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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Sizningcha, Ibn Haldun shunday yozishi mumkinmi yoki tarjimonlar atayin qoʻshib qoʻyishganmi?

Modomiki, Ibn Haldun oʻzi shunday yozgan boʻlsa ham, nima uni shu xulosaga undagan?


Internetda #qiziq manbaga duch keldim. Alisher Navoiy nomidagi Oʻzbekiston Milliy kutubxonasi va Alisher Navoiy nomidagi Til va adabiyot instituti hamkorligida hazrati Alisher Navoiyning asarlarini bir saytga jamlab, kulliyot holiga keltirishibdi.

Sayt, Navoiy kulliyotining fihristi shaklida ishlangan.


IT mutaxassislaridan shunday foydali ishlar kutib qolamiz.


Doim javobini qidirgan savollarimdan biri. Juda qiyin. Hattoki bu savolni inson oʻziga oʻzi bermasdan oʻlib ketishni fojea deb oʻylayman.


Репост из: Akbar Tashkulov
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🌐 Энди да ҳуқуқий саволларга сунъий интелект жавоб беради.

🌐 AI will answer to legal questions in platform

🌐 Теперь искусственный интеллект будет отвечать на правовые вопросы в

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Ancha vaqtdan beri badiiy asar oʻqimay qoʻygandim. Toʻgʻrisi vaqtimni toʻgʻri tartibga sololmaganim tufayli. Yaqin orada shu romanni boshlab, yotishdan oldin oʻqishni (bedtime reading) odat qildim. Oxiri, shu alfozda uch haftada tugatdim. Rostdanam oʻqishdan chiqib ketganimni sezdim. Bir vaqtlar 500-600 betlik kitoblarni ikki-uch kunga bormasdan oʻqib tugatardim. Hozir oʻzimni majbur qilsam ham bunga erisholmadim.

Use it or lose it! Bolta ham charxlanib turmasa, ishdan chiqarkan. Xuddi shunday miya ham)


A web search function has recently been added. Be aware, in case!

Such people cause pouring bad stereotypes onto the shoulders of the Uzbek nation. Dear compatriots, please, don't let the world be fed up with us! Be legally aware, law-obedient!

Репост из: Расмий хабарлар I Официальные новости
❗️Давлат органларининг телеграмдаги расмий саҳифаларини кузатиб боринг!

Давлат органлари ва ташкилотларининг Телеграмдаги каналлари рўйхати янгиланди.

Ушбу Телеграм каналларда давлат органлари фаолиятига оид сўнгги янгиликлар, янги ҳужжатлар, аҳамиятли мавзулар юзасидан экспертлар фикри, муҳокамаларга сабаб бўлаётган мавзуларга оид расмий идоралар позициясидан хабардор бўлиш имконияти мавжуд.

📌 Давлат органларининг расмий каналларининг янгиланган рўйхати билан танишиб, аъзо бўлишни тавсия қиламиз.

2025 - yıl - Atrof-muhitni asrash va "yashil" iqtisodiyot yili!

Boʻlarkan-u shunaqa yaxshi videolar chiqarsa)))👍👍👍🙌🙌

Репост из: Istanbul Boshkonsulxonasi
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O’zbekiston madaniyati, birdamlik va hamkorlik jamiyati raisi Chokay Kochardan vatandoshlarimizga bayram tabrigi

Law students,

Why does experience matter? Because it takes time to get enough reps to see the patterns. And the patterns exist. And the patterns matter. And you ned to get the reps, which only come with time, so that you can value a case, because cases have a value - and it is here that the academic side of law is clueless.

The law is more than an academic endeavor. And to our detriment, the academization of the law, and the proliferation of appellate judges who didn't do trial work, creates a disjunct between who the law is supposed to serve and how the law gets analyzed.

Get your reps. Nothing will make you into a lawyer other than getting the reps. Getting your reps takes time. You will never stop growing, either. It's a constant endeavor.

Get your reps.


© Miller Leonard

The real #job_applicant or student knows what he needs—ain't about having a whole lot, just the right stuff!

If I say in an allegorical way, real wisdom isn’t about knowing everything under the sun—it’s about knowing what you need, and keeping it simple!

Right now, there’s a noticeable game change happening in the #job_market, not just in #Uzbekistan but all around the world. These days, landing a job or excelling in #career life isn’t just about having the right knowledge, like a, bookworm, book-smarts. Employers are on the lookout for people with solid soft skills on clock, who are tech-savvy, and who truly understand the hiring game. If you're wishing to get that job, you gotta be up-to-date with recent tech vibes. Plus, knowing how the hiring game works is a key.

In fact, if you can get a good read on what HR is looking for in a new hire right from the start, it gives you a major edge in the job hunt. It means you'll have a serious edge over other applicants. That's how you secure that spot!

#talabalarga_maslahatlar #fikrlar


Hope is a fragile yet powerful strength, quietly sustaining us through even the toughest moments in life. Don't lose your hope, otherwise, your sould will die before your body.


Law School was hard for me.

I had always been a decent student, but I had a hard time getting into the material. I was interested in the law, and still am, but I had found myself struggling to get engaged.

My grades suffered that first semester.

I knew I had to do something, and decided to start reaching out to attorneys that practiced in the areas of the courses that I was taking. When I was taking employment law, I connected with an employment attorney. When I was taking family law, I connected to a family law attorney. When I was taking environmental law, I connected with an environmental lawyer.

I found the conversations unbelievably helpful. They were interesting, and I was able to better conceptualize what I was learning.

After that, classes became much easier. I went on to make Dean's List every other semester.

I owe that not because I learned how to best study for an exam, but because I combined the theoretical with the practical.

My advice to law students, get going on that right away.


© Dave Strousberg, Lawyer, Attorney


Law students,

Looking back, if I could tell my younger self one thing to focus time on in law school it would be this:

Building a network.

Most law students assume that by doing well in school and getting their JD they will be sought after as empolyees. This is an understandable fallacy.

The reality of most law jobs is that they are hidden. And, like most hidden things, you need help making the discovery. Your network opens the hidden jobs to you. Your network gets you known. Your network allows others to know who you are. Your network becmes your

Law school teaches you that all that matters is your LSAT score, your grades, your accolades - the trappings of academia. The practice of law, which is where the overwhelming majority of legal jobs exist, isn't academia.

My younger self wouldn't have taken my advice. He was a fool. Don't be a fool.


© Miller Leonard - Assistant District Attorney General - Trial attorney handling criminal cases.


Hopefully, this issue will be addressed soon so we can maintain the high standards our public service deserves)


Hayot shunaqa ajoyib. Kechagina shimolda yurgan kimsani bir zumda aylantirib janubga otvoradi))😅

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