Teacher Ismoil | IELTS 8.0

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

-IELTS 8.0 (×2)
-Reading 9.0
-Listening 8.5 (x4)
-Writing 7.0 (x4)
-Speaking 8.0
Dedicated Teacher

Experience since 2018

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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Репост из: Ismail Notes

Tanishing bu o'shalar(yorvoreyshin team)

We will always be cheering for our diligent students


☄️Shu zamonda insonlar ildamlik bilan oldinga intilib, mehnat qilib turganda, sen g'aflat bosib uxlab yotishing bu sening ko'zlaring ko'rligidan emasmi?

Mehnat - mehnatning tagi rohat.

P.s. ozgina motivation keb qoludi, shart sanchib yozib tashordim yengil.

⚡️📎Hali bizda juda ko'p yangiliklar bor.

E'lon qilib boramiz hammasini.

🌟Stay tuned🌟

Репост из: Muallim Said
Teacher Ismoil bilan Intensive Foundation darslari boshlandi.

Bu kursni haftada 3 kun men, qolgan 3 kunini esa teacher Ismoil o’tadilar. O’ziyam dream team yig’ilgan. Mehnatkash, ingliz tili darajasi kuchli o’quvchilarni to’pladik. Endi bir jamoa bo’lib maqsadga qarab bosamiz.

3 oydan so’ng student resultlar bilan qaytamiz inshaaAllah.

P.S. Photographer skills are crying.


Today, we have launched our brand new IELTS foundation class, I think it went normal.

P.s: these students will go from scratch to 7.0+ in a four-month class


Top 6 ways ways that you can easily extend your answers from a short sentence to a more comprehensive answer that will sound better and hopefully get you a higher score.

1. Feelings and Opinions

You can easily extend your answer by saying how you feel about the question you were just asked. It will also make your answer more interesting.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Short answer: ‘I like shopping.’

Longer answer: ‘I like shopping because I love trying on new clothes and I always feel more confident when I’m wearing a new outfit.

2. Contrasting Details

One of the easiest ways you can extend your answer is to simply use the word ‘but’ to contrast details.

How long have you worked there?

Short answer: I’ve worked there for three years.

Longer answer: I’ve worked there for three years, but I’m going to change careers next year.

3. Past Comparisons

You can talk about what you ‘used to’ do and how that has changed now in the present.

Do you play sport?

Short answer: I play football.

Longer answer: I used to love basketball, but now I play football more because that’s what my friends are in to.

4. Adding Reasons

Always try to explain why you think or do something in the test. You can do this using ‘because’ or ‘so’.

Do you like your job?

Short answer: Yes, I really love my job.

Longer answer: Yes, I really love my job because I get to help people with their problems everyday.

5. Future

If something will change in the future, you can use one of the future structures, like ‘will’ or ‘be + going to’.

Do you work or study?

Short answer: I’m at university at the moment.

Longer answer: I’m at university at the moment, but I’m graduating next year and I will hopefully get a job in advertising.

6. Giving Examples

Real life examples are always the easiest things to talk about because you can talk about them naturally and in more detail.

Do you get along with your brothers?

Short answer: No, we’re not in to the same things.

Longer answer: No, we’re not in to the same things, like when we are both watching TV we always fight about what show to watch.

Excerpt from: IELTS Advantage | Ch. Pell

⚡️ @Teacher_Ismoil ⚡️

Репост из: Muallim Said
Ismoiljon aka bilan 1 soatdan ko’proq bo’lgan suhbatni endi tugatdik.

Yangi offline kursimizni rejasi haqida gaplashdik. Darslarni tartibi, beriladigan vazifalar va o’quvchilardagi progressni kuchaytirush. Bu guruhdan katta natijalar chiqadi inshaaAllah. Stereotypelarni buzish vaqti keldi.

Endi yaxshi dam olilar. Ertaga yana gaplashamiz inshaaAllah.

⚡️Have been expecting 6.5 but couldn't get there.

📎Hope next time she will pull off an incredible 7.0 or sure.



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⚡️ @Teacher_Ismoil⚡️


For many years, I was an invigilator for Cambridge English exams in Brisbane.
I was always interested to see the changes in behaviour as the day progressed, and the
language level of both the tests and the candidates increased. Even before the recording began, there were marked differences in the candidates’ approaches to getting ready to listen.

At the ⬇️lowest levels, many candidates would simply look at the question paper, often turning over pages and
looking ahead at later sections.

At band 6️⃣, candidates would use a highlighter to mark key parts of
the questions, but several would highlight almost all of the paper, rendering it useless.

At the highest 🔝level (bands 7️⃣ to 9️⃣), candidates would prepare to listen by highlighting only the key words and phrases they knew they would have to listen for in the test. This helped them not only to focus, but also to recognise the answers when they heard them.
This is what you must do in the test. 👉✔️

By Pauline Cullen, the mother of IELTS

⚡️ @Teacher_Ismoil ⚡️

Репост из: Muallim Said
IELTS Foundation

Days : Monday - Saturday (6 days)
Time : 14:00
Start : March 3
Duration : 2-3 moths
Teachers : Muallim Said (IELTS 8.5) & Teacher Ismoil (IELTS 8)
Mode : Offline
Price : 550 000 sum

Register with :

When you jump from elementary level to an IELTS foundation course.

⚡️ @Teacher_Ismoil ⚡️

How should I manage my time in the reading test ?

Time is a key part of the reading test.  A Band 8 or 9 candidate can skim read or speed-read a passage a lot faster than a Band 4 or 5 candidate. Your ability to quickly read the passages and locate the relevant information to answer the questions is one of the reading skills being assessed.  So it is important to have a strategy for the test and to practice the skills of skim reading and scanning a passage.  

Remember also that you need to transfer all of your answers onto a separate answer sheet within the 60 minutes that you have.  You are NOT given any extra time for this at the end. It is very important to make sure that you don’t make any mistakes when you are transferring your answers and that you don’t make any spelling mistakes.  

One question I’m often asked is whether you should start by reading the questions first.  My advice is to only very quickly look at the questions just to satisfy your curiosity and no more.  You will absolutely NOT be able to ‘guess’ any answers or answer the questions without reading the passage.  This is a common problem with practice tests that aren’t written by trained exam writers.  In the IELTS test, you will have to read the passage to find out the information you need, so reading the questions in detail first will be confusing and may make you feel anxious about what you don’t know.  It is also a waste of very valuable time.

⚡️ @Teacher_Ismoil ⚡️

[Teacher_Ismoil] Successful Writing Upper-Intermediate.pdf
📌 incredible book to learn the basics of writing

⚡️Yaqinda katta yangilik bo'ladi Andijonda!

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