Nodirbek Sadullaev

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

18-mart kuni CEFR bo'yicha online vebinarim ushbu kanalda bo'lib o'tadi 🎯
About the owner:
• IELTS 8.0x2 (S 8.0x2)
• English teacher at HDP
• SAT 1450 (660 | 790)
• Founder of Unstoppables Club

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Узбекистан, Английский
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📢 CEFR imtihonida yo‘l qo‘yiladigan xatolar – Bepul vebinar!

CEFR imtihonida doimiy ravishda uchraydigan xatolar va ularni qanday oldini olishni bilmoqchimisiz?
Unda 18-19 mart kunlari o‘tkaziladigan mutlaqo bepul vebinarda ishtirok eting!

Vebinarda siz:

✅ CEFR imtihonida eng ko‘p uchraydigan xatolarni bilib olasiz
✅ Har bir bo‘lim bo‘yicha samarali strategiyalarni o‘rganasiz

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va ishtirok etish uchun:



🎓 Undan tashqari bizning online kursda qatnasha olasiz?

Agar siz CEFR imtihoniga puxta tayyorlanmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, Nodirbek Sadullayevning Online CEFR kursi siz uchun ideal tanlov!

📊 70+ yuqori natijalar
🕒 Davomiyligi: 1,5 oy
Dars jadvali: Haftasiga 5 kun dars, qolgan kunlar takrorlash uchun ajratiladi

Agar siz ham CEFR imtihoniga samarali tayyorlanmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, quyidagi havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va o‘qishni boshlang!



Kurs haqida yangiliklar va foydali maslahatlarni kuzatib borish uchun kanalimizga obuna bo‘ling!

Interesting fact 💡

Most people may not realize how big the difference is between a million and a billion.

To put it into perspective, a million seconds is 11 days, while a billion seconds is 31 years 🤯

Mind-blowing, huh?

My top FIVE favorite magazines to improve reading skills:

1. T H E E C O N O M I S T 💰
2. N A T I O N A L G E O G R A P H I C 🌎
3. H A P P I F U L 🕊
4. T H E G U A R D I A N 🗞
5. N E W S C I E N T I S T 🧠

To gain the exclusive access,


Anyone wants a database full of articles and magazines 🤓?

If so, let's fire this post up 🔥

You will get multiple original home tasks for every lesson, which you haven't seen elsewhere 😉

This is the lesson schedule for the upcoming course 📌

More information will be provided in the online webinar ✅

📢 CEFR imtihonida yo‘l qo‘yiladigan xatolar – Bepul vebinar!

CEFR imtihonida doimiy ravishda uchraydigan xatolar va ularni qanday oldini olishni bilmoqchimisiz?
Unda 18-19 mart kunlari o‘tkaziladigan mutlaqo bepul vebinarda ishtirok eting!

Vebinarda siz:

✅ CEFR imtihonida eng ko‘p uchraydigan xatolarni bilib olasiz
✅ Har bir bo‘lim bo‘yicha samarali strategiyalarni o‘rganasiz

Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish va ishtirok etish uchun:



🎓 Undan tashqari bizning online kursda qatnasha olasiz?

Agar siz CEFR imtihoniga puxta tayyorlanmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, Nosirbek Sadullayevning Online CEFR kursi siz uchun ideal tanlov!

📊 70+ yuqori natijalar
🕒 Davomiyligi: 1,5 oy
📅 Dars jadvali: Haftasiga 5 kun dars, qolgan kunlar takrorlash uchun ajratiladi

💡 Agar siz ham CEFR imtihoniga samarali tayyorlanmoqchi bo‘lsangiz, quyidagi havola orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va o‘qishni boshlang!



🔔 Kurs haqida yangiliklar va foydali maslahatlarni kuzatib borish uchun kanalimizga obuna bo‘ling!

My top THREE favorite YouTube channels to boost listening skills 🎧

1. Huberman Lab - Dr Andrew discusses different science related stuff to maintain wellness of health and body.

2. National Geographic - You can find different topics from geography to politics in this channel to widen your horizon across various spheres.

3. Joe Rogan Experience - Joe organizes exclusive interviews with many celebrities and experts on different disciplines, meaning you can definitely benefit from his content.

👉🏻 @nodirbek_sadullaev 👈🏻

Anyone wants a topic-based speaking material

Some questions from this book have appeared in the real CEFR exam 🤩

If yes, I'll send it after 100 "⚡️"

📢 CEFR kursi haqida savollaringiz bormi?

Ko‘pchilik CEFR kursimiz haqida to‘liq ma’lumot ololmayapti. Sizni qiziqtirgan barcha savollarga javob beramiz! 🎯

Savollaringiz bo‘lsa, bemalol menejerimizga yozing! 📩

Do you know the OREO Technique in speaking?

O – Opinion (State your opinion clearly)
R – Reason (Explain why you think so)
E – Example (Provide an example to support your point)
O – Opinion (Restate/Wrap up your idea)

Example Question:

"Do you think children should have a lot of homework?"

OREO Answer:

✅ O (Opinion): Personally, I believe that children should have a moderate amount of homework but not too much.

✅ R (Reason): Too much homework can be overwhelming and stressful, reducing their free time for other activities like sports or hobbies.

✅ E (Example): For example, in some countries like Finland, students have very little homework, yet they perform well academically because they focus more on understanding concepts in school.

✅ O (Restate Opinion): So, I think that while some homework is necessary, excessive amounts can be counterproductive.

👉🏻 @nodirbek_sadullaev 👈🏻

Did you know these words have silent letters❓

1. Doubt [daʊt] – shubha, ikkilanish

I had no doubt that she would pass the exam.

2. Receipt [rɪˈsiːt] – chek, kvitansiya

Please keep your receipt in case you need to return the item.

3. Sword [sɔːrd] – qilich

The knight drew his sword and prepared for battle.

4. Plumber [ˈplʌmər] – santexnik

We called a plumber to fix the leaking pipe.

5. Debt [dɛt] – qarz

He worked hard to pay off his debt before the end of the year.

6. Wreck [rɛk] – halokatga uchrash, vayron bo‘lish

The storm caused a ship to wreck on the rocky shore.

7. Vehicle [ˈviːɪkəl] – transport vositasi

You must have a license to drive a vehicle on the road.

8. Tsunami [tsuːˈnɑːmi] – tsunami, kuchli to'lqin

The earthquake triggered a massive tsunami along the coast.

9. Subtle [ˈsʌt(ə)l] – nozik, sezilar-sezilmas

The artist used subtle colors to create a calm atmosphere.

10. Honor [ˈɑːnər] – hurmat, sharaf

It was an honor to receive the award for best teacher.

👉🏻 @nodirbek_sadullaev 👈🏻

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📌 B2 yoki C1 sertifikat kerakmi?

📌 CEFR imtihonida yuqori ball olishni xohlaysizmi?

Endi Nodirbek Sadullayevning CEFR online kursi bilan istalgan joyda tayyorgarlik ko‘rishingiz mumkin! 🎯

✅ Qulay va samarali darslar
✅ Tajribali ustozlar bilan maxsus strategiyalar
✅ Imtihon uchun real test sinovlari

🚀 Natija kafolatlangan! 🚀




📢 Nodirbek Sadullayev bilan CEFR kursi – 20-martdan boshlanadi!

CEFR imtihoniga tayyorgarlikni samarali boshlashni istaysizmi? Ustoz Nodirbek Sadullayev bilan to‘liq CEFR kursi 20-mart sanasidan start oladi!

📌 Oldindan ro‘yxatdan o‘tishni unutmang!
Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun kanaldagi postlardagi "Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish" tugmasini bosish kifoya.

🎁 Maxsus bonus!
Agar hozirdan ro‘yxatdan o‘tsangiz, 18-19 mart kunlari bo‘lib o‘tadigan "CEFR imtixonida eng ko‘p uchraydigan xatolar" mavzusidagi online vebinarga BEPUL qatnashish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lasiz!

🚀 Imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang! Hoziroq ro‘yxatdan o‘ting va CEFR imtihonidan yuqori natija oling!


CEFR C1 natijasini qo‘lga kiriting!

📢 Online CEFR kursi – 1.5 oyda yuqori natija!

Ustoz Nodirbek Sadullayev (IELTS 8.0) bilan to‘liq CEFR kursini boshladik! Ushbu kurs 1.5 oy davom etadi va online tarzda o‘tkaziladi.

✅ CEFR imtihoniga to‘liq tayyorgarlik
✅ C1 natijaga erishish uchun maxsus metodika
✅ Tajribali ustoz va samarali o‘quv rejasi

🚀 C1 darajasiga erishish uchun kursga yoziling va imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang!

📩 Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish uchun biz bilan bog‘laning!




The layout illustrates the appearance of a particular classroom in 2010 and the modifications made since then. Overall, while certain facilities have remained unchanged, most furniture has been rearranged to create more space in the center.

Specifically, nine cupboards in the northern part of the room have remained intact, whereas the two play areas have been expanded. Likewise, some facilities on the right-hand side, including the whiteboard, art area, and both adult and child sinks, have retained their original positions since 2010. The previously empty bottom-right corner now accommodates two cupboards that were relocated from the opposite side.

Additionally, the door in the middle of the southern wall was previously positioned closer to the left corner. To create more open space in the center, the teacher’s desk in the west and a play area in the southwest were removed. Their former locations have been replaced with two sets of tables and chairs, now separated by two shelves. In the center, only one set of tables and chairs has remained unchanged. Similarly, the eight windows on the top and left walls have not been altered.

184 words

refined by AI tools

#classwork #task1 #bestone #nodirbek_creates

The floor plans show classroom in 2010 and the same classroom at present.

There is a claim that good conduct should be taught by schools instead of parents. I believe the latter ought to shoulder the responsibility of child behavior, and, therefore, parental examples are necessary for the promotion of positive character.

Child behaviour is arguably important, so parents can be better at teaching this than schools. The reason is that children usually have stronger relationships with their parents than their teachers at school. Thus, if their fathers and mothers teach them how to behave along with distinctions of right or wrong, children will possibly learn it more effectively. Conversely, if schools take this responsibility, they might face failure because of the scope of students and infrequency of meetings with them. Hence, good conduct should be taught by parents to guarantee its efficiency. For example, Uzbek school curriculum often prioritizes teaching academics over behaviours that are often instructed by local parents.

As for the ways to promote positive conduct, parents should provide their own examples to their offspring. This is because children tend to follow their family members, especially a father and a mother, imitating their characters and actions at an early age. If their parents get used to bad habits, such as smoking and swearing, the attempts of schools to fix them will probably be in vain. This means that child behaviour usually starts to form quite early, making it almost impossible to alter it later at schools. The only exception can be orphans whose parents are absent during their development, and thus, schools need to teach them good character in this situation. Generally, parental examples can serve as an effective approach to teach children to behave well.

In summary, child behaviour is quite essential, which should be the accountability of parents. Their personal examples are also viable for the acquisition of positive manners.

302 words

#nodirbek_creates #bestone #classwork #task2

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