IELTS Centre

Гео и язык канала: Узбекистан, Узбекский
Категория: Лингвистика

IELTS imtihoniga oid kerakli materiallar, foydali maslahatlar va yangiliklar berib boriladi.
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Узбекистан, Узбекский
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A daily dose of reading vocabulary from ELS📚

English Through Reading kitobini ko'pchilik yaxshi biladi. Bu kitob reading comprehension va vocabularyni yaxshilash uchun mos keladigan kitob. Bu kitobda berilgan textlarni so'zlarini tarjima qilib sizga ulashishga qaror qildim.

Passage 1: Best recruiting agents

- Situation - ish (asosiy ma'nosi vaziyat)

- per annum - har yil

- wages - ish xaqi

- circulate - aylanmoq

- attic - cherdak

- recruiting - yangi xodimlarni qidirish

- desperately - juda

- pioneer - ilg'or odam (kashshof)

- prospects - istiqbollari

- overseas - xorijda

- free - tekin

- assisted - yordam berilgan

- passage - o'tish (bir joydan boshqa joyga o'tish)

Textni yaxshilab o'qing va so'zlarni tarjimasini ko'rib chiqing.

🏢 @ielts_centre

Hadeb Cambridge kitoblarini o'qishdan zerikdingizmi? 😉

Unda sizga bitta zo'r tavsiyam bor!

Read and understand kitoblar to'plami (jami 4 ta kitob) 📚 reading comprehension va vocabulary oshirish uchun foydali bo'lgan qo'llanmalar hisoblanadi. Agar sizga cambridge practicedan tashqari reading materiallar kerak bo'lsa, ushbu qo'llanmalarni tavsiya etaman.

Quyida ushbu kitoblarni 4 ta to'plamini yuborib qo'yamiz.👇

🏢 @ielts_centre

Reading oid foydali maslahatlar📚

- Agar sizning ingiliz tili darajangiz pre-intermediate oxiri yoki intermediateni boshida bo'lsa, u holda so'z yodlang va faqat passage one (True, False, Not Given va sentence completion) savollarini ishlab textni analiz qiling.

- Agar darajangiz intermediate oxiri yoki upper-intermediateni boshida bo'lsa, passage 2 ishlab, textni analiz qiling.

- Reading mockdan 6.5 yoki undan yuqori natija chiqadigan bo'lsa, vaqt qo'ymasdan passage 3 ni ishlashni o'rganing.

Foydali bo’lgan bo’lsa, reaksiyalaringizni kutamiz. 🔥

🏢 @ielts_centre

Ingliz tilida ob-havoni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladigan ba'zi eng foydali so'zlar ro'yhati;

- Sunny - quyoshli ☀️

- Cloudy - bulutli ☁️

- Rainy - yomg'irli 🌧

- Snowy - qorli ❄️

- Windy - shamolli 💨

- Foggy - tumanli 🌫

- Stormy - bo'ronli 🌪

- Humid - nam 💧

- Dry - quruq ☂️

- Hot - issiq 🔥

- Cold - sovuq ☃️

- Overcast - bulutli ☁️

- Hailstorm - do'l b'oroni ⛈

- Thunderstorm - momaqaldiroq⚡️

- Tornado - tornado🌪

🏢 @ielts_centre

3 MAIN REASONS why people fail in IELTS reading 📕📚

1. Fail to identify which section should be attempted first.

2. Fail to identify which type of questions should be attempted first.

3. Read every word and sentence.

🏢 @ielts_centre

HOMOPHONES nimaligini bilasizmi?🤔🤔🤔

male🧑‍🦱 — mail 💌

see 🧐 — sea 🌊

pair 👭 — pear 🍐

write ✍️ — right 👍

deer 🦌 — dear 😇

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELTS Vocabulary: Cities and infrastructure 🏬

🌟 Innovations
– new ideas or things;
(yangi g’oya va narsalar)

Mobile computing was one of the great innovations of the last ten years.
Mobil hisoblash so'nggi o'n yillikning eng katta yangiliklaridan biri edi.

🌟 Outdated – old-fashioned and not relevant today;

I find that our political are very outdated these days.
Menimcha, bugungi kunda bizning siyosatimiz juda eskirgan.

🌟 Urban sprawl – the situation where a city expands and building are constructed without control and laws;
(shaharlarning kengayishi)

Urban sprawls have resulted in the rapid expansion of many Asian cities, with resulting damage to the environment.
Shaharlarning kengayishi natijasida ko'plab Osiyo shaharlari tez kengayib, atrof -muhitga zarar yetdi.

🌟 Overcrowding – a situation where too many people try to live in one place;
(haddan tashqari ko’p odamlar)

Hong Kong has managed its overcrowding problem very skillfully.
Gonkong haddan tashqari to'lib toshgan odamlar muammosini juda mohirona hal qildi.

🌟 Conurbations – very large cities which have absorbed other towns;
(boshqa shaharlarni o'zlashtirgan juda katta shaharlar)

Sao Paolo is a huge conurbation in Brazil and it is still expanding.
San -Paolo - Braziliyadagi ulkan konurbatsiya va u hali ham kengayib bormoqda.

🌟 Congestion – situation of too many traffic, causing delays;

I have to leave home very early in the morning, because of the congestion on the way to my college.
Men kollejga boradigan yo'lda tirbandlik bo'lgani uchun uydan juda erta chiqib ketishim kerak.

🏢 @ielts_centre

Men inglizcha GAPIRA OLMAYMAN! 😣

Agar siz mana shu bahona bilan, ingliz tilida gapirishdan qochayotgan bo'lsangiz, bu KATTA XATO! ❌

To'g'ri, ko'pchilik o'quvchilar ingliz tilida yaxshi gapira olishmaydi. Juda oddiy so'zlar bilan gapirashadi.

Lekin doim shuni o'ylab xavotirlanaversangiz, o'qituvchingiz yoki do'stlaringiz bilan speaking practice qilishdan qochaversangiz, siz HECH QACHON ingliz tilida RAVON gapira olmaysiz.

Bu gaplarim balkim ko'nglizga og'ir botar, ammo haqiqat shundaki ingliz tilida oddiy va sodda bo'lsada gapirmasdan turib, mukammal gapirishni o'rganib bo'lmaydi.

Speakingni yaxshilash uchun avval ingliz tilini zo'r o'rganishingizni kutib tura olmaysiz.

Speakingda oddiy gapirmasdan turib, birdaniga zo'r gapirib keta olmaysiz. ☝️

Speakingda MUNTAZAM MASHG'ULOT mukammallikdan ustun! 👊

🏢 @ielts_centre

BAND 7 essay requirements

1. Answer all parts of the question

2. Present a clear position

3. Structure your essay

4. Use linking devices

5. Use a range of vocabulary

6. Use a range of grammatical structures correctly

7. Check your essay thoroughly

🏢 @ielts_centre

IELST Vocabulary: Global challenges 🌎🌍🌏

✅ Developing countries
– countries not generally considered to be fully developed yet;
(rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar)

Illiteracy is a huge challenge for developing countries to overcome.
Savodsizlik - rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar uchun eng katta qiyinchilik.

✅ Developed countries – countries considered to have advanced economies, industries and social infrastructure;
(rivojlangan mamlakatlar)

Developed countries contribute aid to those nations affected by famine.
Rivojlangan davlatlar ochlikdan aziyat chekkan davlatlarga yordam ko'rsatadilar.

✅ Livelihood – the way a person makes a living;

Many villagers sell handicrafts, as this is the only livelihood they can find.
Ko'p qishloq aholisi hunarmandchilik buyumlarini sotishadi, chunki bu ular uchun yagona tirikchilik.

✅ Civil war – war between inside a country;
(fuqoralar urushi)

It will take many years for our nation to recover from civil war of the 1990s.
90 -yillardagi fuqarolar urushidan xalqimizning tiklanishi uchun ko'p yillar kerak bo'ladi.

✅ To migrate – to move permanently between countries;
(ko’chib o’tish)

Migration within in the Eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present.
Yevropa hududidagi migratsiya hozirda juda munozarali masala.

✅ Longevity – the tendency to have a long life expectancy;
(uzoq umr ko’rish)

Japanese people have perhaps the highest longevity in the world.
Yaponlar, ehtimol dunyodagi eng uzoq umr ko'radigan odamlardir.

🏢 @ielts_centre

Grammar Time ⏳⏳⏳

Would rather, had better

a) we use would rather ( not ) + infinitive without to to express a preference.

I would rather (not) stay out late tonight.
Men bugun kechqurun tashqarida qolishni afzal ko'raman.

b) we use would rather + subject + past simple to say we would prefer a situation to be different .

She would rather her bedroom had bigger windows.
U yotoqxonasining derazalari kattaroq bo'lishini afzal ko'radi.

c) we use had better + infinitive without to to say what we or somebody else should do.

I / You had better go straight home — it's 2pm.
Men / Siz to'g'ridan-to'g'ri uyga qaytganingiz ma'qul - soat 14:00.

🏢 @ielts_centre

3 MAIN REASONS why people fail in IELTS reading 📕📚

1. Fail to identify which section should be attempted first.

2. Fail to identify which type of questions should be attempted first.

3. Read every word and sentence.

🏢 @ielts_centre


Being aware of formal register can help you identify the context. Formal terms used in announcements include :

adjacent to ( next to )

due to ( because of )

prior to ( before )

beverages ( drinks )

to commence ( to begin )

to depart (to leave )

to proceed to ( to go to )

to purchase (to buy )

refreshments ( food and drink )

to terminate ( to end )

🏢 @ielts_centre

Ingliz tilida ob-havoni tasvirlash uchun ishlatiladigan ba'zi eng foydali so'zlar ro'yhati;

- Sunny - quyoshli ☀️

- Cloudy - bulutli ☁️

- Rainy - yomg'irli 🌧

- Snowy - qorli ❄️

- Windy - shamolli 💨

- Foggy - tumanli 🌫

- Stormy - bo'ronli 🌪

- Humid - nam 💧

- Dry - quruq ☂️

- Hot - issiq 🔥

- Cold - sovuq ☃️

- Overcast - bulutli ☁️

- Hailstorm - do'l b'oroni ⛈

- Thunderstorm - momaqaldiroq⚡️

- Tornado - tornado🌪

🏢 @ielts_centre

Hammaga salom.👋👋👋

Speaking va writingda Instead (of)
bog’lovchi birikmasi quyidagi holatlarida ishlatish mumkin.

1) Factlarni tasvirlaganda masalan:

These days, more and more people work from home instead of going to an office.

2) O’zgaruvchi trendlarni tasvirlaganda masalan:

It used to be very common to write letters, but now people tend to send emails instead.

3) Shaxsiy fikr berganda masalan:

It would be a good idea if schools had more continuous assessment, instead of testing children too much.

🏢 @ielts_centre

Vocabulary time

Bugungi so’zlar avtomobil va yo’llar bilan bog’liq 🚖🚘

road junction - yo'l chorrahasi

a bend - qayrilish

pedestrian crossing - piyodalar o'tish yo'lagi

road signs - yo'l belgilari

speed limit - cheklangan tezlik

motorway - tez yurar avtomobil yo'li

slow lane - yo’lning sekin xarakatlanish bo’lagi (polosa)

fast lane - yo’lning tez xarakatlanish bo’lagi (polosa)

pedestrian - piyoda

pavement - piyodalar yo'li (trotuar)

approach - yaqinlashmoq

brake - mashinani to'xtatmoq

swerve - boshqaruvni yo'qotmoq

🏢 @ielts_centre

Показано 20 последних публикаций.