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🎓Buyuk Britaniyada yuqori darajadagi sifatli ta’lim olishni xohlaysizmi?

Buyuk Britaniyaning to’liq moliyalashtiriladigan Chevening dasturi orqali hayotingizni butunlay o’zgartirib yuborish imkoniyatiga ega bo’ling!✨

Andijonlik Dostonbek Nuraliyev hozir Londonga yo‘l olmoqda va Chevening stipendiyasi asosida magistr darajasini olish uchun o‘qishga kirishayapti. Keling uni hikoyasi bilan tanishamiz👇

Men, Dostonbek Nuraliyev, Andijon viloyatidanman. Avvalo, bu qadar nufuzli stipendiyani qo‘lga kiritganimdan juda xursandman va bu kamdan kam uchraydigan imkoniyat deb o‘ylayman. Bu shaxsiy va kasbiy rivojlanishimda katta rol o‘ynaydi.

Hozirgi paytda men Andijondagi 6 ta filiali mavjud “English Life” ta’lim markazining asoschilaridan biri bo’lib faoliyat yuritmoqdaman. Bundan tashqari, xususiy maktab va xorijda o‘qish to‘g‘risida maslahat beradigan agentligimiz ham bor.

Muhandislik sohasida o’qigan bo’lsam-da, oxirgi 10 yildan buyon ta’lim sohasida ishlayapman. Shuning uchun, ikkinchi magistrlik darajamni London Universitet Kolleji (UCL)da ta’lim sohasida olishga qaror qildim. QS reytingiga ko‘ra, bu universitet jahonda 9-o‘rinda. Ta’lim fakulteti esa so‘nggi 11 yil davomida butun dunyo bo‘ylab 1-o‘rinni egallab kelmoqda.

O’qishni tamomlagandan so‘ng, O‘zbekistonning ta’lim modelini rivojlantirish yo‘lida davlat va xususiy sektorlarda faoliyatimni davom ettiraman. Shuningdek, o‘zbekistonlik yoshlarga to‘liq stipendiyalar bilan xorijda o‘qish bo’yicha maslahatlar bera oladigan shaxs sifatida faoliyatimni davom ettirmoqchiman.

Mening yoshlarga asosiy maslahatim — bu qat'iyatlilik! Men Chevening stipendiyasini to‘rtinchi urinishda qo‘lga kiritdim. Agar bu safar muvaffaqiyatga erisha olmaganimda, keyingi yil yana ariza topshirishga tayyor edim. Shuning uchun hech qachon umidni yo‘qotmang!

Cheveningga kelganda qat'iyatlilik haqiqatdan ham sizga yordam beradi. Birinchi yoki to‘rtinchi marta topshirayotganingizdan qat’iy nazar, har doim g‘alaba qozonish imkoniyati bor.

Siz ham bugunoq yangi sarguzashtlarni boshlashga tayyorlanib, 5-noyabrgacha topshirishga ulguring 👉

I am Dostonbek Nuraliev from the Andijan region. First of all, I am very happy to receive such a prestigious scholarship, and I firmly believe this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity which will have a significant impact on my personal and professional growth.

Currently, I am one of the co-founders of the “English Life” education centre, which has six branches in Andijan. In addition, we have a private school and a consulting agency that provides information about studying abroad.

Even though my educational background is in engineering, I have been working in the education field for about 10 years now. Therefore, I decided to pursue my second master's in the field of education. I have chosen a course in Comparative Education at University College London (UCL), which is ranked 9th in the world according to the QS ranking. However, in terms of its Education faculty, it has been ranked Number 1 globally for about 11 years now.

After completing the course, I will continue my work as an educational specialist who will contribute to the Uzbek educational model in both the public and private sectors. In addition, I would like to continue my role as an influencer who will guide Uzbek youth to study in foreign countries with full scholarships.

My top tip for prospective applicants is to maintain PERSISTENCE. I received my Chevening scholarship on my fourth attempt, and if I had not succeeded this time, I would have definitely applied again next year. So never lose hope!

Perseverance really does pay off when it comes to #Chevening. Whether you are applying for the first time or the fourth, there’s always a chance to win the Chevening scholarship.

Start your journey today, apply by 5 November 👉

🎓 Ready to get first-class education in the UK🇬🇧 and boost your career?

Life-changing opportunities start with the UK’s fully funded Chevening Scholarship programme✨.

Dostonbek Nuraliyev from Andijan is now moving to London to study Master’s under the Chevening scholarship, and here is his story👇

Репост из: World Bank Uzbekistan
🌐🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇯🇹🇲🇺🇿 В Астане, Казахстан, завершило свою работу 12-е заседание Рабочей группы Международного фонда спасения Аральского моря (МФСА), которое было проведено при поддержке Исполнительного комитета МФСА и Всемирного банка в рамках Водно-энергетической программы для Центральной Азии (CAWEP).

🤝 В мероприятии приняли участие представители государственных органов и эксперты из Казахстана, Кыргызской Республики, Таджикистана, Туркменистана и Узбекистана, ответственные за водные, энергетические, природоохранные и финансовые вопросы.

✅ В рамках двухдневной встречи эксперты обсудили способы повышения эффективности деятельности МФСА, обменялись опытом по вопросам интегрированного управления водными и энергетическими ресурсами, а также рассмотрели механизмы усиления регионального сотрудничества в вопросах использования водных ресурсов.

📘 Итоги обсуждений и принятые рекомендации будут переданы для принятия решений членам Правления МФСА, заседание которого состоится 18 сентября 2024 года в Астане.

💧⚡️ CAWEP – это партнерство между Всемирным банком, Европейским Союзом, Швейцарией и Великобританией, направленное на создание условий для повышения водно-энергетической безопасности на региональном уровне и в странах-бенефициарах в условиях меняющегося климата.

🔎 Подробнее о CAWEP:

Репост из: World Bank Uzbekistan
🌐🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇯🇹🇲🇺🇿 In Astana, Kazakhstan, the 12th meeting of the Working Group of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS) concluded its work. The meeting was held with the support of the IFAS Executive Committee and the World Bank under the #CentralAsia #Water and #Energy Program (#CAWEP).

🤝 For the first time since gaining independence, representatives of government bodies and experts from #Kazakhstan, the #KyrgyzRepublic, #Tajikistan, #Turkmenistan, and #Uzbekistan, responsible for water, energy, environmental, and financial issues, participated together in the discussions.

✅ During the two-day meeting, experts reviewed ways to improve the efficiency of IFAS activities, exchanged experiences on integrated water and energy resource management, and considered mechanisms to strengthen regional cooperation on water resource use.

📘 The results of the discussions and the recommendations adopted will be submitted for decision-making to the members of the IFAS Board, whose meeting will be held on September 18, 2024, in Astana.

💧⚡️ The Central Asia Water and Energy Program (CAWEP) is a partnership between the World Bank, the European Union, Switzerland (through SECO), and the United Kingdom that works to improve the enabling environment for regional cooperation on water and energy security in Central Asia under a changing climate.

🔎 Learn more about the CAWEP:

Qaysi biriga birinchi ariza topshiraman - Chevening yoki Buyuk Britaniya universitetigami?

Bu keng tarqalgan savolga javob siz tanlagan universtet muddatlariga bog'liq!

Chevening dasturiga topshirishdan oldin siz tanlagan universitetlarga hujjat topshirishingiz shart emas, lekin Chevening dasturini muddatlarini inobatga olgan holda universitetlarga ertaroq topshirishingiz tavsiya etiladi.

Bu yerda Buyuk Britaniya universitetlariga hujjat topshirish bo‘yicha bosqichma-bosqich qo‘llanma 👉

Which comes first, my Chevening or UK University application? 🐤🥚🤔

This common question depends on your chosen course deadlines!

You do not need to apply to your chosen universities before you submit your Chevening application, but you should still apply early to make sure you meet Chevening's offer deadline.

Here's the step-by-step guide to applying to UK universities 👉

O'tgan hafta UNAIDSning O'zbekistondagi vakolatxonasi bilan hamkorlikda Chevening bitiruvchimiz yosh ko'ngillilar uchun yumshoq ko'nikmalar, maqsadlarni belgilash va murabbiylik bo'yicha o'quv seminarini tashkil etdi.

Seminar UzYouthMentorship loyihasi doirasida o‘tkazildi.
🔻 Ushbu loyiha Chevening Alumni Project Fund (CAPF) tomonidan moliyalashtiriladi, bu butun dunyo boʻylab Chevening bitiruvchilariga taklif qilingan tashabbuslarini moliyalash orqali oʻz jamiyatlarida ijobiy oʻzgarishlarni davom ettirish imkonini beradi.

“UzYouthMentorship” loyihasi kelgusi olti oy davomida davom etadi, unda professional va ta’limga oid maslahat va yo‘l-yo‘riqlar berishga qaratilgan davriy murabbiylik mashg‘ulotlari o‘tkaziladi.

Last week, in partnership with the UNAIDS Country Office in Uzbekistan, our Chevening alumna organised a learning and development seminar for young volunteers that included sessions on soft skills, goal setting, and mentorship.

The seminar was conducted as part of the UzYouthMentorship project.

🔻The project is financially supported through the Chevening Alumni Project Fund (CAPF), which enables Chevening alumni worldwide to continue making positive changes in their communities by financing their proposed initiatives.

The UzYouthMentorship project will continue over the next six months, featuring periodic mentorship sessions with a focus on providing professional and educational advice and guidance.

Показано 9 последних публикаций.