1 min (English)

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

Only One Minute Podcasts 🎙
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Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Listen a minute about: News

Why is the news always so depressing? Every time I look at the news, I get sad. It’s always war, death, killing, famine. Why can’t news stations report happy news? They really don’t have to bring us such terrible stories. I looked at the news last night. There was news about two wars, a corrupt leader, an increase in knife crime, and the story of a deadly new disease. Oh, I forgot, and the global financial crisis. We’re all poorer and will stay poorer for the next twenty years! I’m sure there must be something happy to tell us. If we look at nice news stories, we’ll all feel happier. We need news about the good humans are doing. I want to hear about advances in medicine and science, or about someone raising a million dollars for a charity.

Do'stlar, siz eng zo'r obunachi ekanizi bilasizmi? Bitta reactions sizdan aylansin😁😁


10.5k 12 152 12 344

Listen 1 min about: Panic 😨

Are you a panic? I am sometimes, although I like to think I’m not. I panic when I’m really late for something important. Panicking in this situation is really no good. It won’t get me there any quicker. It will only make me look really panicked when I get there. I also panic if I think I’ve lost an important computer file. I don’t panic, though, in emergency situations. I think I’m good at staying calm and helping others. There have been a few times when people asked me how I could stay so cool. I guess everyone is different. Imagine what it’s like to be a soldier. Do they panic? Do police officers and fire-fighters panic? They always keep a cool head. A lot of people panicked recently in the financial crisis. Losing money always makes people panic.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻

10.9k 12 123 4 124

When I was a kid, I thought gangsters were really cool. I loved watching gangster movies. Al Capone was almost like a hero to me. I always wanted the gangster in the movie to escape from the police. The movies made gangsters look like heroes. Now I’m older, I think that’s shocking. How can they glamorize the life of gangsters. Of course, we all know gangsters are dangerous. They are involved in many crimes. They sell drugs, traffic children and run prostitution rings. Many gangsters control politicians and policemen. In fact, in many countries around the world, gangsters become politicians. The funny thing is, even now, when I look at gangster movies, I still think the gangster is the good guy. That’s a little worrying.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻 👈🏻

14.1k 0 110 9 196

Gambling is a very dangerous thing. At least that’s what I think. I don’t think much good comes of it. People lose their money and then get angry. Sometimes people lose everything they have. The only people who win are the companies, casinos, etc. that organize gambling. I don’t really understand why people would want to risk their money. Most of the time they lose it. The odds are always against you. Gambling causes so many social problems I’m surprised governments allow it. In some countries it is illegal to gamble. This is good. I never understand why people gamble again and again. They must get fed up with throwing their money away. I suppose they always think the next one will be the one they make a lot of money.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻 👈🏻

16k 1 128 9 151

Listen a minute about: Gangs

Gangs are becoming a big problem in many countries around the world. We’ve always had gangs, and they’ve always created problems. Recently, things seem to be getting out of control. Gangs are taking over our streets. In many parts of South America, gangs kill because of drugs. In many parts of Europe, gangs hang around on street corners and hassle anyone who walks by. There’s a lot of pressure for young people to join a gang. If a young person doesn’t join a gang, they might be bullied at school. The government always says gangs are a problem, but they never do anything about it. I was in a gang when I was younger. It’s scary when I look back on it. We used to have lots of fights and do many bad things. I never had a knife.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻 👈🏻

18.4k 1 145 26 183

Do'stlarim sizdan bizga faqat reactions kerak. Bita reactions bosgan IELTS daN 8 osin, Bosdiik!!!

Everybody wants to have fun. Life would be so boring if fun was taken away. There are so many things you can do for fun. The best thing, I think, is simply to be with your friends. You’ll always have a fun time with them. I can’t remember the most fun I’ve ever had. I had loads of fun times when I was a kid. It seemed as though life was all fun, except for homework. But university was also a lot of fun. I’d love to do all that again. I’m not sure if I’d call working fun. There’s not much fun in sitting at a desk and trying to please your boss. Weekends are fun though. I always try to have as much fun as I can at the weekend. Having fun is the best way to relieve the stress that builds up during the week.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻

19.4k 0 240 27 309

Reactions nimaga kam, do'stlarim?

If I could, I’d never go to another funeral again. No one likes funerals, of course, but for me, they make me so sad. I can’t stop crying. Quite often I’m the only person crying. Everything about a funeral makes me cry. When I open the invitation, tears well up in my eyes. When I see the funeral procession drive by, I start. The actual ceremony is almost unbearable. I have never learnt to control my sobs. If you hear someone sniffing non –stop, that’s me. The music at funerals is unnecessarily sad. I’ve told my friends I want salsa music at my funeral. And I don’t want people to wear black. I also hope the party after the funeral isn’t a sad occasion. People should laugh and remember the funny times.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻

22.2k 9 162 5 261

Listen 1 minute about: Apartments

In the USA, they’re called apartments; in the UK they’re called flats. They are a modern invention. I don’t particularly like them. I don’t think it’s good for so many people to live so close together. It’s not good for people to live on top of each other. I don’t understand how people can live above the second floor. It’s not natural to live in the sky. The thing I hate most about apartments are the lifts (Americans say elevator) and the fact there’s no garden. More and more people are moving into apartments. This creates problems with overcrowding. There aren’t enough spaces to park your car, there’s nowhere to throw your rubbish and you have to wait ages to reach your floor. Give me a little house with a little garden any day.

Do'stlar, reactionsni ayamasdan, aktivni oshiramiz!!!😎😎

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

21.8k 78 241 6 234

Listen 1min about: Shopping 🛒

📝Shopping must be one of the world’s most popular hobbies. I hate it. There’s nothing more boring than wandering around shopping malls. What a waste of time. I know a lot of people who like window shopping – just walking around shops without wanting to buy anything. Crazy! My plan for shopping is ‘quickly in, quickly out’. If I have to go shopping, I go in the morning on a weekday. This is when the stores are empty and you can get what you want quickly, without thousands of other shoppers getting in your way. The worst time to go shopping is on a Saturday afternoon during sale season. It seems as though all of the world’s bargain hunters are in the same store as you. I was happy when online shopping came along. This is very relaxing.

🎙@minute1_project 👈🏻

IELTS dan 8 ni reactions bosganlar olyapti. Siz ham 8 oling😁😁

29.2k 95 433 24 422

Listen 1 min about: Flowers 🌹

Flowers are a true gift from God. They’re beautiful. All of them. One of life’s pleasures is looking at flowers. If you look at them really closely, it’s amazing just how beautiful they are. Their colours are so rich and deep. I don’t know of anything in the world more red than a rose or more yellow than a tulip. Flowers seem to be a big part of every culture. People give flowers as gifts, arrange them in their houses, grow them in their gardens. Some people even name their daughters after flowers. I can’t imagine how boring the world would be without flowers. I’m always coming across new flowers. Every time I travel to another country, I find lots of flowers I’ve never seen before. It must be nice to be a bee and spend all day flying from flower to flower.

@minute1_project 👈🏻

27.2k 0 288 11 148

Listen a minute about: Writing activities

Do you like doing writing activities in class? I think they're quite interesting. It's not really like writing. The way we write in my language is different from English. The sentence and paragraph structures are different. My teacher gives us fun activities so we can do writing a bit at a time. Sometimes we brainstorm and write, sometimes we speed write for ten minutes. One of my favourite activities is writing in pairs. We have to agree on what to write. We even have to agree on the spelling and punctuation. That makes us think about the best way. I think this is very good for me. I also like doing online writing activities. It's good to help me practice typing. I need more writing activities.

Do'stlar, aktivni bomba 💣 qilib, postni olovchalar bilan yondiramiz. Bosdiik!!!😁😁


27.7k 0 233 16 207

🎧Listen 1 minute about: Mothers 🧕

Mothers are the people dearest to us. We all have a special relationship with our mother. We are naturally bonded to our mother. We spend nine months growing inside her and she is the person who looks after us when we are babies. Our mother does everything for us. She feeds us, cleans us, wipes away our tears, treats our cuts and bruises, supports us and loves us. And all of this never stops. Mothers still do motherly things even when we are old and she is really old. It is very sad to hear that someone’s mother has died. I remember this happening to some children in my class at school. I can’t imagine how children grow up without a mother. I hope my mother lives forever. She deserves to.

👉 @minute1_project 🎙

28.9k 0 338 33 276

Listen 1 min about: Credit card 💳

Many years ago I read that credit cards were the thing of the future. Credit card companies were telling us that plastic would replace cash. Well, this hasn’t happened. People are still using notes and coins. The Internet has increased the use of credit cards, but many people worry about putting their card details online. Lots of personal info gets stolen by fake sites pretending to be famous banks or online stores. Personally, I love credit cards. I always prefer to pay by card than by cash. When you use your card, you get air miles and every six months you can cash them in for presents. I do worry about credit card security. I keep waiting to see a huge purchase on my statement that I didn’t make.

@minute1_project 👈🏻

30.7k 0 344 66 192

Listen 1 min about: Jewelry 🪞

I think jewelry is stupid. What’s the point? I can understand it was popular a couple of thousand years ago, but not today. It all belongs to when we lived in caves. Why do people feel the need to wear necklaces and bracelets? It seems that jewelry is becoming more and more popular. Nowadays people are wearing rings on their toes and piercing their tongues and bodies. I’ve never really understood why men wear jewelry, especially thick gold chains. A lot of jewelry is dangerous. I often think if ear-rings catch on something, they’ll rip your ears. Some rings that women wear are also dangerous. They could cause serious damage to someone’s face. The only jewelry I wear is a wedding ring. Just a simple one.

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

28.6k 0 293 30 146

Listen a minute about: Healthcare

Every country must provide free healthcare to its citizens. I can’t understand why the richest countries in the world don’t do this. It’s shocking that a country can be so rich and let its people die because they cannot pay the hospital. I saw a great movie once on America’s healthcare system. It’s called “Sicko,” directed by Michael Moore. He went to England and France and was amazed that people in those countries didn’t have to pay when they went to hospital. He then went to Cuba. He went with lots of Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare in America. Amazingly, the Cuban hospitals treated them all for free and gave them medicine. They were so happy. I’m sure there’s enough money in the world to provide everyone with free healthcare.

Bizni obunachilar sizlar olovsiz, olov🔥🔥!!! Olovlarni ayamasdan bosamiz. Bosdik!!!

🎙@minute1_project 👈

24.8k 0 218 34 166
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