Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Английский
Категория: Лингвистика

🗣 Band 9.0 Writing and Speaking Samples
⚡️IELTS 9.0 (W8.5x3, S9.0x3)
💥 For speaking and writing marathons: @speaking_marathon_admin

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Гео и язык канала
Узбекистан, Английский
Фильтр публикаций

Alouddin also completed my IELTS standard course. After this course, he also studied in the IELTS practice course:)

✍️ WRITING 6.5

Congratulations, Alouddin


Sirojiddin completed my IELTS standard course. We were a bit worried about his reading score before the test but his listening and speaking scores made up for it:)

✍️ WRITING 6.5

Congratulations, Sirojiddin



The mini-writing course will start TOMORROW

You can still sign up for the course.

O'zbek tilida yozish kurslarimizga keyinroq start beriladi, lekin IELTS writing kurslarimiz shu hafta oxirida boshlanadi.
Kursga hali qabul davom etyapti

More info

Репост из: Books I’ve read in 2025
Kitobni o’qib tugatdim.

Kitob yozda yog’gan yomg’ir kabi, o’quvchining sahrodek bir biridan qiziq voqealarga tashna xohishini qondirmaydi. Kitob boshidan oxirigacha bir odamning ‘qilmishiga qidirmish’ini kutib o’qiladi.

Rating: 3.3/5.0


By popular demand, I decided to run a mini-writing course.

Here’s some details:
My writing task 1 and 2 pre-recorded lessons will be provided
✅10 pieces of homework will be checked in total
✅Feedback will be provided by myself
✅We’ll have at least 1 live session once a week(maybe more) to discuss the most common mistakes in your essays
✅Grammar exercises will be provided
✅Only 20-25 students will be accepted
✅Duration 4 weeks
Price: 400,000 UZS
✅You will keep everything after the course

Note that there will be live sessions only once or twice a week. You will learn most of the content through pre-recorded lessons and feedback.

Payment card: 5614681812034217 - Jurabek Sanokulov.

Send the receipt 🧾 to @speaking_marathon_admin once you make the payment.

The course starts by the end of this week.

If the sky is clear, go outside to watch Venus, Moon and Jupiter:)

11.4k 0 10 12 136

Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Venus - Moon - Jupiter with Aldebaran

10.9k 0 31 37 134

Overall, the university ground floor had been enlarged with the introduction of several new facilities. Some of these developments, however, came at the expense of green areas.

In 1980, the university had a simpler appearance. There was a conjunction in the middle, with the main entrance to the North, leading to the university ground floor. Along the corridor, there were an office and library to the right, the opposite of which was the seminar room 1. Further from these, there were seminar rooms 2 and 3 facing each other while the green area was located outside in the North-East corner.

By 2010, the university had changed significantly. While the conjunction and the main entrance remained intact, a new car park was constructed near the entrance. The seminar rooms 1, 2, and 3 also did not change but the office was enlarged at the expense ofthe library. New seminar rooms 4 and 5 were other additions to the ground floor. Other alterationsincluded the relocation of the library to outside with a newly-built IT center, which resulted in the disappearance of the leafy environment.
Band 7.0-7.5


12.2k 0 223 47 122

O’zbekcha yozishga qo’lim ancha kelishib qolibti:)

Репост из: Books I’ve read in 2025
Kitobni hozirgina tugatdim.

‘Ufq’ trilogiyasining birinchi kitobi 'Qirq besh kun'da voqealar rivoji asosan sekinlik bilan borsa, ikkinchi kitobda yozuvchi o'quvchini birdaniga turfa xil taqdirlarga to'la o'tga yulqib uloqtiradi. Kitobga nisbatan iliqlik va shu bilan birga sovuqlik hissini o'quvchida shakllanishiga hissa qo'shuvchi bir jihat bu yozuvchining hech qaysi qahramonga rahm qilmasligidur. Hamma azoblanadi. Hamma kuyadi. Qahramonlar ham, o'quvchi ham, va balki yozuvchi ham.

Yozuvchining mahoratini ko'rsatadigan yana bir unsur bu qochoq antitezasining ishlatilishidir.

Quyida bu antitezani o’z so’zlarim bilan oddiyroq yoritishga harakat qildim:

Tursunboy - qochoq! Ota onasini xorlikda tashlab, nomardlarcha hammadan yashirinib o'lgan qochoq. Hamma uni yomon ko'radi, otasi va onasidan boshqa. Nizomjon - qochoq! Otasi va akasining qilmishlari uchun badal to'lashga majbur bo'lib, o'z uyiga sig'magan va bu 'ayb'ini mehnat bilan xalqqa xizmat bilan yuvishni xohlagan qochoq. Hamma uni yaxshi ko'radi, otasidan boshqa.

Tursunboy personasini yoritib beradigan kitobdagi ikkita ta’rif:

U Tursunboyni tabiat yanglish yaratgan, tabiat odamlarni masxara gilish uchun, odamlarni hagorat gilish uchun yaratgan bir narsa deb bilardi.

Uning go’ri ham boshqalarinikiga o’xshamasdi. Go’ri ketmon bilan emas, qo’ltiqtayoq bilan qazilardi.


I’m planning new reading and writing courses.

Kurs vaqtlari qaysi vaqtga qo’ysa qulayroq?(Ramazon oyini hisobga olgan holda)

15.3k 0 13 131 251

I never thought writing in Uzbek would be so difficult 😆

Репост из: Books I’ve read in 2025
Kitobni tugatdim.
Taassurotlar turfa xil.

Kitob Farg’ona kanali qurilishini bir qaharamon - Azizxon - nihogida so’zlab beradi. Kitobda Said Ahmadning hikoyanavislik mahorati bazan qayg’uga va bazan yumorga boy tasvirlarida sezilib turadi.

Shubhasiz, ‘Qirq Besh Kun’ romani o’zbek xalqining o’sha davrlardagi mehnatga bo’lgan fidoyiligi, og’ir sinovlardan o’tish jarayoni hamda qaysidur manoda sodda va go’lligi tasvirlangan.

O’quvchi kitobdagi qahramonliklardan g’urur hissini tuyushi tabiiy lekin Farg’ona kanali qurilishi SSSRning O’rta Osiyoni paxta mustamlakasiga aylantirish uchun O’zbek xalqini ekapluatatsiya qilinishidan boshqa narsa emas edi. Kitobdan shunga bo’lgan ishora yoxud kinoya kutgan edim lekin menimcha yozuvchi buni o’quvchining o’z fahmiga qo’yib bera qolganga o’xshaydi.

Quyida kitobdagi o’zim uchun esimda qolgan ta’sirli tasvirlarni o’qishingiz mumkin:

Ikromjonning yuragi shig’ etib ketti.
-nima?.. Tinchlikmi o’zi? - Ikromjon jur’atsizlik bilan sekin so’radi. - Ayang o’zi tinchmi.
-Tinchlar. Ukamni Ummatali amakim bilan qo’shnilar ko’mib kelishdi.


Akbarali yo'ldan to xtadi. Beixtiyor go'llari ot yolini silashga uzatildi. Qon hidi anqib turgan qo’ldan ot boshini tortib silkindi.


15.5k 0 11 54 103

Husnora studied in the IELTS practice group and aced the test in style. I don’t claim much credit for her achievement, but I’m glad I could help.

✍️ WRITING 6.0

Congratulations, Husnora congrats 🎊🎈



Rayhona completed my IELTS standard and IELTS practice courses studying a total of 4 months in our learning center. Although she’s a bit disappointed with her results, I’m super happy to have helped her achieve this.

✍️ WRITING 6.5

Congratulations, Rayhona:).


11.6k 0 25 61 207


They dont make songs like this anymore

Показано 20 последних публикаций.