There is a claim that good conduct should be taught by schools instead of parents. I believe the latter ought to shoulder the responsibility of child behavior, and, therefore, parental examples are necessary for the promotion of positive character.
Child behaviour is arguably important, so parents can be better at teaching this than schools. The reason is that children usually have stronger relationships with their parents than their teachers at school. Thus, if their fathers and mothers teach them how to behave along with distinctions of right or wrong, children will possibly learn it more effectively. Conversely, if schools take this responsibility, they might face failure because of the scope of students and infrequency of meetings with them. Hence, good conduct should be taught by parents to guarantee its efficiency. For example, Uzbek school curriculum often prioritizes teaching academics over behaviours that are often instructed by local parents.
As for the ways to promote positive conduct, parents should provide their own examples to their offspring. This is because children tend to follow their family members, especially a father and a mother, imitating their characters and actions at an early age. If their parents get used to bad habits, such as smoking and swearing, the attempts of schools to fix them will probably be in vain. This means that child behaviour usually starts to form quite early, making it almost impossible to alter it later at schools. The only exception can be orphans whose parents are absent during their development, and thus, schools need to teach them good character in this situation. Generally, parental examples can serve as an effective approach to teach children to behave well.
In summary, child behaviour is quite essential, which should be the accountability of parents. Their personal examples are also viable for the acquisition of positive manners.
302 words
#nodirbek_creates #bestone #classwork #task2
Child behaviour is arguably important, so parents can be better at teaching this than schools. The reason is that children usually have stronger relationships with their parents than their teachers at school. Thus, if their fathers and mothers teach them how to behave along with distinctions of right or wrong, children will possibly learn it more effectively. Conversely, if schools take this responsibility, they might face failure because of the scope of students and infrequency of meetings with them. Hence, good conduct should be taught by parents to guarantee its efficiency. For example, Uzbek school curriculum often prioritizes teaching academics over behaviours that are often instructed by local parents.
As for the ways to promote positive conduct, parents should provide their own examples to their offspring. This is because children tend to follow their family members, especially a father and a mother, imitating their characters and actions at an early age. If their parents get used to bad habits, such as smoking and swearing, the attempts of schools to fix them will probably be in vain. This means that child behaviour usually starts to form quite early, making it almost impossible to alter it later at schools. The only exception can be orphans whose parents are absent during their development, and thus, schools need to teach them good character in this situation. Generally, parental examples can serve as an effective approach to teach children to behave well.
In summary, child behaviour is quite essential, which should be the accountability of parents. Their personal examples are also viable for the acquisition of positive manners.
302 words
#nodirbek_creates #bestone #classwork #task2