🏻!

5. Have a target of what you want to achieve. Don't just say I'll wake up at 4.00 in the morning tomorrow. It doesn't work like that. Ask yourself a question. Why do you want to wake at 4 o'clock? What things are you going to do after getting up?

Have a concrete plan and specific goals!

6. This one doesn't really appeal to everyone because students tend not to recognize their mistakes. However, if you have a teacher, ask from him/her in which area you're making a mistake. And try to implement the changes in your life.

7. As we talked above, you have to take actions if you want to develop your English skills. But before you take actions make sure you know which areas you can improve, because without knowing your weaknesses, you can't improve them.


Let's break it down:)

Shall we?

What do band 8 and 9 students have in commen?


🌙🌙🌙Ramazon Hayiti muborak bo’lsin!

Barchangizni yurtimiz mo‘min-musulmonlari va butun xalqimizni yer yuzidagi islom ummati tomonidan keng nishonlanayotgan ulug‘ va muborak ayyom – Ramazon hayiti tabriklayman.

Sog’-salomatlik va baxt doimiy hamrohingiz bo’lsin, tinchligimizga aslo ko’z tegmasin!

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram

Репост из: Otabek Abdullayev
Assalomu aleykum

Yakshanba bo'lishiga qaramay erta tongdan kelgan barcha o'quvchilarmiz, ustozlarimiz va talabalik sharafiga musharraf bo'lgan sobiq o'quvchilarimizga o'z minnatdorchiligimizni bildiramiz.

Ahillik bu-ibtido

Qullab quvvatlash-o'sish

Birgalikda ishlash-muvaffaqiyat!


Assalomu alaykum.

Imtihon jarayonidan foto lavhalar.
Kuchli nazorat
DTM na’munasidagi testlar
Raqobatli muhit

O’quvchilarimizga omad tilaymiz!


UNIVERSE oʻquv markazining malakali ustozi Mrs. Shirinning yana bir nechta oʻquvchilari CEFR sertifikatini qoʻlga kiritib oʻzlarining yoʻnalishlari uchun eng yuqori ballga ega boʻlishdi.

Usmanova Nigora - 57 ball
Abduxoliqova Mohinaxon - 54 ball
Akbaraliyev Akobir - 51 ball
Mahkamova Zilola - 51 ball
Yusupov Azim - 55 ball
Abdujalilov Xojiakbar - 62 ball

👩‍💼Ustoz: Mrs. Shirin

🎯 UNIVERSE - sifatli ta'lim, yaxshi hayot!

➡️ Ajoyib muhit
➡️ Qulay lokatsiya
➡️ Talabchan ustoz
➡️ Yuqori natija
➡️ Kuchli raqobat

Siz ham shunday natijaga erishmoqchi boʻlsangiz biz bilan bogʻlaning:
📞 +99894-526-00-60
📞 +99897-155-05-22

📍 Manzil: Oydin, Yulduz toʻyxonasi yoni. UNIVERSE oʻquv markazi


Assalomu alaykum lobar qizlar,munis ayollar.Sizlarni 8-mart xalqaro xotin qizlar bayrami bilan chin koʻngildan muborakbod etaman. Barchangizga bahoriy goʻzallik,latofatlilik va hamisha xush kayfiyatlilik tilayman.
Barchangiz bayram muborak boʻlsin!💐💐💐

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