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Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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Har qanday Speaking savolga javob berib qo’yoladigan strategiya va Speaking 7.0+ Vocabulary file xohlaysizmi?

Maxsus yopiq kanalimga joylab qo’ydim. Hoziroq o’tib ko’ring.

3-4-mart soat 20:00 dagi ochiq darsimda esa SIZ nafaqat Speaking uchun idealar va ravon gapirolish uchun texnikalar o’rganasiz, balki yana👇

SPEAKING UCHUN ANIQ MANBALAR CHECKLISTIni va Speaking trackerni ham qo’lga kiritasiz.

🎁 Efir davomida esa 20 ta omadli insonga kurslarimga vaucher va original inglizcha kitoblar sovg’a qilaman👇

So'zlashuv uchun: Lug'at
⚡️ Kundalik so‘zlar

1. What is it to you? - Senga nima?
2. What's the use of? - Nega? / Nima qizig'i bor?
3. What if I refuse? - Agar rad etsamchi?
4. What is going on (here)? - (Bu yerda) Nima bo'lyapdi?
5. Are you kidding? – Hazillashayapsanmi?
6. Why worry him? - Uni bezovta qilishning nima keragi bor?
6. Coming along? - Kelayapsanmi?
7. Make yourself clear. – Aniqroq gapiring.
8. So what? - Nima qilibdi? Xo'sh, nima bo'libdi (bo'pti)?
9. Surely you can see that. - Nahotki buni tushunmayotgan bo'lsang?
10. Get it? - Tushundingmi?
11. No fooling? - Rostdanmi? / Aldamayapsanmi?
12. So what's the hitch? - Xo'sh baxonang nima?
13. Are you nuts? - Sen g'alatimasmisan?
14. Can you manage it? - Eplay olasanmi?
15. How's that? - Buni qanday tushuntirish mumkin?
16. Is that where you were? - Ha, bu yerda ekansizku?
17. Why is it ...? - Nega bu ..,?
18. Are you out of your mind? - Esing joyidami?

️️️📡 @ingliztilitv

Why are trees buried in the earth in winter?
  •   For hot
  •   For cold
  •   For rain
74 голосов

Trees are grown by ....
  •   Pilot
  •   Gardener
  •   Swimmer
75 голосов

I bought 1 kilo peaches, 2 kilo cherries, half kilo grapes. How much money did I spend? Peach - 5000 Cherry - 12000 Grapes 30000
  •   19000
  •   44000
  •   66000
69 голосов

Which one is bigger
  •   Almond
  •   Pineapple
  •   Nut
75 голосов

Which fruit doesnt ripe in Uzbekistan?
  •   Nut
  •   Almond
  •   Pineapple
75 голосов

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️️️📡 @ingliztilitv

🗣 Reading (o'qish) mahoratingizni oshiring

Bread can be considered as important part of Uzbek culture. Uzbekistan is called as country of breads. At mealtime, bread will be spread to cover entire dusterhon. Traditional Uzbek bread, "tandir non", is flat and round. It is always torn by hand, never placed upside down, and never thrown out.
"Choyxona" or teahouse is the focal point of the neighborhood's men. It is always shaded and if possible located near a stream. Usually friends gather in Choyxona and make national meal which called "Palov". I can give so more information about rich culture and traditions of Uzbeks' but time is limited.
In sum up, Uzbekistan will be prosperous forever and their young will do their best for its prosperity. It is believed young's of Uzbekistan are the wings of country and how will high flight this country depends from the strength of wings. If be exactly from a young generation. We promise that Uzbekistan will flight high. I went east, west, south and north, but I have never found a place better than my motherland. The air that my great ancestors breathed. The water that cured diseases that was said it was incurable, and the land which carries great secrets of the past. My motherland is Uzbekistan the country which shook the world with it might and power. In my motherland children my age and other ages are no less and never were. They are the most active and the most intelligent children of this century and the century after that. If we want to be champion we will be champion we just need to have an intention and self-trust to be unstoppable. In the same time we must thank our president and our ancestor for bringing us to this peaceful and adequate time. Many years our ancestors fought for this freedom right now we have, so their generation or us to live in this type of great atmosphere. Many years of hard work showed its result.
Abu Ali Ibn Sino, Mirzo Ulugbek, Abu Rayhon Beruniy, Khorazimy, Abu Nasr Farobiy and other of the greatest pioneers, astronomers, mathematicians, physicians, philosophers and so on. Their love for knowledge made them write about their discoveries and the books which they wrote on papers are really precious like every page of their book is made out of gold. If I would take Mirzo Ulugbek (1394-1449) as an example he opened the secret to stars by building the first observatory in Samarkand. Our ancestor, Mirzo Ulugbek. spended most of his life in the observatory studying stars [1, 155].

️️️📡 @ingliztilitv

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▶️ Ingliz tili 0dan: 202-dars.

🔥 Ingliz tilini noldan o'rganishni boshlaganlar uchun sodda va tushunishga oson darslar.

📡 @ingliztilitv

🗣 Reading (o'qish) mahoratingizni oshiring

My motherland Uzbekistan is sunny and very beautiful in the world and I love my country. I just can compare it with paradise because there is nothing more like it.
The Republic of Uzbekistan declared September 1, 1991 the Day of Independence. The new country appeared on world map and its priorities were to establish a free democratic society and to develop a market economy. The Republic has been recognized by more than 165 countries and diplomatic relations have been established with more than 120. The embassies of more than 40 countries and many authorized international non-governmental agencies have set up their offices in Tashkent. The embassies of Uzbekistan operate in 25 countries of the world and its consulates 10 countries. The country joined the UN in March 1992 [1, 142].
There are many beautiful and attractive places in the world, Uzbekistan can be considered as one of them. Uzbekistan situated at the center of Central Asia and bordered with five neighbors Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is prosperous one among them. In Uzbekistan, different nations live in peace and friendship. Uzbekistan is famous, in the world, for its hospitality and friendship. It is believed that the person who was born even in desert would say that it is paradise because it is his or her motherland.
We can speak about a great culture of Uzbeks' without stopping. The culture and traditions of Uzbeks' was known as a great one from history. If anybody has any doubt about it, them enough to be once in Uzbekistan and visit Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.
One can be agree with me that people in Uzbekistan take care about each other. They respect each other and you can feel it in their speech. As example, you never hear as two well behaved people speak to each other with word "you". They instead of it use "Aka" or "Opa" it means brother and sister. Elders are respected in Uzbek culture. At the table, younger guest will not make themselves more comfortable than their elders. The younger person should always greet the elder one first. Men typically greet each other with a handshake, the left hand held over the heart. Women place their right hand on the other's elbow. If they are close friend or relatives, they may kiss each other on the cheeks. If two acquaintances meet on the street, they will usually ask each other how their affairs are. If the two don't know each other well, the greeting will be shorter, or could involve just a nod.

️️️📡 @ingliztilitv

Which fruit is blossom in first?
  •   Nut
  •   Apple
  •   Almond
24 голосов

Which is bitter?
  •   Melon
  •   Pea
  •   Chili Pepper
93 голосов

In uzbek weddings have ....
  •   Pea soup
  •   Fast food
  •   Palov
206 голосов

Meals are made in the ...
  •   Kitchen
  •   Living room
  •   Bath
146 голосов

Palov is made of .....
  •   Rice,sugar,salt,meat,oil,carrot,onion
  •   Rice,salt,meat,oil,onion,water
  •   Rice,pasta,salt,water,onion,carrot
27 голосов

Palov was first made by ....
  •   Amir temur
  •   Ibn sino
  •   Z.M. Bobur
118 голосов

I eat mastava with ....
  •   Knife
  •   Fork
  •   Spoon
54 голосов

I peel the fruit with ....
  •   Knife
  •   Fork
  •   Spoon
65 голосов

My meal is very salty. Please , give me the .....
  •   Tea
  •   Salt
  •   Sugar
62 голосов

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