Saxobullo’s Fikrset

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Sharing my thoughts about Philosophy,History,Business and Economics.
They say I am diabolical,let's see,shall we?
@eruditewisdom my taste

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Репост из: Abdusattor
Charchatadigan sayohat

Ba’zida oldimizda uzoq, charchatadigan sayohat turadi.

Bir tomondan, yo‘l davomida, nola qilish mumkin: “Nega bunchalik uzoq yuribmiz?”, “Qachon yetib boramiz?”, “Yana qancha yo'l qoldi?”, “Bir joyda o‘tirish qanchalik noqulay”, “O‘zi nima uchun rozi bo‘ldim?” – har birimizning atrofimizda bunday tanish odamlar bor, to‘g‘rimi?

Ikkinchi tomondan, shunchaki tinchlanib, kitob o‘qib, biror narsa tinglab, ko‘zlarni yumib tafakkur qilib ketish, mashinadagi suhbatni qo‘llab-quvvatlash, telefonni tozalash va boshqa ko‘p narsalarni qilish mumkin – bunday odamlar ham mavjud.

Birinchi va ikkinchi odam ham o‘sha manzilga bir vaqtning o‘zida yetib boradi. Faqat birinchisi butun yo‘l davomida o‘zini qiynagan bo‘ladi, ikkinchisi esa hayot kechirgan bo‘ladi.

Hayotda ham xuddi shunday.


Put ❤️‍🔥 if you think this is beautiful

Why is Africa so hot?
Because they can't afford windows.

Репост из: Mirabbos Anorqulov
This is so cool😃📈

Репост из: Uzbekonomics
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Kanadadagi qahvaxonalar "Americano" qahva nomini "Canadiano"ga o'zgartirishayotgan ekan.


Репост из: Dinara Ruz🎓
Remember to be grateful.

For closed doors, which at the end would destroy us.

For being directed to the right path, while you were questioning which way to go.

For removing wrong people.

For having a family around and peace.

For having fresh food, water, electricity, and everything you need.

When you question “why would this ever happen?”, remember everything is for your best possible good. There is always a reason, why you ended up where you are right now.

I see many people feeling depressed or questioning their life decisions. However, glimpsing outside, you notice this depression is nothing compared to what other people are suffering. I don’t want to undermine your feelings, but look at villages or remote regions even in Uzbekistan - you can see what are the conditions people live in. Some are struggling to feed their families. Some travel miles to get the clean water you have in just one click. Some wish they could heal from a severe disease, while you are here complaining in a healthy shape. So, anytime you think of having depressing thoughts, remind yourself of what you already have.

We tend to look at those, who are better than us, but forget that someone is dreaming of having at least a portion of what we own.


Erta turyapman

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Репост из: transparent thoughts
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Immune system: Sir, we are rising body temperature to fight new pathogens more effectively;

Thermometer: 38.4 degrees Celsius;

Doctor: You can take paracetamol if you want;

Brain: Sir, there are 7 hours till iftar;

Le me: There is nothing we can do…

Who was your best student?

come on, you know , I ain`t gonna answer that, but i have to say i only had a handfull of good students, i guess other students who joined my courses mostly had some other purposes - not learning

Репост из: TEDxNamanganPS
☄️ TEDxNamanganPS, Sustainable Future Society and Young Climate Champions are thrilled to announce the opening of our speaker selections!

We are on the lookout for individuals who aspire to inspire. Your ideas are a powerful force, and we want to help you share them with the world.

📌 Speaker Criteria:
• Fluent in English
• Citizen of Uzbekistan
• No age restrictions

Ready to take the stage and make an impact? Complete the speaker application form via the link below, and let your ideas ignite change!

Google form
: Link
Deadline: March 22, 2025

🌐 Stay tuned for the updates!

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Use your resources effectively.

One simple question:

Have you read every post of the top IELTS instructors or have you downloaded every file top instructors sent to their channel?

That's why I always send countless of Telegram channel links when I open new IELTS or pre-IELTS groups. Remember, your teacher can be a little bit of guidance. More energy and time should ve spent by you.
Researching. Scouring the Internet. Learning independently.



The summer air is warm, with a light breeze carrying the scent of the evening. The sun sinks lower, its golden light fading into soft shades of orange and purple. The sky slowly darkens, wrapping the world in a quiet calm. Iftar time is near. My impatient dry lips are staying still. Families prepare their meals, the aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering dishes drifting through open windows. A few kids run past, I was a calm one, their laughter echoing in the distance. Somewhere, a father returns home from work, and a mother sets the table with care. The call to prayer begins, a familiar, soothing sound. The day fades, and the night quietly takes its place, bringing warmth, gratitude, and a moment to pause. With the first sip of water, a sense of relief fills the room. The meal is over, and my hunger is gone, but a different kind of preparation begins. With my body refreshed and my mind at ease, I make wudu, letting the cool water wash away the fatigue of the day. The night air is calm, carrying the distant murmur of voices and the soft rustling of trees. My heart feels light, yet there’s a quiet energy within me. I step outside, the streets now filled with others like me—satisfied, yet ready for another journey. Tarawih awaits, a peaceful ending to a long day, a moment to stand, reflect, and reconnect. The air is cooler now, but the body still feels the weight of the day. Standing in prayer, the fatigue slowly creeps in—knees stiffen, the neck grows heavy, and thirst lingers in the throat. The imam’s voice flows steadily, each verse long yet beautiful, each movement testing patience and endurance. The first few rak’ahs feel smooth, but as time stretches, the struggle begins. Legs ache, focus drifts, and the thought of rest becomes tempting. Yet, there’s a quiet strength in pushing through, a silent battle between exhaustion and devotion. The night is long, but so is the reward.
The prayer ends, and the night feels different—calmer, lighter. The air is crisp, carrying the soft murmur of voices and occasional laughter. No one rushes home; we walk slowly, the weight of fatigue balanced by a quiet sense of peace. Conversations drift between jokes and reflections, our steps unhurried under the dim streetlights.

At home, the table isn’t empty yet. A bowl of fresh watermelon, some dates, maybe a handful of nuts. The first sip of cold cherry juice is pure relief, washing away the dryness of the long prayer. The body is tired but not restless. Sleep comes slowly, gently, because in just a few hours, another call will wake us—Suhoor awaits, and another day begins.

All years except this year.


Discourse Marker: Each passing year

Usage of when and how:
"Each passing year" is used to describe the continuous passage of time, often emphasizing gradual change or growth over multiple years. 📅

Example Sentence: Each passing year, technology continues to evolve, bringing new innovations. ⚙️


📌 Spark a conversation

📖 Definition: To begin a conversation or initiate a discussion.

💬 Example Sentence: Asking about someone's favorite book is a great way to spark a conversation.


Репост из: Abdusattor
Majbur bo’lish

1519-yilda Ernan Kortes Meksikaga 600 kishi bilan qo‘nib, asteklarning kuchli imperiyasini zabt etishni maqsad qiladi. Uning odamlari safardan charchagan, ko‘pchilik muvaffaqiyatga shubha qilardi: asteklarning qo‘shini o‘n minglab jangchilardan iborat edi, ularning boyligi va qudrati haqidagi mish-mishlar qo‘rquvni kuchaytirardi. Ekipajning bir qismi hatto Kubaga qaytish uchun isyon ko‘tarishni rejalashtiradi.

Kortes chekinish qo‘shinni ruhiy jihatdan sindirishini tushunib, radikal qaror qabul qiladi. U o‘z kemalarini yoqib yuborishga buyuradi.

Va bu qaror samara beradi: orqaga yo‘l qolmagan askarlarni oldida faqatgina g'alaba qozonish tanlovi qoladi. Kortés mahalliy qabilalar bilan ittifoq tuzib, ayyorlik va harbiy ustunlik yordamida 1521-yilda asteklarni poytaxtini egallaydi.

Ba’zida tanlovlar borligi inson uchun ziyonga ishlaydi, chunki g'alabadan tashqari tanlov qolmaganida, g'alaba qozonishga majbursiz.


Репост из: Her Bios
Love is - iftar with your family ❤️


Anyone watched the Oval Office interview with Trump and Zelensky?

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