Jonibek Tolibovs | IELTS 8.5

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Образование

More than Just IELTS
🎧 Listening 9.0 (3x)
📚 Reading 9.0
📝 Writing 7.5
💬 Speaking 8.0
🌟 Overall 8.5
🏫 Works at: @akhmedov_school
👨‍🏫 Admin: @jony_beck

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
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How do you picture the life in Uzbekistan under full occupation of China?

The fate that has been torturikg Uyghurs is waiting for us as well, unless we take action and boycott the Chinese businesses getting into our markets

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#umaribnhattob episode 6

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#umaribnhattob episode 5

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#umaribnhattob episode 4

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#umaribnhattob episode 3

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#umaribnhattob episode 2

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#umaribnhattob episode 1

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The line graph provides information about how many people visited a particular Caribbean island in eight consecutive years, starting from 2010. Overall, the total number of visitors to the island increased, as did the figure for people staying on cruise ships and staying on the island. Notably, despite showing consistently lower figures, the number of people staying on cruise ships had overtaken that of staying on the island by the end of the period.

Starting at one million, the total number of visitors to the island more than tripled, reaching 3.5 million in 2017 although it leveled off between 2015 and 2016.

As for the other figures, the number of people staying on the island remained unchanged at about 750,000 between the first couple of years. However, this was followed by a gradual increase to 1,500,000 in 2013, whereby it again leveled off for two years. In 2015, this figure saw a decrease of about 300,000 before recovering to 1,500,000 in 2017.

Conversely, the number of visitors staying on cruise ships fluctuated mildly between 250,000 and 500,000 from 2010 to 2013, where it gradually rose to surpass the figure for staying on cruise ships in 2016, before reaching its peak of 2 million by 2017.

(205 words)

#classwork #task1 #notagoodone

✍️ @jonibek_tolibovs ✍️

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Репост из: Doniyor Aslanov
O'nlab kurslarni, yuzlab video darslarni ortidan quvlaydiganlar (yig'adiganlar) o'ziga qanchalik jabr qilayotganini tushunmayapti.

Bitta, uzog'i ikkita source ni ushlash kerak, bo'ldi.

O'shalardagi ko'rsatmalarni o'zi yetib ortadi.

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Here you go.

Репост из: Diyorbek's IELTS
Don’t translate directly from your native language

Many students tend to translate directly from their native language, especially with prepositions, leading to common errors like:

❌ Affect to → ✅ Affect (no preposition)

❌ Cause to → ✅ Cause (no preposition) or Cause [something] to [verb]

❌ Ask from → ✅ Ask [someone] for [something]

❌ Come across with → ✅ Come across (no extra preposition)

Prepositions don’t always translate directly, so it’s important to check their use

Ramazonda bizga nima maslahat bergan bolardiz?

Don't just fast by staying hungry in Ramadan! Let's fast together—not only from food but also from backbiting, from sin, from laziness, and from ignorance. Make every day, every hour count? Read! Pray! Make the best version of yourself!

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