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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Узбекский
Фильтр публикаций

📚 Word of the Day: "Difficult"


A1 – Hard 🏋️‍♂️ (qiyin)
B1 – Tough 🏋️‍♂️ (og‘ir, mashaqqatli)
B2 – Challenging 🎯 (sinovli, murakkab)
B2 – Demanding 🔥 (katta kuch talab qiluvchi)
C1 – Arduous ⛰ (mashaqatli, og‘ir)
C1 – Grueling ⏳ (juda qiyin va charchatadigan)
C2 – Onerous ⚖️ (og‘ir yuk bo‘ladigan, juda qiyin)

💬 Siz bugun ushbu so‘zlardan qaysi birini ishlatdingiz? Kommentariyada yozib qoldiring! ⬇️

🍔Tushadigan savollarga javoblar:

1. What is your favourite thing to do outside?

- Hiking is my favourite thing to do outside. I love getting outside and discovering nature at the same time. Plus, I get to enjoy beautiful scenery while I'm running. It's even more fun to go hiking with family or friends because we can share the experience and make memories together.

2. Do you like to paint or draw?

- I do love to paint and draw. It's a great way for me to show off my talent. A lot of the time, I paint and draw pictures. One of my favourite things to do, it makes me happy and calms me down. I go to art classes in my area every once in a while to meet other artists and learn new skills. Drawing and painting help me understand the world in new ways and express feelings and thoughts that words alone can't always do.

▪️ Writing Task 2 da qo‘shimcha argument qo‘shishda ishlatilinadigan high-level linking words (Adding Information)

▪️Not to mention the fact that…

▪️What should also be considered is that…

▪️It is also worth noting that…

▪️Over and above that…

▪️Apart from that…

▪️Another compelling reason is that…

▪️Equally important is the fact that…

▪️A further aspect to consider is that…

— Bu bog'lovchilarni o'rganib olib essay yozganda foydalaning. Kerakli va high-level bog'lovchilar


💭Useful synonyms

A1 Final C2 eventual
So'nggi yakuniy
A1 tired C2 weary
charchagan holdan toygan
A1 beautiful C2 sensational
ajoyib         juda ajoyib
A1 cold C1 chilly
sovuq izg'irin
A1 boring C1 tedious
zerikarli zerikarli
A1 Hard C1 problematic
mashaqqatli muammoli
A1 Rich C1 affluent
boy badavlat
A2 Afraid B2 petrified
qo'rqgan juda qo'rqgan
A1 Bad    B2 evil
yomon yomon
A2 Careful B2 cautious
ehtiyotkor ehtiyotkor


Kim qaysi sanada CEFR imtihonini topshiradi?
  •   Aprel 5-6 🔜
  •   Aprel 26-27 ❗️
  •   May 10-11 🔥
165 голосов


anosmic - unable to smell; having no sense of smell

weird - strange; unusual; odd; bizarre

out of the ordinary - unusual; uncommon; exceptional

scent - distinctive smell; smell produced by an animal

filter (something) out - remove or separate something unwanted from a substance


✍️ LETTER yozishda kerak bo'ladigan so'zlar:

Subsequently – keyinchalik
The proposal was reviewed, and subsequently, it was approved.

Adhere to – rioya qilmoq
All employees must adhere to the safety regulations.

In accordance with – ga muvofiq
In accordance with the law, we have updated our privacy policy.

Seek clarification – aniqlik izlamoq
I am writing to seek clarification regarding the new procedure.

On the basis of – asosida
Decisions were made on the basis of the data provided in the survey.

At your earliest convenience – imkon qadar tezroq
Please respond at your earliest convenience to confirm the meeting schedule.

Istalgan Speaking Part 3 ni shunday boshlasangiz bo’ladi

This is an interesting topic with good points on both sides. On one hand, (mavzu) has some clear benefits, but on the other hand, there are also some concerns. I’ll look at both views before sharing my opinion.

Bu yaxshi start, o’zingizga moslab olsangiz ham bo’ladi 📩

Speaking Part 3 ni yakunlashga mos keladigan ideal struktura bu 🍀

In conclusion, (MAVZU) has both good and bad sides, and its effects can vary depending on people’s views. While it brings serious worries about (SALBIY ASPECTS), it may also offer certain benefits like (IJOBIY ASPECTS) for some individuals or situations.

Yana ham o'ziga yarasha tartiblaydigan joyi bor, lekin kimlar uchundir bu suv va havodek muhim ➕


⭐️Expressions similar to MODAL VERBS:

be supposed to + infinitive (=should)
— Kimdurdan nimadur qilishi kutilganda.
— I'm supposed to work this weekend. (My boss expects me to do so.)
— You are supposed to leave your documents here.

be to + infinitive (=must)
— Buyruq berishda ishlatiladi
— You are to stay here until I return.
— This medicine is to be taken three times a day.

Be likely to + infinitive/It is likely that + clause (=probably)
— Ehtimollikni ifodalash uchun, "may" dan ehtimollik kuchliroq
— The Austrian racing driver is likely to win the race.
— It is likely that the Austrian racing driver will win the race.
— Is Mary likely to get the job she applied for?

Ramazon hayitingiz muborak bo’lsin, aziz yurtdoshim.

977 1 2 13 71

Demo lesson: Letter

Bu guruhga Bugun qabulning oxirgi kuni.



‼️ 40 kun, har kuni, jami 40 ta jonli dars o'taman.

‼️ 4️⃣0️⃣ kunda 3️⃣0️⃣ ta Full Mock Test ishlaysiz, 1️⃣5️⃣ tasini 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ 🛍 to’liq tahlil qilib chiqamiz.

‼️ Listeningni ham, Readingni ham, albatta, Overall 1️⃣0️⃣ ga ko’taramiz.

‼️ Speaking - alohida guruhlarda olib boriladi.

‼️ Narxi 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ ming so’m. Bir martalik to'lov, bu - siz oladigan qiymat uchun arzimagan narx.


Apology Letter Template.pdf
Shu Template asosida xatni yozasiz.

Yodlash uchun lug'at

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